Statistics is the science of modeling, summarizing, and analyzing data, and of using mathematics and computing tools to make predictions and decisions in the face of uncertainty. Statistical ideas are applicable in any area involving quantitative measurement and in almost every area of scholarly pursuit. The major, administered by the Department of Statistics, is designed to provide students with an understanding of the concepts of statistical inference and a familiarity with the methods of applied statistical analysis. It can be used as preparation for a career in business, industry, or government, or as a preparation for further graduate study in statistics or in a related area.MAJOR IN SCIENCES AND LETTERS CURRICULUM
Degree title: Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts and Sciences
Minimum required major and supporting course work normally equates to 47-48 hours
General education: The LAS General Education requirements (see page 130) are set up so that students automatically complete the Campus General Education requirements. The exceptions to this are the Campus Composition II and the Western Cultures requirements which must also be completed.
Minimum hours required for graduation: 120 hours
Departmental distinction: Distinction will be awarded on the basis of the selection of 300-level courses in statistics and the grade-point average in required courses.
Calculus through MATH 242-Calculus of Several Variables, or MATH 245-Calculus, II, or equivalent. 3
Select from: MATH 315-Linear Transformations and Matricesor MATH 318-Introduction to Linear Algebra3
Select from: MATH 247-Intermediate Analysisor MATH 280-Advanced Calculus4
STAT 310-Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Probability, I 3
STAT 311-Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Probability, II 3
Select from: STAT 324-Analysis of Varianceor STAT 325-Applied Regression and Design9
Select three courses at least two of which must be from List A: List A 3 hrs STAT 326-Sampling and Categorical Data 3 hrs STAT 327-Statistical Consulting 3 hrs STAT 328-Statistical Computing 3 hrs STAT 329-Time Series Analysis 3 hrs STAT 330-Topics in Applied Statistics 3 hrs MATH 366-Introduction to Probability Theory, IIList B2 3 hrs STAT 324-Analysis of Variance 3 hrs STAT 325-Applied Regression and Design 3 hrs MATH 346-Complex Variables and Applications or MATH 348-Introduction to Higher Analysis: Complex Variables 3 hrs MATH 344-Elementary Real Analysis, or MATH 347-Introduction to Higher Analysis: Real Variablesvariable
A working knowledge of a programming language (satisfied, for instance, by C S 101, 105, or 121 ). 12
A secondary subject in which statistical methods are applicable. No more than 6 of these hours may be in courses emphasizing statistical methods. Course selection must have adviser approval. Twelve hours advanced level (300 or approved 200 level) courses in the major must be taken on this campus.
All foreign language requirements must be satisfied.
A Major Plan of Study Form must be completed and submitted to the LAS Student Affairs Office before the end of the fifth semester (60-75
hours). Please see your adviser.
1. It is strongly recommended that STAT 100 be taken during the freshman or sophomore year as an early introduction to statistical ideas. Highly prepared students who are able to take STAT 310 before the junior year should not take STAT 100.
2. or STAT 324 or 325 if not used above