Mathematics is a broad discipline that contains a range of areas of specialization within it. The required courses in Part I provide fundamental background for mathematics in general. The options in Part II allow the student to broaden this background or begin to specialize. Students must complete Part I and an option from Part II.
An entering student in mathematics should have academic preparation to enroll in MATH 120 during the first semester. Admission to MATH 120 requires a passing grade on the mathematics placement test. A student should attain grades of B in calculus in order to complete the advanced courses successfully.
The Department of Mathematics sponsors the Mathematics major and minor, the Mathematics teaching option, the Actuarial Science major, and a major in Mathematics and Computer Science in coordination with the Department of Computer Science.
Degree title: Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts and Sciences
Minimum required major and supporting course work normally equates to 52-60 hours including 27 hours beyond calculus, 10-11 hours of calculus, and 3 hours of computer science.
General education: The LAS General Education requirements (see page 130) are set up so that students automatically complete the Campus General Education requirements. The exceptions to this are the Campus Composition II and the Western Cultures requirements which must also be completed.
Minimum hours required for graduation: 120 hours
Departmental distinction: Distinction will be awarded on the basis of selection of 300-level courses in mathematics and the grade-point average.
MATH 247-Fundamental Mathematics 3
Select from: MATH 315-Linear Transformations and Matricesor MATH 318-Introduction to Linear Algebra3
Select from: MATH 344-Elementary Real Analysisor MATH 347-Introduction to Higher Analysis: Real Variables3-4
Select from: MATH 361-Introduction to Probability Theory, Ior MATH 363-Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Probability, I10-11
Calculus through MATH 242-Calculus of Several Variables or MATH 245-Calculus, II; or equivalent 3
Select from: C S 101-Introduction to Computing for Application toEngineering and Physical Science1or C S 125-Introduction to Computer Science12
Approved supporting course work or any minor PART II: OPTIONS
Each student must fulfill the requirements of one of the following options:
Mathematics Option
MATH 317-Introduction to Abstract Algebra 3
Select at least one from:
MATH 302-Topics in Geometry
MATH 303-Advanced Aspects of Euclidean Geometry
MATH 323-The Calculus of Curves and Surfaces
MATH 381-Vector and Tensor Analysis9
Three additional advanced mathematics courses2
Graduate Preparatory Option
MATH 317-Introduction to Abstract Algebra and MATH 318-Introduction to Linear Algebra 6
MATH 347-Introduction to Higher Analysis: Real Variables and MATH 348-Introduction to Higher Analysis: Complex Variables 3
Select from: MATH 323-The Calculus of Curves and Surfaces or MATH 332-Introduction to Set Theory and Topology 6
Two additional advanced mathematics courses2
Applied Mathematics Option
MATH 341-Differential Equations 3
Select from: MATH 346-Complex Variables and Applicationsor MATH 348-Introduction to Higher Analysis: Complex Variables3
Select one from: MATH 257-Numerical Methods MATH 342-Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems MATH 385-Differential Equations, II3
Select one from: MATH 312-Graph Theory and Its Applications MATH 313-Combinatorial Mathematics MATH 317-Introduction to Abstract Algebra3
One additional advanced mathematics course2
Operations Research Option
MATH 257-Numerical Methods 4
MATH 363-Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Probability, I 3
Select from: MATH 364-Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Probability, IIor MATH 369-Methods of Applied Statistics3
MATH 383-Linear Programming 3
MATH 384-Nonlinear Programming 3
Select from: MATH 312-Graph Theory and Its Applicationsor MATH 313-Combinatorial Mathematics
Mathematics Teaching OptionThis option offers training for teachers of high school mathematics. A student must maintain University of Illinois and cumulative grade-point averages of 2.5. In addition, a student must maintain 2.5 averages in mathematics courses both at the University of Illinois and cumulatively.
General education: See the description of the general education requirements on page 134. Note that students in this major satisfy the mathematics requirement by the course work in their major. Students may need additional hours in humanities to complete the 15- hour minimum required for certification.
Departmental distinction: A subcommittee of the Mathematics Area Committee will select students for distinction based upon grades in mathematics, overall grade point averages and evidence of accomplishment in the teaching portion of the program.
Prerequisites to transfer to the Teaching Option: Educational Psychology 211, Educational Policy Studies 201, Math 120, Math 130, Math 242 (or Math 135 and 245), and three advanced mathematics courses must be completed prior to transfer into the teaching option.
In addition to the requirements from Part 1 for the option listed below, students must complete the Teaching Education Minor in Secondary School Teaching (36 hours). See requirements of the Minor. Conferral of the degree of Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts and Sciences prior to completion of the minor requires approval by petition to the LAS Student Affairs Office.
MATH 302-Topics in Geometry 3
MATH 317-Introduction to Abstract Algebra 9
Three additional advanced mathematics courses
For All OptionsTwelve hours advanced level (300 and approved 200) courses in the major must be taken on this campus.
All foreign language requirements must be satisfied.
A Major Plan of Study Form must be completed and submitted to the Las Student Affairs Office before the end of the fifth semester (60-75 hours). Please see your adviser.
1. Students with 2 hours credit in C S 101 must take C S 110
2. MATH 247, 280, 285 and all 300-level mathematics courses are advanced courses. In the Applied Mathematics and Operations Research options MATH/C S 257 will be accepted as a substitute for an advanced course in this major.MINOR IN MATHEMATICS
Calculus through MATH 242-Calculus of Several Variables, or MATH 245-Calculus, II 12
Four courses chosen from at least three of the following categories: Algebra: MATH 315-Linear Transformations and Matrices, MATH 317-Introduction to Abstract Algebra, MATH 318-Introduction to Linear Algebra, MATH 353-Elementary Theory of NumbersDiscrete Mathematics: MATH 312-Graph Theory and Its Applications, MATH 313-Combinatorial Mathematics, MATH 314-Introduction to Mathematical Logic, MATH 383-Linear ProgrammingAnalysis: MATH 247-Fundamental Mathematics, MATH 280-Advanced Calculus, MATH 285-Differential Equations and Orthogonal Functions, MATH 341-Differential Equations, MATH 342-Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems, MATH 344-Elementary Real Analysis, MATH 346-Complex Variables and Applications, MATH 347-Introduction to Higher Analysis: Real Variables, MATH 348-Introduction to Higher Analysis: Complex Variables, MATH 384-Nonlinear Programming, MATH 385-Differential Equations, IIGeometry: MATH 302-Topics in Geometry, MATH 303-Advanced Aspects of Euclidean Geometry, MATH 323-The Calculus of Curves and Surfaces, MATH 332-Introduction to Set Theory and Topology, MATH 381-Vector and Tensor AnalysisProbability And Statistics: MATH 361-Introduction to Probability Theory I, MATH 363-Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Probability I, MATH 364-Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Probability II, MATH 366-Introduction to Probability Theory II18
For students in teacher education curricula other than mathematics who wish to be qualified to teach mathematics at the high school or middle school level.
Math 120-Calculus and Analytic Geometry, I; and MATH 130-Calculus and Analytic Geometry, II; or equivalent 3
Methods courses in the teaching of mathematics: C & I 101-M-Introduction to the Teaching of Secondary School Subjects C & I 219-Field Experience in Secondary Teaching14
At least 14 hours of work chosen as follows: MATH 242-Calculus of Several Variables MATH 302-Topics on Geometry8
Courses from at least two areas other than applied mathematics and geometry, to be chosen from the following list: Computer Science: C S 101-Introduction to Computing for Application to Engineering and Physical Science C S 105-Introduction to Computing with Application to Business and CommerceLinear Algebra: MATH 125-Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications MATH 225-Introductory Matrix Theory MATH 315-Linear Transformations and Matrices MATH 383-Linear ProgrammingModern Algebra: MATH 313-Combinatorial Mathematics MATH 317-Introduction to Abstract Algebra MATH 353-Elementary Theory of NumbersAdvanced Aspects Of Euclidean Geometry: MATH 303-Advanced Aspects of Euclidean GeometryApplied Mathematics: MATH 247-Fundamental Mathematics MATH 285-Differential Equations and Orthogonal Functions MATH 341-Differential Equations MATH 344-Elementary Real Analysis MATH 346-Complex Variables and ApplicationsProbability-Statistics: STAT 310/MATH 363-Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Probability, IHistory Of Calculus: MATH 306-History of CalculusHOURS
C & I 330-M-Principles in Mathematics Education (section M) 15
Courses from at least four of the following areas: Math For Elementary Teachers: MATH 117-Experimental Mathematics MATH 203-Theory of ArithmeticCalculus: MATH 120-Calculus and Analytic Geometry, I MATH 130-Calculus and Analytic Geometry, IIModern Algebra: MATH 313-Combinatorial Mathematics MATH 317-Introduction to Abstract Algebra MATH 353-Elementary Theory of NumbersTopics On Geometry: MATH 302-Topics in GeometryComputer Science: C S 101-Introduction to Computing for Application to Engineering and Physical ScienceProbability-statistics: STAT 100/MATH 161-Statistics STAT 310/MATH 363-Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Probability, IHistory Of Mathematics: MATH 306-History of CalculusStudents are advised that additional course work is necessary to teach in grades six through eight. Consult the certification officer in 130 Education Building for additional information.