See also the major in Mathematics and Computer Science and Statistics and Computer Science.
This program offers training for teaching computer science in the schools. Please consult the certification officer in 130 Education Building for additional information.
Degree title: Bachelor of Science in the Teaching of Computer Science
Minimum required course work normally equates to 64-68 hours
General education: See the description of the general education requirements on page 134. Note that students in this curriculum satisfy the mathematics requirement by the requirements of the major. Students may need additional hours in humanities to complete the 15-hour minimum required for certification.
Minimum hours required for graduation: 120 hours.
Additional requirements: It is required that a student electing the computer science teacher education major also elect an approved teaching minor. Students are advised that additional course work is necessary to teach middle grades six through eight. Consult the certification officer in 130 Education Building for additional information.
Departmental distinction: Students interested in attaining departmental distinction should consult with the honors adviser for program requirements early in the junior year.
C & I 101-Introduction to the Teaching of Secondary School Subjects 1
C & I 219-Field Experience in Secondary Teaching 2
C & I 240-Secondary Education in the United States 1
C & I 229-Field Experience in Secondary Education 2
C & I 239-Microteaching: Practice in Teaching Techniques 3
EDPSY 211-Educational Psychology 3
E P S 201-Foundations of American Education 5
C & I 241-Techniques of Teaching in the Secondary Schools 1
SP ED 218-Exceptional Students in Secondary Schools 5-8
ED PR 242-Educational Practice in Secondary Education 25-28
Computer Science C S 125-Introduction to Computer Science C S 173-Discrete Mathematical Structures C S 223-Software Laboratory C S 225-Data Structures C S 231-Computer Architecture, I C S 232-Computer Architecture, II C S 273-Introduction to Theory of Computation6
300-level computer Science electives1 4
C S 317-Computer-Assisted Instruction 10-11
Calculus through MATH 242 or equivalent 39-40
1. Sample list of suitable computer science electives: programming-C S 321, 322, 323, 324, 326, 327, 328, 311, 318; logic design and computer architecture-C S 331, 333, 337, 338, 339, 362; numerical analysis-C S 257, 350, 355, 358, 359; theory-C S 313, 373, 375; hardware-C S 335, 384; general-C S 397.This minor is sponsored by the Department of Computer Science.
C S 125-Introduction to Computer Science 2
C S 173-Discrete Mathematical Structures 1
C S 223-Software Laboratory 4
C S 225-Data Structures and Software Principles 3
At least one additional course chosen from: C S 231-Computer Architecture, I (logic design) C S 232-Computer Architecture, II (machine level programming) C S 257-Numerical Methods C S 273-Introduction to Theory of Computation C S 348-Introduction to Artificial Intelligence3
At least one 300-level course, select from: Software C S 321-Programming Language Principles C S 323-Operating Systems Design Architecture C S 331-Microprocessor Systems C S 333-Computer System Organization Hardware C S 335-Introduction to VLSI System Design C S 337-Integrated Circuit Logic Design C S 384-Computer Data Acquisition Systems Artificial Intelligence C S 341-Mechanized Mathematical Inferences C S 342-Computer Inference and Knowledge Acquisition C S 346-Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning C S 347-Knowledge-Based Programming Numerical Analysis C S 355-Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations C S 358-Numerical Linear Algebra C S 359-Numerical Approximation and Ordinary Differential Equations Theory C S 373-Combinatorial Algorithms C S 375-Automata, Formal Languages, and Computational Complexity3
Another 200- or 300-level course, chosen either from the lists above, or from these additional courses: C S 311-Database Systems C S 318-Computer Graphics C S 326-Compiler Construction C S 327-Software Engineering C S 328-Computer Networks and Distributed Systems C S 338-Communication Networks for Computers C S 339-Computer-Aided Design for Digital Systems C S 362-Logic Design19
Total At least two courses (6 hours) of this minor must meet the LAS Advanced Hours requirement.
Teacher education minors are available only to students seeking to add additional teaching fields to their teaching majors. Students taking this minor will be enrolled in one of the teacher education programs and will meet the general education requirements of that program.
C S 125-Introduction to Computer Science 2
C S 173-Discrete Mathematics 1
C S 223-Computer Programming Laboratory 4
C S 225-Data Structures 3
One 200-level course, choose from: C S 231-Computer Architecture, I C S 257-Numerical Methods C S 273-Introduction to Theory of Computation6
Two additional 200- or 300-level courses, to be selected in consultation with the director of undergraduate programs in the computer science department 19
Total NOTE: Completion of this minor does not result in certification to teach computer science in the state of Illinois. However, students who complete this minor will be eligible to teach computer science in the public schools upon satisfaction of additional requirements. For additional information about certification, contact the certification officer of the Council on Teacher Education.
Students will need 32 hours of computer science to be certified in this area.