Administered by the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, a major in German serves to develop fluency in one of the leading languages of science, industry, and intellectual culture; familiarity with principles governing the structure of our Indo-European family of languages and of languages generally; insight into the use of language in literary expression and portrayal; and knowledge of the culture that finds expression through this language and its literature. The departmental option in Scandinavian provides substantially the same advantages. The department also sponsors study abroad programs.
Degree title: Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts and Sciences
Minimum required major and supporting course work normally equates to 45-56 hours with at least 30 hours in German
General education: The LAS General Education requirements are set up so that students automatically complete the Campus General Education requirements. The exceptions to this are the Campus Composition II and the Western Cultures requirements which must also be completed.
Minimum hours required for graduation: 120 hours
Departmental distinction: Students majoring in the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures are urged to consult the departmental honors adviser by the second semester of the junior year for information pertaining to senior honors work and honors awards in the department.
Students must select one option in consultation with an adviser.
German and Commercial Studies OptionDesigned to provide students with an understanding of the language and customs of the business world in German-speaking countries, together with study of international affairs and commerce, especially trade with Europe.
German courses including: 3 hrs GER 211-Conversation and Writing 3 hrs GER 212-Conversation and Writing 3 hrs GER 220-German for Business 3 hrs GER 221-German for Economics 3 hrs GER 231-Introduction to German Literature, I 3 hrs GER 301-Advanced Conversation, Composition, and Syntax 1 hrs GER 302-Advanced Conversation 3 hrs GER 303-Translation in Theory and Practice 4 hrs GER 320-History of German Civilization 3 hrs GER 365-Structure of the German Language, I (Phonology and Morphology) 1 hrs Selected in consultation with an adviser20
Including the following: 6-8 Western civilization. Select from: HIST 110-Composition II/Western Civilization from Antiquity to 1660 or HIST 111-Western Civilization from Antiquity to 1660 and HIST 112-Western Civilization from 1660 to the Present or HIST 113-Composition II/Western Civilization from 1660 to the Present or C LIT 141-Masterpieces of Western Culture I and C LIT 142-Masterpieces of Western Culture, II 12-14 Courses outside of German language and literature selected in consultation with the major adviser. These supporting courses are usually selected from business administration, finance, economics, accounting, etc.Laguage and Literature Option
Designed as a traditional study of German, providing students with a balanced knowledge of German language, literature, and civilization.
Minimum of 30 hours of German courses including: 3 hrs GER 211-Conversation and Writing 3 hrs GER 212-Conversation and Writing 3 hrs GER 231-Introduction to German Literature, I 3 hrs GER 232-Introduction to German Literature, II 3 hrs GER 301-Advanced Conversation, Composition, and Syntax 1 hrs GER 302-Advanced Conversation 3 hrs GER 311-German Literature, 750-1450 3 hrs GER 312-German Literature, 1450-1770 4 hrs GER 320-History of German Civilization 3 hrs GER 365-Structure of the German Language, I (Phonology and Morphology) 1 hrs Selected in consultation with an adviser20
Including the following: 6-8 Western civilization. Select from: HIST 110-Composition II/Western Civilization from Antiquity to 1660 or HIST 111-Western Civilization from Antiquity to 1660 and HIST 112-Western Civilization from 1660 to the Present or HIST 113-Composition II/Western Civilization from1660 to the Present or C LIT 141-Masterpieces of Western Culture I and C LIT 142-Masterpieces of Western Culture, II 12-14 Courses outside of German language and literature selected in consultation with an adviser (e.g. French, English, etc.)Language Studies Option
Designed to acquaint students with the structure and development of Germanic languages.
German courses including: 3 hrs GER 211-Conversation and Writing 3 hrs GER 212-Conversation and Writing 3 hrs GER 231-Introduction to German Literature, I 3 hrs GER 232-Introduction to German Literature, II 3 hrs GER 301-Advanced Conversation, Composition, and Syntax 1 hrs GER 302-Advanced Conversation 3 hrs GER 311-German Literature, 750-1450 3 hrs GER 312-German Literature, 1450-1770 4 hrs GER 320-History of German Civilization 3 hrs GER 365-Structure of the German Language, I (Phonology and Morphology) 1 hrs Selected in consultation with an adviser24-26
Including the following: 6-8 hrs Western civilization. Select from: HIST 110-Composition II/Western Civilization from Antiquity to 1660 or HIST 111-Western Civilization from Antiquity to 1660 and HIST 112-Western Civilization from 1660 to the Present or HIST 113-Composition II/Western Civilization from 1660 to the Present or C LIT 141-Masterpieces of Western Culture I and C LIT 142-Masterpieces of Western Culture, II 18 hrs additional courses including: GMC 367-Introduction to Germanic Linguistics SCAN 101-Elementary Scandinavian, I and SCAN 102-Elementary Scandinavian, II LING 300-Introduction to Linguistic Structure One additional linguistics course ENGL 303-Historical Introduction to the English LanguageModern German Studies Option
Designed to provide students with an understanding of present-day civilization and culture in German-speaking countries of Central Europe.
German courses including: 3 hrs GER 211-Conversation and Writing 3 GER 212-Conversation and Writing 3 GER 231-Introduction to German Literature, I 3 GER 232-Introduction to German Literature, II 3 GER 301-Advanced Conversation, Composition, and Syntax 1 GER 302-Advanced Conversation 4 GER 320-History of German Civilization 3 GER 365-Structure of the German Language, I (Phonology and Morphology) 6 Select two from: GER 330-Modern German Poetry GER 331-The German Novelle GER 332-German Drama GER 335-Literature and Culture of the German Democratic Republic 1 Selected in consultation with an adviser20
Including the following: 6-8 Western civilization. Select from: HIST 110-Composition II/Western Civilization from Antiquity to 1660 or HIST 111-Western Civilization from Antiquity to 1660 and HIST 112-Western Civilization from 1660 to the Present or HIST 113-Composition II/Western Civilization from 1660 to the Present or C LIT 141-Masterpieces of Western Culture I and C LIT 142-Masterpieces of Western Culture, II 12-14 hrs Courses outside of German language and literature selected in consultation with an adviser (e.g., History, Political Science)Scandinavian Studies Option
Designed for students who will be able to spend a year abroad studying in Scandinavia.
For All Options
Scandinavian beyond SCAN 101-104. Scandinavian courses in translation are acceptable. 24
Study abroad in Scandinavian studies through an approved L A S 299 program (in, for example, language, literature, history, art, political science, or linguistics). 9
Courses outside of Scandinavian studies must be selected in consultation with an adviser, including Western civilization requirement chosen from: HIST 110-Composition II/Western Civilization from Antiquity to 1660 or HIST 111-Western Civilization from Antiquity to 1660 and HIST 112-Western Civilization from 1660 to the Present or HIST 113-Composition II/Western Civilization from 1660 to the Present or C LIT 141-Masterpieces of Western Culture I and C LIT 142-Masterpieces of Western Culture, II Twelve hours advanced level (300 and approved 200) courses in the major must be taken on this campus.
All foreign language requirements must be satisfied.
A Major Plan of Study Form must be completed and submitted to the LAS Student Affairs Office before the end of the fifth semester (60-75 hours). Please see your adviser.
Degree title: Bachelor of Arts in the Teaching of German
Minimum required course work normally equates to 73 hours
General education: See the description of the general education requirements on page 134. Note that students in this curriculum satisfy the 15-hour humanities requirement by the requirements of the major.
Minimum hours required for graduation: A minimum of 120 hours of credit is required for graduation. Students are advised that additional course work is necessary to teach middle grades six through eight. Consult the certification officer in 130 Education Building for additional information.
Departmental distinction: Students should consult their advisers by the second semester of the junior year for information pertaining to seminar honors work and honors awards in the department.
Professional education courses. (See the entry for curricula preparatory to teaching foreign languages, page 151.) HOURS
GER 101 and 102-Elementary Course, or equivalent 8
GER 103 and 104-Intermediate Course, or equivalent 6
GER 211 and 212-Conversation and Writing, or equivalent 6
GER 231 and 232-Introduction to German Literature, I and II; or equivalent 4
GER 280-Teachers' Course, or equivalent (This course will count as part of the professional education requirements for certification purposes) 3
GER 301-Advanced Conversation, Composition, and Syntax, or equivalent 1
GER 302-Advanced Conversation, or equivalent 4
GER 320-History of German Civilization, or equivalent 3
Select from: GER 330-Modern German Poetry GER 331-The German Novelle GER 332-German Drama GER 335-Literature and Culture of the German Democratic Republic3
GER 365-Structure of the German Language, I, or equivalent 3
German elective 49
Total1 NOTE: German Study Abroad (GER 299) is strongly recommended.
A student in this curriculum is required to complete a teacher education minor. See the list of approved minors. See requirements to be fulfilled by those planning to teach German in both elementary and secondary schools.
1. The total of 49 hours may be reduced by as much as 16 hours through prerequisite credit for work equivalent to GER 101-104 taken in secondary schoolMINOR IN GERMAN
The minor in German offers students a background in the language through the advanced undergraduate level; an introduction to the study of German literary classics; and a knowledge of the history of German culture.
Course work beyond GER 104, including the following courses: 3 hrs GER 211-Conversation and Writing 3 hrs GER 212-Conversation and Writing 3 hrs GER 231-Introduction to German Literature, I 3 hrs GER 232-Introduction to German Literature, II 3 hrs GER 301-Advanced Conversation, Composition, and Syntax 4 hrs GER 320-History of German Civilization19
Teacher education minors are available only to students seeking to add additional teaching fields to their teaching majors.
GER 101 and 102-Elementary Course 8
GER 103 and 104-Intermediate Course 6
GER 211 and 212-Conversation and Writing 22
Total Students are advised that additional course work is necessary to teach middle grades six through eight. Consult the certification officer in 130 Education Building for additional information.