270 Lincoln Hall
702 South Wright Street
Urbana, IL 61801
(217) 333-1705The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) has four missions: scholarly inquiry and the generation of knowledge, preparation of individuals for an array of careers and professions, service to the public, and the provision of the intellectual core of the University. The college shares the first three missions with professional schools and other colleges on this campus, but the last mission is uniquely the responsibility of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. By fulfilling this responsibility, the college helps develop broadly educated individuals who are committed to or characterized by open inquiry, critical thinking, effective communication, and responsiveness to the needs of individuals and society.
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is the largest individual college within a university setting in the state of Illinois. The college enrolls more than 40 percent of the undergraduates on the Urbana-Champaign campus. The college serves the entire campus by providing a full range of required general education and service courses in basic disciplines.
Students in the college are expected to understand the content and develop skills in areas that reflect the overall purpose of the college: fluency and facility in English; literacy in at least one foreign language; broad exposure to a number of different disciplines; and intensive study in one discipline (or an interdisciplinary program). The student has a wide choice of courses to satisfy these requirements; however, ultimately he or she must plan a diverse and intensive program of study, prepare for an occupational/professional and intellectual future, and develop that clarity and range of mind that is the goal of educated people.
The general admission requirements and procedures of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences are outlined in the Admission chapter (see page 15). These requirements were established to enable students admitted here to make the most effective use of the facilities of the University. The requirements should ensure that entering students have the capability of completing a degree program successfully.
The high school subjects required for admission provide a reasonably rigorous preparation for most students. The college nonetheless urges prospective students to build on the minimum requirements whenever possible. In the study of foreign language, for example, successful completion of four years of a single language in secondary school will satisfy the College graduation requirement in foreign language so students should include as much foreign language as possible in their secondary school program.
Academic advising is a critical resource for students in developing a program of study. Especially on a large campus, a continuing, committed association with a faculty member can be a valuable and rewarding part of the student's educational experience. Advisers are available to aid students in choosing majors, planning for career choices, and selecting courses for each semester. All students in degree programs in the college have academic advisers available in their major departments. In addition, the assistant and associate deans in the college assist students in handling a variety of problems and questions.
In order to simplify minor changes in course selections, a student who has successfully completed at least 30 semester hours of course work and who understands the requirements of the college and the University may choose courses without obtaining approval from an academic adviser unless informed otherwise by the college. A student does need to obtain approval from an adviser for a number of arrangements, including a formal plan of study for the major and the election of the credit-no credit grading option. A student may be requested by the college office to obtain approval from an adviser and/or the dean for all course changes under certain circumstances. It is very important for advanced students to confer with advisers on a regular basis; therefore, the college encourages all students to consult with their academic advisers at least once each semester.
One particular resource for a student in the college who has not decided on a plan of study is the General Curriculum. The General Curriculum is an advising center for students who want to investigate a variety of subjects before selecting their majors or who have decided on programs that require transfer at the sophomore or junior level. The General Curriculum is not a degree program and does not serve as a formal program of study. Entering freshmen and continuing students with less than 45 semester hours of credit may elect to enter the General Curriculum and may remain in the program until they complete 56 academic semester hours. The office provides individual advising; group orientation sessions; and printed materials describing majors, curricula, and many career opportunities. Students in the General Curriculum are LAS students and must follow LAS policies and regulations. The General Curriculum Office serves as the college office for students in the program.
Another special resource in the college is qualified advising for students who are interested in law school. An assistant dean in the LAS Student Affairs Office (270 Lincoln Hall) counsels students who have declared a prelaw interest. All such students are encouraged to consult the prelaw adviser. Students preparing for law school may elect any major. To obtain a handbook on prelaw advising, contact the prelaw adviser at 270 Lincoln Hall. See also Preprofessional Programs.
Graduation Requirements
A degree can be earned by completing the requirements for either a Sciences and Letters curriculum or one of the specialized curricula. A student completing the Sciences and Letters Curriculum receives the degree of bachelor of arts or bachelor of science in liberal arts and sciences, depending on the student's major. A student electing one of the majors in the physical sciences, life sciences, psychology, mathematics or statistics will receive the bachelor of science degree. A student in any of the other majors will receive the bachelor of arts degree.
The Sciences and Letters Curriculum consists of several distinct parts, all of which are considered by the college to be necessary for a liberal education. Below is an outline of the components of the degree program. A detailed discussion of each component follows.
HOURS REQUIREMENT EXPLANATION 4-6 ENGLISH1 Composition I: RHET 105, SPCOM 111, and 112; or equivalent 3 Composition II1: one course designated as meeting the campus Composition II requirements 0-16 FOREIGN LANGUAGE Completion of the fourth semester or equivalent of a language is required. (Completion of four years of a single language in high school satisfies this requirement.) 30 GENERAL EDUCATION2 Ten courses (at least 30 hours), including at least five in Area I (generally subjects in the arts and social sciences) and at least five in Area ll (generally subjects related to the sciences) Area I
Literature and the arts 1-2 courses Historical and philosophical perspectives 1-2 courses Social perspectives 1-2 courses Non-Western cultures and traditions 1 course U.S. Minority Cultures 0-1 course Minimum of 5 coursesArea II
Physical science 1-2 courses Biological science 1-2 courses Behavioral science 1-2 courses Mathematics 1-2 courses (will satisfy Quantitative Reasoning I) Minimum of 5 courses40-60 MAJOR See requirements of majors beginning on page 137. Normally, courses for the major must be chosen in consultation with the departmental adviser. A 2.0 grade-point average in the major is required for graduation. At least 12 advanced hours in the core for the major must be taken on this campus. ADVANCED
HOURSThe courses for the degree program must include at least 21 hours of courses designated as advanced (i.e., all 300-level courses and a few specially designated 200-level courses). Enough
to total
at least
120 hoursELECTIVES Courses freely chosen (and not counting toward completion of the requirements above) subject only to the restriction that no 120 hours more than 24 hours may be outside LAS. RESIDENCE First 90 hours or last 30 hours on this campus. Last 60 hours at a 4-year school. At least 12 advanced hours in the core for the major must be taken on this campus. At least
120 hoursTOTAL FOR THE DEGREE 1. The Composition II requirement is a campus requirement effective for new freshmen and transfer students entering the University in fall 1991 or later. See page 41 for more information.
2. The Campus Senate, the faculty General Education Board, and the colleges and departments are working to implement enhanced general education requirements. Thus, new students should confirm their general education requirements by consulting college and departmental offices, handbooks, or advisers.
The ability to write effectively is a cornerstone of a liberal education. All students in the Sciences and Letters Curriculum must satisfy the campus rhetoric requirement. See page 41 for a statement of the requirement. Students are strongly encouraged to include additional writing courses in their programs whenever possible.
Each student in the Sciences and Letters Curriculum is expected to learn a foreign language in the undergraduate program. A minimum expectation is that the student obtain a knowledge equivalent to the completion of the fourth semester of college study in a language. Some programs may require additional study or the study of a specific language. A student planning on graduate study may wish to consult the department of intended graduate study about language requirements for the graduate program. This may dictate the student's choice of language study during undergraduate work. The foreign language requirement may be met in any of the following ways:
1. Satisfactory completion of four years of the same foreign language in high school;
2. Satisfactory completion of the fourth-semester level of a language in college;
3. Satisfactory completion of the third-semester level in each of two languages by any combination of high school and college work;
4. Satisfactory performance at the fourth-semester level in a language proficiency examination approved by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the appropriate department.
General education courses are the foundation vehicle for the college's unique mandate: the provision of the intellectual core of undergraduate study at the University. Through these required courses, each student in the college is expected to obtain an understanding of the ways in which knowledge is acquired and used in the diverse disciplines represented by the University's curricula. The graduate must have some acquaintance with literature and the arts, history, philosophical inquiry, and the insights and techniques of the social sciences, as well as the aims and methods of the natural sciences.
Students are therefore required to complete broadly distributed course work in two general areas: one in the arts and social sciences, the other in mathematics and the sciences. Students must take at least ten courses: five in Area I (arts and social sciences) and five in Area II (mathematics and science). The specific list of the distribution of courses is given in Components of the Curriculum, page 129. Current lists of courses approved for each of the general education categories may be obtained in the LAS Student Affairs Office, 270 Lincoln Hall, during early registration or may be viewed on the LAS homepage,
The LAS general education requirements are set up so that students automatically complete the campus general education requirements. The exceptions to this are the campus Composition II and western cultures requirements which must also be completed.
The LAS general education categories and their purposes are briefly described below, together with an abbreviated listing of some of the disciplines from which courses for these categories are drawn.
Literature and the Arts. To consider the literary, visual, and performing arts as aesthetic or creative achievements. (English, language departments, art history, music)
Historical and Philosophical Perspectives. To understand both the events and ideas of the past, thus acquiring a fresh perspective on the present; to understand the major philosophical issues that confront human beings. (Classical civilization, history, philosophy, religious studies)
Social Perspectives. To acquire an understanding of social contexts and institutions. (Anthropology, economics, geography, political science, sociology)
Non-Western Cultures and Traditions. To attain a broad awareness of the values and traditions of people from different cultures. (African studies, anthropology, Asian studies, history, religious studies)
U.S. Minority Cultures. To provide deepened understanding and appreciation of significant aspects of cultural traditions outside the dominant cultural tradition of the United States.
Physical Sciences. To comprehend the major aspects of the physical world and to become conversant with the nature of scientific inquiry. (Astronomy, chemistry, geography, geology, physics)
Biological Sciences. To consider the structure and function of life forms, their ecological or their evolutionary relationships, and their importance to the human community. (Anthropology; biology; ecology, ethology, and evolution; entomology; microbiology; physiology; psychology)
Behavioral Sciences. To study individual human behavior. (Psychology)
Mathematics. To study a substantial mathematical endeavor or to explore the scientific and humanistic import of mathematics. (Mathematics, computer science, statistics)
Students are urged to consult with their advisers regarding the choice of courses to complement their programs and to meet educational objectives. Some of the approved courses have prerequisites.
-The credit-no credit option may not be used for courses that satisfy general education requirements.
-There are no limits on the number of courses from a single department that may be used to satisfy the requirements.
-Courses taken to satisfy major requirements may also be used to satisfy general education requirements provided they are on current general education lists.
-A student who successfully completes a College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) general examination in an area of study, using University of Illinois standards, will receive a waiver of the requirement in that area and, in certain cases, course credit. See the LAS Student Handbook for details.
-Students who receive college credit for Advanced Placement (AP) work will find that some course credit generally will apply toward the relevant requirement. For example, AP scores of 4 or 5 in English Literature will provide 3 semester hours of credit in English 103 and, therefore, count toward the requirement for literature and the arts. See page 32 for current credit policies for AP examinations.
-Similarly, proficiency credit received through a department's own testing program may be used to satisfy general education requirements.
-Students planning to study in specialized curricula or in teacher education curricula will be subject to the requirements as indicated elsewhere in this catalog rather than the above requirements.
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences requires in-depth study in one discipline as well as substantial experience in a number of other areas. This portion of the student's program of study is called the major. A minor constitutes a coherent program of study requiring some depth in the subject, but not as extensive a program as the major. Minors are optional.
A liberal arts program requires study in a number of areas (general education requirements) and study in some depth. Thus, each student is expected to complete a minimum portion of the undergraduate program in courses that presume some prior knowledge of the discipline. A course is considered advanced if it presumes such prior knowledge as indicated by the faculty (specially designated 200-level courses), by the course number (most courses numbered 300 or above), by the prerequisites necessary for enrollment in the course, or by the quality and depth of work expected of students in the course. All students in the Sciences and Letters Curriculum are expected to complete at least 21 hours of courses designated as advanced by the college in order to graduate. All such courses must be taken at baccalaureate-granting institutions. At least 12 advanced hours in the core for the major must be taken on this campus. Courses designated as advanced are those courses numbered 300 or above and those 200-level courses that are specially designated as advanced. A list of such advanced 200-level courses may be found in the LAS Student Handbook.
Most liberal arts majors allow time in the student's program for a number of courses chosen freely from among the University's offerings. These courses, called electives, may be used to prepare for professional study, to prepare for business and career opportunities, or simply to explore additional interests. In addition to all courses used to fulfill the minimum graduation requirements of the college (rhetoric, foreign language, general education, and major), a student following a major may use as electives:
-Courses offered by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences;
-Courses offered by departments and schools in other colleges of the University that sponsor majors in LAS [art (excluding applied art courses), computer science, economics, finance, music (excluding applied music courses), or physics];
-A maximum of 24 hours (to be counted toward graduation) of courses not included in either of the above, that is, courses offered by departments and schools in other colleges on campus. Examples of courses in this category are accounting, business administration, engineering, applied art courses, and applied music courses.
Undergraduate students of high academic standing (i.e., a 3.0 grade-point average or higher in courses taken beyond the sophomore level) within ten semester hours of earning their bachelor's degrees may elect courses in the Graduate College for graduate credit with the consent of the dean of that college. Also, students with senior standing may petition the Graduate College for permission to elect graduate courses for undergraduate credit. Interested students should first consult the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 270 Lincoln Hall.
Students must satisfy the University residence requirement for graduation (page 40). They must complete on this campus, uninterrupted by work elsewhere, either the first three years (at least 90 hours of course work) or the last year (at least 30 hours). The hours must be applicable toward the degree sought. In addition, all students must earn 60 hours of course work at four-year (baccalaureate-granting) institutions after any work at community colleges. Students in the Sciences and Letters Curriculum are expected to earn at least 12 hours of credit in advanced courses in the core for the major on this campus (see Advanced Hours Requirement, above).
A total of 120 semester hours acceptable toward the degree is required for graduation in the Sciences and Letters Curriculum.
Students should be aware that there are several specific limitations on the amount of particular kinds of credit that may be used in the 120 hours: no repeated courses; no more than 24 elective hours outside the college, as discussed above; no more than 4 hours of credit in basic kinesiology courses; no more than 11 hours of credit in calculus and analytic geometry; no more than 12 hours of credit in basic physics; no more than 18 hours of credit in 100-level life science courses toward a School of Life Sciences major; no more than 9 hours of credit in basic rhetoric courses; no more than 10 hours of first- and second-year foreign language proficiency; no more than 24 hours of credit in aviation courses (must be from the pilot training curriculum); no more than 6 hours (200 and 300 level) of credit in ROTC courses; no more than 4 hours of credit in religious foundation courses; no more than 12 hours of credit in undergraduate open seminar (199 course); and no more than 18 hours of credit in independent study and 199 courses. See the LAS Student Handbook for details about the credit limitations in each of these areas.
Students matriculating at some college or university in June 1989 or later may not use credit in algebra (MATH 112 or equivalent) toward a baccalaureate degree in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. In addition, students in the programs requiring trigonometry for admission (e.g., the specialized curricula in chemical engineering, chemistry, and physics) may not use credit in trigonometry (MATH 114 or equivalent) toward an LAS degree. See the LAS Student Handbook for further details.
Areas of Study
The major consists of course work designated by the department and approved by the faculty of the college. Most majors will have a portion of the required course work in subjects relating to the major and supporting the major, but not chosen from courses in the major department; this is called the supporting course work. The major will have at least one-half of the course work selected or designated from courses numbered 200 and above.
The major should be chosen no later than the junior year. Since most majors require that the student choose courses in consultation with a faculty adviser, students should plan to discuss the major with a faculty adviser early in the junior year. In most cases, a student will be expected to submit to the LAS Student Affairs Office (270 Lincoln Hall) a Major Plan of Study Form (available at Departmental Offices) before the end of their fifth semester.
Students must take all course work for the minimum requirements of the major for a traditional letter grade (or on the satisfactory-unsatisfactory basis). The credit-no credit grading option may not be used for courses in the major.
The satisfactory completion of a major requires not only the completion of a stated amount of course work, but also that the student earn at least a 2.0 average in courses for the major. In order to graduate, a student should earn at least a 2.0 grade-point average in all courses that are included in the major average and taken on this campus and at least a 2.0 average in all courses that are included in the major average and taken here and elsewhere. Consult the department or the college office for a list of courses included in the major average for a specific concentration.
Each student is expected to complete a minimum amount of advanced course work for the major on this campus. Specifically, a student normally completes at least 12 hours of advanced core course work (course work within the major department) in the major on this campus. Bachelor degree programs are offered in the following areas:
Actuarial Science
Art History
Chemistry Option
Chemistry Teaching Option
Classical Archaeology Option
Classical Civilization Option
Classics Option
Greek Option
Latin Option
Comparative Literature
East Asian Languages and Cultures
English Option
English Teaching Option
French Studies Option
French Commercial Studies Option
General Human and
Physical Geography Option
Urban and Social Geography Option
The Physical Environment
(the Earth's Land and Biota) Option
Historical and Regional Studies Option
Natural Resources Evaluation Option
Economic Geography Option
Spatial Graphics and Analysis Options
Geology Option
Earth Science Teaching Option
Germanic Languages and Literatures
German And Commercial Studies Option
Language and Literature Option
Language Studies Option
Modern German Studies Option
Scandinavian Studies Option
History Option
Social Studies Teaching Option
American Civilization Option
Cinema Studies Option
History and Philosophy of Science Option
Medieval Civilization Option
Renaissance Studies Option
Individual Plans of Study
Latin American StudiesLife Sciences
Biology General
Biology Honors
Biology Teaching
Cell And Structural Biology
Ecology, Ethology, And Evolution
Molecular And Integrative Physiology
Plant Biology
General Linguistics Option
Hebrew Language and
Linguistics Option
Mathematics Option
Graduate Preparatory Option
Applied Mathematics Option
Operations Research Option
Mathematics Teaching Option
Mathematics and Computer Science
Ethnomusicology Option
Music History Option
Music Theory/Composition Option
Physics Option
Physics Teaching Option
Political Science
Religious Studies
Asian Religions Option
Biblical Studies Option
Christianity Option
Islam Option
Judaica Option
Philosophy of Religion Option
Religion and Culture Option
Creative Writing Option
Professional Writing Option
Russian and East European Studies
Russian Language and Literature
Speech Communication
Interpretation Option
Rhetorical and Communication
Theory Option
Speech Teaching Option
Statistics and Computer ScienceSPECIALIZED CURRICULA
Specialized curricula are designed for specific educational purposes which cannot be accommodated within the majors of the Sciences and Letters Curriculum. Specialized curricula are prescriptive programs that are offered as preprofessional study, preparation for graduate pursuits, or designed to meet the demands of an outside accrediting agency. Students in the specialized curricula are not eligible to receive minors.
Each specialized curriculum consists of a more rigidly structured course of study than that generally described for the sciences and letters majors.
Chemical Engineering
Geology and Geophysics
Geology Option
Geophysics Option
Environmental Geology Option
The College offers a formal system of minors which may be completed in conjunction with a major in the Sciences and Letters Curriculum. A minor is a coherent program of study (generally 18-24 hours) requiring some depth in the subject, but is not as extensive as the major. Students must take the specified courses listed for each minor. No course substitutions are allowed. Minors are optional but must be completed in conjunction with a major in the Sciences and Letters Curriculum. Some majors may allow use of a minor in place of other supporting course work.
While the minor does not replace other degree requirements, courses may be used both for the minor and to meet other degree requirements as appropriate. Students must see their records officer during the first semester of their senior year if they want to declare a minor. Students are advised to consult with the department offering the minor for information on the courses that will fulfill the requirements.
The following minors may be used only in conjunction with a major in the Sciences and Letters Curriculum.
There are several interdisciplinary areas in which scholarly needs or employment demands require recognition. In these areas, the college offers an interdisciplinary minor.
The interdisciplinary minor differs from the standard minor in that it may require attainment of a predetermined and approved grade-point average in the courses for the program and students are required to consult with an adviser regarding selection of course work.
African Studies
Afro-American Studies
Jewish Culture and Society
Latina/Latino Studies (minor currently being developed)
Latin American and Caribbean Studies
See also teaching options in Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Mathematics, Physics, Social Studies, and Speech listed above under majors.
Curriculum Preparatory page 146
to the Teaching of Computer Science
Curriculum Preparatory page 151
to the Teaching of French
Curriculum Preparatory page 157
to the Teaching of German
Curriculum Preparatory page 162
to the Teaching of Latin
Curriculum Preparatory page 181
to the Teaching of Russian
Curriculum Preparatory page 184
to the Teaching of Spanish TEACHER EDUCATION MINORS
Teacher education minors are available only to students seeking to add additional teaching fields to their teaching majors.
Biology page 140
Chemistry page 143
Cinema Studies page 143
Computer Science page 146
Earth Science page 146
English page 150
English as a Second Language page 150
French page 152
General Science page 152
German page 157
History page 159
Italian page 162Latin page 163
Mathematics page 172
Physical Science page 175
Physics page 177
Portuguese page 178
Psychology page 179
Rhetoric page 181
Russian page 183
Social Studies page 183
Spanish page 185
Speech page 186
Women's Studies page 187Combined Degree Programs
For a number of years, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the College of Engineering have jointly sponsored a five-year program leading to a B.A. or B.S. degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences and a B.S. degree in a field of engineering. The program allows motivated students to combine a professional engineering education with a broad liberal arts background. Students are required to complete all the degree requirements of both colleges.
Freshmen normally apply for entrance through the College of Engineering, but students who have applied to and been accepted by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences may be able to enter the program. All students must meet the entrance requirements of both colleges. In addition, they may be required to meet the intercollegiate transfer requirements of both colleges. For further information about the program, students should consult their college office.
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences together with the College of Commerce and Business Administration offers two joint-degree programs that lead to the degrees of B.A. or B.S. in Liberal Arts and Sciences and M.A.S. or M.B.A. Each program takes five years to complete. These programs allow students to complete master's programs in accounting or business administration while they provide students with the broad opportunities unique to a liberal arts program. Students interested in these opportunities should contact the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 270 Lincoln Hall for additional information and advising.
The B.A./B.S.-M.A.S. program is designed to enable the qualified student to earn both a bachelor's degree in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the Master of Accounting Science degree in five years rather than the normal six years. The program integrates an undergraduate education with a professional education without diluting the quality or purpose of either. Program objectives will be met primarily by the completion of courses during the student's fourth year that are simultaneously electives in the baccalaureate program and requirements for the M.A.S. degree. A student who is interested in the joint degree should contact a program adviser (in 270 Lincoln Hall) early in the initial year.
The program is open to all students in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences who meet the requirements below. In most cases, participants in the B.A./B.S.-M.A.S. program will complete their undergraduate majors by the end of the third year. As a consequence, some students will have to plan their course work carefully to meet their undergraduate educational objectives and to participate in the program; this will be particularly true for undergraduates whose majors require extensive sequential course work.
Because the B.A./B.S.-M.A.S. program is based on careful course selection and program planning, an interested student should consult with a B.A./B.S.-M.A.S. adviser during the first year at the University. The program's objectives and requirements will be explained so that the student, in consultation with his or her baccalaureate degree program adviser, may plan course work to meet both objectives.
A student who wishes to participate in the B.A./B.S.-M.A.S. program must make formal application by March 31 in the second semester of the junior year. To be eligible for consideration, the student must have at least a 3.25 cumulative grade-point average, with at least 96 hours of course work completed, and at least a score of 550 on the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT).
The B.A./B.S.-M.B.A. program is designed to enable the qualified student to earn both a bachelor's degree in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the Master of Business Administration degree in five years rather than the normal six years. The program integrates an undergraduate education in a field such as English, political science, or economics with a professional business education without diluting the quality or purpose of either. Program objectives will be met primarily by the completion of courses during the student's fourth year that are simultaneously electives in the baccalaureate program and requirements for the M.B.A. degree. A student who is interested in the joint degree should contact the program adviser (in 270 Lincoln Hall) early in the first year.
The program is open to all students in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences who meet the requirements below. In all cases, participants in the B.A./B.S.-M.B.A.program must complete their undergraduate majors by the end of the third year. As a consequence, some students will have to plan their course work carefully to meet their undergraduate educational objectives and to participate in the program; this will be particularly true for undergraduates whose majors require extensive sequential course work.
Since the B.A./B.S.-M.B.A. program is based on careful course selection and program planning, an interested student should consult with a B.A./B.S.-M.B.A. program adviser during the first year. The program's objectives and requirements will be explained so that the student, in consultation with his or her baccalaureate degree program adviser, may plan the course work to meet both objectives. A student who wishes to participate in the B.A./B.S.-M.B.A. program must make formal application by March 31 in the second semester of the junior year. To be eligible for consideration, the student must have at least a 3.0 cumulative grade-point average on the last 45 hours of course work completed, with at least 96 hours of course work completed by the beginning of the student's fourth year, and at least a score of 600 on the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT).
Two multidisciplinary majors are offered in the College. They are Latin American and Caribbean Studies (see page 163) and Russian and East European Studies (see page 182).
The following units do not have formal undergraduate degree programs; however, a major may be created through the Individual Plans of Studies program (IPS; see page 161) and faculty advisers from one of the units. The units assist students interested in their subjects and coordinate research efforts in these areas.
The Afro-American Studies and Research Program coordinates campus wide curricular, research, and programming activities that concentrate on the population of African descent in North America, and to a lesser extent on the rest of the hemisphere. The program integrates multidisciplinary curricular offerings from the social sciences and the humanities. Five core faculty work with forty faculty affiliates in departments in the Colleges of Liberal Arts and Sciences; Agriculture, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences; Communications; Education; Fine and Applied Arts; and Law. The Afro-American Studies office is located at 1201 W. Nevada, Urbana, IL 61801.
Atmospheric Sciences involves the application of physics, chemistry and mathematics to the study of problems ranging from the very small scale (formation of small aerosols and cloud particles, reactions between atmospheric gases) to regional scales (variations in local to regional weather, local air pollution) to global scales (changes in climate, changes in global chemistry and physics affecting the ozone layer). The broad spectrum of activities in the atmospheric sciences, including environmentally related studies, are represented by the education and research opportunities within the department.
Undergraduate course offerings include topics such as severe and unusual weather, climate and global change, atmospheric physics and chemistry, satellite and radar meteorology, weather analysis and forecasting, and several multidisciplinary courses intended for non-specialists including one which examines the role of interacting physical, biological, and human processes of the global Earth System in shaping the past, present, and future environments in Illinois. For more information, please contact the Department of Atmospheric Sciences, 101 Atmospheric Sciences Building, 105 S. Gregory, Urbana, IL 61801.
The Center for African Studies is concerned with all aspects of African affairs and cultures. The center sponsors instruction in African languages and cultures, offering a number of African studies courses each semester. Support for graduate students and arrangements for field experiences in Africa are also concerns of the center. The Center for African Studies is located at 210 International Studies Building, 910 South Fifth Street, Champaign, IL 61820.
The Latina/Latino Studies Program provides support for interdisciplinary teaching, outreach, and research in Latina/Latino Studies. The Program coordinates a range of course offerings in various disciplines. It also coordinates the activities that enhance curricular offerings through conferences, lectures, and colloquia that reach out to the campus at large and to the Illinois community. The Latina/Latino Studies Program is located at 510 E. Chalmers, Champaign, IL, 61820.
The Women's Studies Program is an interdisciplinary academic unit designed to teach, coordinate, and develop women's studies courses and advise undergraduate students. With over 40 affiliated faculty members, the program also initiates activities and programs to maintain and expand scholarship on women and gender issues. The Women's Studies Program is located at 911 South Sixth Street, Champaign, IL 61820.
Teacher Education Curricula (Secondary)
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the College of Education have developed a coherent set of experiences on campus, in schools, and in communities that will prepare our students to become skilled, knowledgeable, and committed teachers. There are two ways that students may obtain teacher certification through the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Students preparing for teacher certification in biology, chemistry, earth science, English, mathematics, physics, social studies, and speech: These students complete a teaching option offered through an LAS major and the Minor in Education. Upon completion of the option and the Minor in Education, students will earn a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences as well as teaching certification. Conferral of the degree of Bachelor of Science or Arts in Liberal Arts and Sciences prior to completion of the minor requires approval by petition to the LAS Student Affairs Office.
Students preparing for teacher certification in any of five foreign languages-French, German, Latin, Russian, and Spanish-or in computer science: Students following these programs complete the requirements for the Bachelor of Arts in the Teaching of French (or German, etc.) Education courses and other courses required for teacher certification are integrated within each curriculum.
More detailed information pertaining to specific course requirements for each of the programs in both groups is provided by academic advisers. Only through regular communication with the teacher education adviser may the student be assured of the appropriateness of his or her semester program. Students are advised that certification requirements may be altered at any time by the State Teacher Certification Board or by the legislature. In such cases, students may be compelled to satisfy the new requirements to qualify for the University's recommendation for certification. Also see Council on Teacher Education on page 46 for information pertinent to all teacher education and specific areas of teacher education listed in the LAS Programs of Study section of this catalog .
Students following any of the teaching options in the Sciences and Letters Curriculum must complete all the course requirements for that curriculum. When they select their major, they may also select a "Pre-Teaching" professional indicator, which reflects their intent to complete the requirements for teacher certification as part of their undergraduate program.
Transfer into the Teaching Option within a major can be made only by students who have received approval to complete the Minor in Education. Approval for the Minor in Education is gained by successful application to the Department of Curriculum and Instruction in the College of Education, upon recommendation by the subject area committees of the Council on Teacher Education.
Two prerequisite courses must be completed before transfer to the Teaching Option in any major: EDPSY 211; and EPS 201. Additionally, each major stipulates other prerequisite courses that must be completed before admission to the Teaching Option. Interested students should see the academic advisers in the major for information on prerequisite courses.
Some students will be able to complete all the prerequisite courses for transfer into the Teaching Option of their major by the spring of their sophomore year; those students may be able to complete the requirements for the Bachelor's degree in LAS, the Minor in Education and all other requirements for teacher certification in four years.
Students who establish eligibility to transfer into the teaching option of their major in the spring of their junior year will need five years to satisfy the requirements for teacher certification. Those students, however, may be able to convert up to 15 hours of course credit in excess of the minimum required for the Liberal Arts and Sciences Bachelor's degree into graduate credit.
The state of Illinois has mandated completion of certain general education requirements for all students applying for certification on or after July 1, 1992. These requirements are reflected in the general education categories listed below. Students should contact their advisers to be sure of degree and certification requirements in their particular areas.
Students in LAS undergraduate programs leading to secondary certification will be expected to complete the following distribution. Courses used to meet the requirements must be from the Council on Teacher Education-approved course list. NOTE: The Council on Teacher Education-approved list is more restrictive than the LAS College course lists for general education.
The distribution of these requirements is as follows:
Communication: RHET 105 or 108, and SPCOM 101 or a speech performance elective, and one course approved by the university as satisfying the Composition II requirement. Alternatively, students may complete SPCOM 111 and 112, and one course satisfying the Composition II requirement. NOTE: Some departments specify particular courses within their major to satisfy the Composition II requirement.
Foreign Language. Students are expected to obtain knowledge of a foreign language equivalent to the completion of the fourth semester of college study in a language. The requirements can be satisfied in the same manner as the language requirement for the Sciences and Letters Curriculum. A complete list of ways to satisfy this requirement is on page 129.
American or English Literature. One course.
American History. One course.
American Government. One course.
One additional course chosen from literature and the arts, historical and philosophical perspectives, or social perspectives.
Non-Western Culture, One course.
Biological Science, One course.
Physical Science, One course.
One additional course in biological or physical science. One of the three courses in biological and/or physical science must have a laboratory. A minimum of 9 semester hours of science is required.
Mathematics. One course applicable to the campus Quantitative Reasoning requirement.
PSYCH 100 or equivalent.
Health and Physical Development. Two hours.
In addition, to satisfy state certification requirements a student must show on his or her transcript at least 15 hours of humanities courses. By the state definition, humanities courses are those in American history, English, history, literature, foreign language (including first- and second-year language courses for the foreign language requirement), art, music, theater, linguistics and philosophy. While most students in LAS teacher education programs will automatically have at least 15 hours of humanities under the state's definition, students should review their programs to ensure they do so. Any courses used for other requirements (foreign language, distribution requirements above, teaching major, teaching minors, etc.) may be counted in the 15 hours.
This section contains a description of the requirements for programs leading to the bachelor's degree in teacher education. More detailed information pertaining to specific course requirements for each area of specialization is provided by faculty advisers. It is essential that the student fulfill the specific course requirements of his or her program in order to be eligible for the bachelor's degree in teacher education. Only through regular communication with the teacher education adviser may the student be assured of the appropriateness of his or her semester program. Students are advised that certification requirements may be altered at any time by the State Teacher Certification Board or by the legislature. In such cases, students may be compelled to satisfy the new requirements to qualify for the University's recommendation for certification. Also see Council on Teacher Education on page 46 for information pertinent to all teacher education curricula.
General education requirements of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences must be fulfilled by students pursuing teacher education curricula in that college (see General Education requirements listed above). If the requirements of the teaching major satisfy the general education requirements in an area, they will be noted in the curriculum statement. For more information, consult the certification officer (130 Education Building).Liberal Arts and Sciences, College ofTransfer Between Programs
Transfer Between Programs
Students should be advised that they may have to satisfy specific grade-point average requirements for transfer into most specialized curricula and some majors. Contact an adviser or the LAS Student Affairs Office (270 Lincoln Hall) for specific information.
Honors Programs
Each semester, students are recognized by the college for placement on the Dean's List. Those students are eligible who meet the following criteria and are in the top 20 percent of their classes. To be eligible for Dean's List recognition, you must have completed at least 14 hours of course work, excluding military and religious foundation courses and graduate-level courses taken for unit credit. Of these 14 hours, at least 12 hours must be earned in courses taken for traditional letter grades, which excludes courses graded credit/no credit, satisfactory/unsatisfactory, and test-based credit, which is graded pass/fail. Course work completed through study abroad may be included in determining Dean's List eligibility, subject to these same limitations. Students with work graded excused or deferred are not considered for the Dean's List until grades have been submitted for that work. These students should notify the honors dean when such work has been completed if they expect to be placed on the Dean's List.LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES, COLLEGE OFHONORS PROGRAMSJAMES SCHOLAR
The official honors program in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is called the Edmund J. James Scholar Program. This program allows students with exceptional ability to pursue rigorous academic courses of study and provides the opportunity for those students to meet with faculty members who are particularly interested in honors programs. There are honors advisers available in the respective departments and an honors dean in the college office. James Scholars register in some special honors courses, sections, seminars, and colloquia; they arrange individualized honors credit learning agreements for specific courses. James Scholars have open access to the University Library stacks (ordinarily open only to graduate students and the faculty); such access to library stacks is particularly helpful for students involved in independent study and/or undergraduate research projects. James Scholars also have their program requests processed early to minimize conflicts in scheduling honors courses.
Any qualified LAS student may become a James Scholar Nominee. Entering freshmen who are in the top 15 percent of the admitted class are invited immediately into the program as James Scholar Nominees. In order to remain in the program as James Scholar Nominees, students must maintain a cumulative grade-point average of 3.5 and must complete two honors courses during the academic year. Official certification of James Scholar standing on the University transcript is made at the end of the academic year (upon completion of these requirements).
Further information about the James Scholar Program is available from the LAS Student Affairs Office, 270 Lincoln Hall.
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences has established the Robert W. Rogers Merit Scholarship program for highly qualified freshmen. A freshman chosen as a Robert W. Rogers Scholar enrolls in any curriculum in the college and is awarded $1,000 for the year; the award may be renewed for the sophomore year if the student maintains at least a 3.5 grade-point average and continues in the college. Admitted freshmen with the highest qualifications are invited to apply. The selection of a Rogers Scholar is made by a faculty committee and based on exceptional scholastic achievement, high performance on either the ACT or SAT examination, and evidence of leadership in the school or community. No more than twelve new awards are made each year. Rogers Scholars participate in an extended orientation with activities drawing on some of the University's academic and cultural resources.
The Cohn Scholars Program provides intellectual and financial support and special academic opportunities for a small group of highly qualified freshmen majoring in the humanities. Each Cohn Scholar participates in a yearlong independent study course in his or her field of interest (or in a closely related field) with a faculty mentor from one of the humanities disciplines. The independent study course offers each student the opportunity to interact with a faculty member on an individual basis through intensive study in a selected subject.
Cohn Scholars also enroll in a two-semester course sequence in western civilization offered by the Department of History or the Program in Comparative Literature, with special discussion sections. Periodic seminars feature informal discussions among students and invited faculty members on selected topics. Cohn Scholars participate in special campus activities designed to acquaint them with some of the University's many academic and cultural resources.
Applications to the program are invited in early spring from highly qualified high school students who have been admitted for the following year to one of the humanities departments or programs in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Potential students are selected by a faculty committee on the basis of an application, high school class rank, and performance in a competitive entrance examination (ACT or SAT). Inquiries should be addressed to the Cohn Scholars Program, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 294 Lincoln Hall, Urbana, IL 61801.
College honors at graduation are awarded on the basis of academic excellence and satisfaction of one of the following: (1) successful completion of 25 hours of honors courses (including work taken on honors credit learning agreements); (2) successful completion of 35 hours of advanced hours course work; or (3) earning departmental distinction. Provided that one of the requirements above is satisfied, the award of college honors is made according to the following ranges: cum laude, if the college grade-point average places a student in the top 12 percent of the graduating class but not in the top 7 percent; magna cum laude, if the college grade-point average places a student in the top 7 percent of the graduating class but not in the top 3 percent; and summa cum laude, if the college grade-point average places a student in the top 3 percent of the graduating class.
Students who have shown exceptional competence in one or more areas of study may earn distinction in their major(s) or curricula. Criteria for awarding distinction are established by the departments. Students interested in working for distinction should consult their honors adviser early in the junior year. Specific information about requirements is available from the departmental and curriculum advisers. Generally, in addition to meeting the scholastic requirements and the minimum requirements for a major, a student graduating with departmental distinction must satisfy at least one of the following requirements: (1) presentation of an acceptable thesis; (2) satisfactory performance on a comprehensive examination prepared by the major department; or (3) completion of a special course of study of at least four semester hours approved by the major department.
Invitations for membership into Phi Beta Kappa, the nation's oldest honor society, are sent to outstanding students in Liberal Arts and Sciences each April. Eligibility requires rank in the top 7 percent of seniors in LAS, as well as a minimum number of graded hours and appropriate course distribution. Precise criteria and detailed information may be obtained from the chapter secretary, Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Swanlund Building, University of Illinois, 601 E. John Street, Champaign, IL 61820, (217) 333-8159.
There are a number of prizes and awards available to outstanding students in certain areas of the college. A department will generally notify the student of the possibility of such an award; however, an interested student may obtain information on the awards from the college office, 270 Lincoln Hall.
Many students in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences seek the educational, linguistic, and cultural benefits from a semester or a year of study in a foreign country. To facilitate such study abroad, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences sponsors a number of special study abroad programs and provides for student participation in these and other programs. There are three general categories of programs: (1) a program enabling students to study at approved foreign institutions of their choice; (2) special study abroad programs sponsored by units of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; and (3) participation in cooperative programs sponsored by other universities or groups of universities.
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences supports the Study Abroad Office to aid students who plan to study at approved foreign institutions or in programs of their choice other than those offered by departments within the college itself . The option is open not only to students in LAS, but also to students in other colleges within the University. A student's program for study abroad must have prior approval from the major department, the student's college, and the Study Abroad Office. Final determination of appropriate credit is made upon the student's completion of the work after returning to campus.
Students register in LAS 299 and may earn a maximum of 18 hours in a semester, 8 hours in a summer session, 36 semester hours for the academic year, or 44 hours for the calendar year.
Interested students should contact the sponsoring academic department or the Study Abroad Office, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 115 International Studies Building, 910 South Fifth Street, Champaign, IL 61820.
Study abroad in Paris is available through the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the Department of French. Students may participate in the nine-month academic year program or may elect a single term of study, available spring only. Students are placed by examination in the Cours de Civilisation at either Paris III or Paris IV. Courses are available in other institutions to qualified students. Housing options include working au pair, living in dormitories, or private accommodations. The program is open to all qualified undergraduates regardless of field of concentration. Students must have earned 60 semester hours prior to departure, have a 2.5 University grade-point average, and a 2.5 grade-point average in French. Before leaving, students must complete three French courses at the 200 level, including FR 207 and either FR 209 or FR 210.
For purposes of credit, students participating in the Paris programs sponsored by the Department of French are treated as living in residence in Urbana.
Interested students should contact the Illinois Program in Paris, Department of French, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2090 Foreign Languages Building, 707 South Mathews Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801; (217) 244-2723, or fax (217) 244-2223.
The University of Illinois participates in a six-week summer French program at Université Laval in Quebec, a program sponsored by the Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC). All students take courses to improve language skills. More advanced students may also take courses in French Canadian Literature and Civilization. Students normally earn six hours credit during the summer term. Participants should have at least one year of college French or the equivalent, and an overall grade-point average of 3.0 or higher.
For purposes of credit, students participating in the CIC program sponsored by the Department of French are treated as being in residence in Urbana.
Interested students can obtain further information from the Study Abroad Director, Department of French, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2090 Foreign Languages Building, 707 South Mathews Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801; (217) 333-2723 or fax (217) 244-2223.
The Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, in cooperation with the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences and the Vienna Economics University, has sponsored a year abroad study program in Vienna, Austria for over 25 years. Students may opt to spend the entire academic year or one semester. In addition to courses in language, literature and culture taught by the program director, and commercial subjects taught at the Economics University in Vienna where the program is housed, students may elect courses at other university-level institutions in Vienna. Participants in the program should have at least a 2.75 University grade-point average, including a 3.0 grade-point average in German courses. Students accepted into the program should have completed German 104 (intermediate level German) or its equivalent. One need not be a German major to apply; in fact, most of the participating students are from fields other than German.
Interested students should contact the Austria-Illinois Exchange Program, Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 3072 Foreign Language Building, 707 South Mathews Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801-3675; (217) 333-1288.
The Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, in cooperation with the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences and the Vienna Economics University, offers a four-week intensive German Language course at the intermediate level. The course is team-taught by a University of Illinois faculty member and a graduate teaching assistant. Students live in Austrian dormitories and receive five credits (four for German 103 and one for German 189). The program is designed for undergraduate students, however, graduate students will also be given consideration. Participants in the program must have taken the equivalent of German 102 and secured a B- average or better in elementary-level German courses.
The goals of the course are to maximize student learning of the German language and of the culture of German-speaking countries. (Students are encouraged to remain in Europe after the course in order to acquaint themselves further with the cultures of German-speaking countries and their neighbors.)
Interested students should contact the Austria-Illinois Exchange Program, Dept. of Germanic Languages & Literatures, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 3072 Foreign Languages Building, 707 South Mathews Avenue,Urbana, IL 61801-3675: (217) 333-1288.
In cooperation with several other universities, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign offers a Year-In-Japan Program on the campus of Konan University in Kobe, located in western Japan near Osaka and Kyoto. Students participating in the program receive an intensive course in Japanese language and an introduction to culture and society by combining classroom and independent study, home stay with a Japanese family, and opportunities for field trips and personal travel. Participants should have at least a 3.0 grade-point average and one year of Japanese language study or the equivalent. Students from other colleges and universities as well as beginning graduate students may participate in the program.
Interested students should contact the Year-In-Japan Program, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 608 South Mathews Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801; (217) 244-8327.
The Department of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese in cooperation with the Federal University of Pernambuco sponsors a six-week intensive Portuguese language institute in Recife, Brazil. Students are not required to have previous knowledge of Brazilian Portuguese; however, students who can study the language at their home institutions are encouraged to do so. Participating students will receive 6 hours of semester credit. The program is designed for undergraduates, but graduate students will also be given consideration.
The goals of the course are to expose students to Brazilian language and culture through home stays with local families, language classes at the university, and a series of lectures and excursions that highlight the rich cultural and historical realities of the northeast of Brazil. An optional internship in the student's area of specialization adds an additional cultural component to this program. Owing to the size of Brazil and the marked regional differences, students are encouraged to travel in small groups afteLiberal Arts and Sciences, College ofr classes have ended to experience the variety in this interesting country.
Interested students should contact the Study Abroad Office, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 115 International Studies Building, 910 South Fifth Street, Champaign, IL 61820; (217) 333-3390
The University of Illinois participates in the cooperative Russian language program at St. Petersburg University under the auspices of the Council on International Educational Exchange. The program consists of one or two semesters of study or one summer session. Students in the program study Russian language and literature, and classes are conducted in Russian by the university faculty. All students must have facility in the language, but the program is not limited to students majoring in Russian.
Interested students should obtain details and applications from the Study Abroad Office, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 115 International Studies Building, 910 South Fifth Street, Champaign, IL 61820; (217)333-0608
In cooperation with the Department of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences sponsors a year abroad program in Spain. After a week's orientation in Madrid and a four-week intensive language program in Barcelona, students in the program study for two semesters at the University of Barcelona. Participants in the program should have at least 2.5 University grade-point average and at least 3.0 grade-point average in Spanish courses. Students accepted into the program must have completed the intermediate level in Spanish (SPAN 104 or its equivalent). At least one year of study in language and literature beyond the intermediate level is desirable for students to benefit fully from the program. The program is designed for juniors; however, seniors and qualified sophomores studying in other areas may apply. Interested students should contact the Department of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 4080 Foreign Languages Building, 707 South Mathews Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801; (217) 333-3390.
The Department of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese sponsors a six-week summer course at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina from approximately the end of May to early July. Students are required to enroll in two courses, Spanish Language and Contemporary Argentine Literature or Spanish Language and Twentieth-Century Latin American History, for which they will receive 6 hours credit on their University of Illinois transcript. Weekend excursions to sites of historical and cultural interest are an important component of the program. Students are housed with Argentine families in various neighborhoods and suburbs of Buenos Aires, which provides them an excellent opportunity to experience Argentine culture and family life and to practice their Spanish language skills. A minimum of 4 semesters of college-level Spanish or equivalent and a cumulative University average of "B" are the basic requirements for admission. The program is open to undergraduates in any major who have at least junior standing and to graduate students.
Interested students should first contact the Study Abroad Office, 115 International Studies Building, 910 South Fifth Street, Champaign, IL 61820. For information regarding University course equivalencies, students may then contact the Department of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 4080 Foreign Languages Building, 707 South Mathews Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801; (217) 333-3390.
The University of Illinois participates in the eight-week summer program of Spanish at the Universidad de Guanajuato, sponsored by the Committee on Institutional Cooperation. Students should be in good academic standing and have at least a 3.0 grade-point average in Spanish. Students accepted in the program should have competence in Spanish equivalent to the third year of college study.
Interested students should obtain further information from the Department of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 4080 Foreign Languages Building, 707 South Mathews Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801; (217) 333-3390.