Students may pursue chemistry by following either the specialized curriculum in chemistry (leading to the bachelor of science in chemistry), or one of two options in the Sciences and Letters Curriculum (leading to the bachelor of science in liberal arts and sciences). The department also sponsors a minor in chemistry and a teacher education minor in chemistry. These programs of study are administered by the Department of Chemistry.
The chemistry option in the Sciences and Letters Curriculum is used by some students planning chemistry careers, but it is more often chosen by students wishing to obtain chemistry backgrounds for use in related fields. In contrast, the specialized curriculum in chemistry is a rigorous, specialized program suitable for those planning careers in chemistry. It meets standards prescribed by the American Chemical Society.
Cooperative Education Program: Students accepted into the School of Chemical Sciences Cooperative Education Program spend alternate periods of attendance at the University with periods of employment in industry or government. Transcript recognition is given as well as a certificate of participation at graduation. Additional information and applications are available in the School of Chemical Sciences placement and advising office.
Students must select one option.Chemistry OptionChemistry Option
Degree title: Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts and Sciences
Minimum required major and supporting course work normally equates to 48-51 hours including at least 30 hours in Chemistry courses
General education: The LAS General Education requirements (see page 130) are set up so that students automatically complete the Campus General Education requirements. The exceptions to this are the Campus Composition II and the Western Cultures requirements which must also be completed.
Minimum hours required for graduation: 120 hours
Departmental distinction: Students qualify for graduation with distinction by exhibiting superior performance in both course work and in senior thesis research. To be eligible, a student must have a minimum cumulative grade-point average of 3.0 and must complete a senior thesis course.
Chemistry and biochemistry courses1 including:
CHEM 340-Principles of Physical Chemistry or CHEM 342-Physical Chemistry, I
4-8 hrs Two other 300-level courses, at least one of which must be outside physical chemistry.10-11
Mathematics through MATH 242-Calculus of Several Variables, or MATH 245-Calculus, II 8-10
Physics through PHYCS 102-General Physics or PHYCS 111-General Physics (Mechanics) and PHYCS 112-General Physics (Electricity & Magnetism) Twelve advanced level courses (numbered 292 or 300 or higher) in Chemistry and/or Biochemistry must be taken on this campus
All foreign language requirements must be satisfied.
NOTE: Transfer credit in chemistry must be approved by an adviser in chemistry in order to be included in the 30 hours.
1. Excluding CHEM 100, 103, 115, 122, and 199.
Chemistry Teaching Option
This option is designed to prepare the student to teach physical science with a major in chemistry and a second teaching field in physics or mathematics. A student must have at least 2.5 cumulative and University of Illinois grade point averages to remain in the teaching option. A student must also maintain at least a 2.0 grade-point average in all attempts at science and mathematics courses taken at the University of Illinois in order to remain in the teaching option.
A student must elect a second teaching field in either mathematics or physics. Regardless of the second teaching field, the major requires the completion of the general physics sequence, including Physics 112, and one year of calculus. Students choosing a second teaching field in mathematics shall complete the teacher education minor in mathematics (see page 172). The second teaching field in physics shall consist of 6 hours of 300-level physics beyond the elementary courses.
Degree title: Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts and Sciences
Minimum required courses normally equate to 58-65 hours
General education: See the description of the general education requirements on page 134. Students may need additional hours in humanities to complete the 15-hour minimum required for certification.
Minimum hours required for graduation: 120 hours
Departmental distinction: Students in this major may earn distinction, high distinction, or highest distinction. Distinction is awarded on the basis of performance in student teaching and academic achievement.
Prerequisites to transfer to the Teaching Option: EDPSY 211; E P S 201; CHEM 107, 108, 109, 110 (or CHEM 101, 102, 223, 224); CHEM 236 and 237 (or CHEM 231 and 234); MATH 120 and MATH 130 must be completed prior to transfer into the teaching option.
In addition to the requirements for the option listed below, students must complete the Teaching Education Minor in Secondary School Teaching (36 hours). See page 87 for requirements of the Minor. Conferral of the degree of Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts and Sciences prior to completion of the minor requires approval by petition to the LAS Student Affairs Office.
CHEM 107-Accelerated Chemistry I, CHEM 108-Accelerated Chemistry II, CHEM 109-Accelerated Chemistry Laboratory I, and CHEM 110-Accelerated Chemistry Laboratory II (or CHEM 101, 102, 223, and 224) 5-6
CHEM 236-Fundamental Organic Chemistry, I and CHEM 237-Structure and Synthesis (or 231 and 234) 4
CHEM 340-Principles of Physical Chemistry or CHEM 342 8
At least eight additional hours of 300-level chemistry course work. At least one 300 level course must be outside physical chemistry. 8
MATH 120-Calculus and Analytic Geometry,I and Math 130-Calculus and Analytic Geometry II 10
At least 10 hours of general physics, including PHYCS 112 14-18
Additional mathematics or physics to complete a second teaching field Twelve hours advanced level (300 and approved 200) courses in Chemistry must be taken on this campus
All foreign language requirements must be satisfied.
The typical program of courses required to satisfy this degree totals 128-134 hours; in no case will a program totaling less than 120 hours qualify for graduation. Graduation requires grade point averages of at least 3.0 overall and 2.0 in chemistry, mathematics, and physics courses. The Department of Chemistry will supply, upon request, a brochure showing recommended semester-by-semester programs for the completion of the curriculum.
Each graduate of the professional curriculum in chemistry is certified to the American Chemical Society as having met its specifications for professional education in chemistry.
Degree title: Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
General education: All campus general education requirements must be satisfied.
Minimum hours required for graduation: 120 hours
Departmental distinction: Students qualify for graduation with distinction by exhibiting superior performance in both course work and in senior thesis research. To be eligible, a student must have an overall grade-point average of at least 3.0 and must complete a senior thesis course.
HOURS REQUIREMENTS 351 Core Chemistry: CHEM 107-Accelerated Chemistry, I CHEM 108-Accelerated Chemistry, II CHEM 109-Accelerated Chemistry Laboratory, I CHEM 110-Accelerated Chemistry Laboratory, II2 CHEM 236-Fundamental Organic Chemistry, I CHEM 237-Structure and Synthesis CHEM 315-Inorganic Chemistry CHEM 319-Instrumental Characterization of Chemical Systems Laboratory CHEM 321-Instrumental Characterization of Chemical Systems CHEM 336-Fundamental Organic Chemistry, II CHEM 342-Physical Chemistry, I CHEM 344-Physical Chemistry, II CHEM 345-Physical Principles of Chemistry Laboratory, I 11 Advanced Chemistry: Chemistry/Biochemistry courses numbered 300 or higher which must include one from the following:3 CHEM 316-Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory CHEM 337-Organic Chemistry CHEM 347-Physical Properties of Chemistry Laboratory, IIAdditional laboratory work:3,4 CHEM 316-Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory CHEM 322-Separation Methods CHEM 323-Electronic Circuits, I CHEM 337-Organic Chemistry CHEM 338-Separation, Purification, and Identification of Organic Compounds CHEM 347-Physical Principles of Chemistry Laboratory, II CHEM 392-Solid State Structural Analysis BIOCH 355-Biochemistry Laboratory and BIOCH 356 Lectures on Biochemistry Laboratory MethodsAdditional chemistry/biochemistry courses to complete the 11-hour requirement 11 Mathematics:1 MATH 120-Calculus and Analytic Geometry, I; MATH 130-Calculus and Analytic Geometry, II; and MATH 242-Calculus of Several Variables; or equivalent 10 Physics:1 PHYCS 111-General Physics (Mechanics), PHYCS 112-General Physics (Electricity and Magnetism), and PHYCS 114-General Physics (Waves and Quantum Physics), or equivalent 14 Technical Electives, including the following: Required Mathematics:4
MATH 388-Mathematical Methods in Engineering and Science; or MATH 225-Introductory Matrix Theory and MATH 285-Differential Equations and Orthogonal Functions, or equivalent5Strongly Recommended: CHEM 292-Senior Thesis (maximum of 10 hours) Recommended: basic computer science Other technical courses chosen from: Chemistry (300 or higher), biochemistry, chemical engineering (200 or higher) Courses in life sciences (all courses at 200 or higher) Mathematics or computer science above the basic level Other courses in the physical and biological sciences and engineering including CHEM 1996variable Nontechnical Requirements:7 General education: Foreign language-two semesters of college study (or two years of high school study) in a single foreign language Composition I writing requirement (RHET 105, RHET 108, SPCOM 111 and 112, or equivalent) Composition II writing requirement8 Humanities/Arts to satisfy the campus general education requirements Social/Behavioral sciences to satisfy the campus general education requirements Cultural Studies to satisfy the campus general education requirement 931 Free elective10
1. Hours given are those typical to meet requirement.
2. If necessary, CHEM 101, 102, 223, and 224 may be substituted for CHEM 107, 108, 109, and 110. Warning: CHEM 223 and 224 are offered only in the fall semester.
3. The course chosen from CHEM 316, 337, or 347 cannot be used to satisfy the chemistry lab requirement.
4. Students who present less than 6 semester hours credit in CHEM 292 for graduation must complete two additional courses chosen from the list. Students who will present at least 6 semester hours credit in CHEM 292 for graduation are required to complete only one laboratory course from the list.
5. Students contemplating transfer to the chemical engineering curriculum should choose MATH 225 and 285.
6. 3 hours maximum credit. Additional courses in the sciences and engineering can be taken upon the approval of the chair of the chemistry department advising committee. Most approved courses must have a strong technical prerequisite, such as one year of college-level math or science.
7. The requirements for the Campus General Education categories Natural Sciences and Technology and Quantitative Reasoning I are fulfilled through required course work in the curriculum.
8. The course taken to satisfy the Composition II requirement may also be used to partially satisfy one of the core chemistry, advanced chemistry, mathematics, physics, or technical electives requirements (if appropriate), or may be used to partially satisfy the free electives requirements.
9. The courses taken to satisfy Western and/or Non-Western Civilization requirements may also be used to satisfy nontechnical and/or free elective categories.
10. Restrictions: (1) courses preparatory to or used to satisfy the minimum requirements specified in the above requirements may not be included as free electives. (2) No first-year foreign language course (e.g. 101,102, or equivalent) may be included unless it is a different language than used to satisfy the foreign language nontechnical requirement.Minor in Chemistry
Requirements 10
Maximum of 10 hours of Chemistry courses numbered 110 or lower. 6
Minimum of 6 hours of Chemistry courses officially designated as "advanced" in the LAS Student Handbook. 20
1. CHEM 100 may not count in the 20 hours.
2. Biochemistry courses may be included in the 20 hours.Teacher Education Minor in Chemistry
Teacher Education minors are available only to students seeking to add additional teaching fields to their teaching majors.
Requirements1 10-11
General chemistry, select from: Chem 107-Accelerated Chemistry, I; Chem 108-Accelerated Chemistry, II; Chem 109-Accelerated Chemistry Laboratory, I; Chem 110—Accelerated Chemistry Laboratory, II CHEM 101-General Chemistry, CHEM 102-General Chemistry (Biological or Physical Version), and CHEM 122—Elementary Quantitative Analysis CHEM 223-Quantitative Analysis Lecture, and CHEM 224-Quantitative Analysis Laboratory5
Elementary organic chemistry including laboratory 10-12
Chemistry or other physical science courses 25-28
1. Students are advised that additional course work is necessary to teach middle grades through eight. Consult the certification officer in 130 Education Building for additional information.