This major is sponsored by the Department of Mathematics and is designed to prepare students to enter the actuarial profession. See also Mathematics, Mathematics and Computer Science.
Degree title: Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts and Sciences
Minimum required major and supporting course work normally equates to 52-53 hours including 27 hours of mathematics beyond calculus.
General education: The LAS General Education requirements (see page 130) are set up so that students automatically complete the Campus General Education requirements. The exceptions to this are the Campus Composition II and the Western Cultures requirements which must also be completed.
Minimum hours required for graduation: 120 hours
Departmental distinction: To qualify for distinction, the student must take MATH 372, have a grade-point average in mathematics courses of at least 3.25, and pass at least six hours of examinations offered by the professional actuarial societies. To qualify for high or highest distinction, the student must have passed at least eight hours of professional exams, with highest distinction going to those whose grade-point averages in mathematics are at least 3.75. Finance courses and additional professional exams may also be given consideration in close decisions.
Calculus through MATH 242-Calculus of Several Variables; or MATH 245-Calculus, II; or equivalent 3
Select from: C S 101-Introduction to Computing for Application to Engineering and Physical Science1
C S 105-Introduction to Computing with Application to Business and Commerceor
C S 125-Introduction to Computer Science, or equivalent3
MATH 210-Theory of Interest 4
MATH 308-Actuarial Statistics, I 4
MATH 309-Actuarial Statistics, II 3
MATH 369-Methods of Applied Statistics 3
Select from: MATH 315-Linear Transformation and Matricesor
MATH 383-Linear Programming3
Select one course from the following:
ECON 372-Econometrics2
MATH 257-Numerical Methods
MATH 370-Actuarial Numerical Analysis
MATH 376-Actuarial Risk Theory
MATH 383-Linear Programming (if not used to satisfy above requirement)
MATH 393-Statistical Computing
MATH 394-Time Series Analysis7
MATH 371-Actuarial Theory I and MATH 372-Actuarial Theory II3 12
Four finance courses chosen in consultation with an adviser.
Choose from: FIN 254-Corporate Finance
FIN 260-Introduction to Insurance
FIN 262-Wealth Management and Life Insurance
FIN 300-Financial Matters
FIN 323-International Corporate Finance
FIN 341-Property-Liability Insurance
FIN 343-Financial Risk Management of Insurance Enterprises
FIN 345-Corporate Risk Management
FIN 360-Employee Benefit Plans
FIN 361-Investments
FIN 364-International Financial MarketsTwelve hours advanced level (300 or approved 200 level) courses in the major must be taken on this campus.
All foreign language requirements must be satisfied.NOTE: The student is urged to elect ACCY 200 (or 201) or B ADM 261 in the junior or senior year.
1. Students with 2 hours credit in C S 101 must take C S 110
2. Economics 372 counts toward the 27 hours mathematics beyond calculus requirement.
3. With adviser approval, students may substitute another course for MATH 372. The replacement course may be chosen from: MATH 313, 318, 344, 347, 358, 365, 368, 384; C S 225, 232, 300