College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) has four missions:
scholarly inquiry and the generation of knowledge, preparation of
individuals for an array of careers and professions, service to the
public, and the provision of the intellectual core of the University.
The college shares the first three missions with professional schools
and other colleges on this campus, but the last mission is uniquely
the responsibility of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. By
fulfilling this responsibility, the college helps develop broadly
educated individuals who are committed to or characterized by open
inquiry, critical thinking, effective communication, and responsiveness
to the needs of individuals and society.
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Program
- Actuarial Science
- African Studies
- African-American Studies
- American Civilization (see Interdisciplinary Studies)
- Animal Biology (see Integrative Biology)
- Anthropology
- Art History
- Asian American Studies
- Astronomy
- Atmospheric Sciences
- Biochemistry (see Molecular and Cellular Biology)
- Bioengineering (see Bioengineering in College of Engineering)
- Biology
- Biophysics (see Molecular and Cellular Biology)
- Business/LAS (see Combined Degree Programs)
- Caribbean Studies (see Latin American Studies)
- Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
- Chemistry
- Cinema Studies (see Interdisciplinary Studies)
- Classical Archaeology
- Classical Civilization
- Classics
- Comparative and World Literature
- Computer Science
- Dentistry (see Preprofessional Programs)
- Earth Science
- East Asian Languages and Cultures
- Economics
- Engineering/LAS (see Combined Degree Programs)
- English
- English as an International Language
- Entomology (see Integrative Biology)
- Environmental Studies
- Finance
- Foreign Languages
- French
- Gender and Women's Studies (see Interdisciplinary Studies)
- General Science
- Geography
- Geology
- German
- Gerontology
- Greek
- Health Information Management
- Health Programs (see Preprofessional Programs)
- Hebrew (see Linguistics)
- History
- Individual Plans of Study (IPS)
- Integrative Biology
- Interdisciplinary Studies Major
- International Studies
- Italian
- Jewish Culture
- Latin
- Latin American Studies
- Latina/Latino Studies Program
- Law (see Preprofessional Programs)
- Life Sciences
- Linguistics
- Mathematics
- Mathematics and Computer Science
- Medical Laboratory Sciences (see Preprofessional Programs)
- Medicine (see Preprofessional Programs)
- Medieval Civilizations (see Interdisciplinary Studies)
- Molecular and Cellular Biology
- Molecular and Integrative Physiology (see Molecular and Cellular Biology)
- Nursing (see Preprofessional Programs)
- Nutrition and Medical Dietetics (see Preprofessional Programs)
- Occupational Therapy (see Preprofessional Programs)
- Pharmacy (see Preprofessional Programs)
- Philosophy
- Physical Science
- Physical Therapy (see Preprofessional Programs)
- Physics
- Physiology (see Molecular and Cellular Biology)
- Plant Biology (see Integrative Biology)
- Political Science
- Portuguese
- Preprofessional Programs
- Psychology
- Religious Studies
- Renaissance Studies (see Inderdisciplinary Studies)
- Rhetoric
- Russian
- Russian and East European Studies
- Russian Language and Literature
- Scandinavian (see German)
- Science and Technology in Society
- Social Studies
- Sociology
- South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
- Spanish
- Speech Communication
- Statistics
- Statistics and Computer Science
- Veterinary Medicine (see Preprofessional Programs)