The Sciences and Letters Curriculum major in geology, administered by the Department of Geology, is designed for students who want a more flexible course of study than is provided by the Specialized Curriculum in Geology and Geophysics. It may be used by those wishing to obtain a more liberal education and/or background in geology for use in fields such as anthropology, business, mineral economics, regional planning, journalism, law, sales, or library and information science. It is not intended to prepare a student for graduate work in the geological sciences unless the student selects additional courses in mathematics, chemistry, and physics comparable to those required in the Specialized Geology and Geophysics Curriculum.
The Department of Geology also sponsors the Minor in Geology, the Earth and Environmental Sciences Option, the Earth Science Teaching Option, and a Teacher Education Minor in Earth Science. The Earth Science Teaching Option is designed for students preparing to teach earth science at the secondary school level.
Students must select one option in the Sciences and Letters Curriculum or one option in the Specialized Curriculum.
Major in Sciences and Letters Curriculum
Select one option in consultation with an adviser.
Geology Option
Degree title: Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts and Sciences
Minimum required major and supporting course work normally equates to 47-52 hours including at least 29 hours in Geology and 18 hours of supporting course work selected in consultation with an adviser
General education: The LAS General Education requirements are set up so students automatically complete the Campus General Education requirements.
Minimum hours required for graduation: 120 hours
Departmental distinction: Students who maintain grade point averages of at least 3.5 in all geology courses and 3.0 in all other science and mathematics courses and who complete an acceptable senior thesis, including at least four hours of credit in GEOL 492 or 493, are recommended for graduation with distinction.
Hours | Requirements |
14-18 |
Core requirements, including: |
GEOL 107Physical Geology and |
GEOL 108Historical Geology (preferred courses)1 |
CHEM 102General Chemistry I, and |
CHEM 103General Chemistry Lab I |
Select one of the following: |
MATH 220Calculus I |
MATH 234Calculus for Business I |
An introductory Statistics course, e.g., STAT 100, SOC 280, ECON 202, or a second semester of Calculus is recommended |
32-35 |
Additional requirements beyond the core requirements: |
CHEM 104General Chemistry II, and |
CHEM 105General Chemistry Lab II |
Select one of the following: |
PHYS 101College Physics, Mech & Heat or |
PHYS 211Univ Physics, Mechanics |
GEOL 411Structural Geol and Tectonics |
GEOL 4172 Geol Field Methods, Western US |
GEOL 432Mineralogy and Mineral Optics |
GEOL 436Petrology and Petrography |
Select one of the following: |
GEOL 420Introduction to Paleontology |
GEOL 440Sedimentology and Stratigraphy |
Three to four hours of advanced Geology or cognate science elective |
2. GEOL 417 is a summer field course taught off campus.
Twelve hours of 300- and 400-level courses in the major must be taken on this campus.
All foreign language requirements must be satisfied.
A Major Plan of Study Form must be completed and submitted to the LAS Student Affairs Office before the end of the fifth semester (60-75 hours). Please see your adviser.
Earth and Environmental Science Option
Hours | Requirements |
14-18 | Core requirements, including: |
GEOL 107Physical Geology and |
GEOL 108Historical Geology (preferred courses)1 |
CHEM 102General Chemistry I and | |
CHEM 103General Chemistry Lab I | |
Select one of the following: | |
MATH 220Calculus I |
MATH 234Calculus for Business I |
An introductory Statistics course, e.g., STAT 100, SOC 280, ECON 202, or a second semester of Calculus is recommended |
27-31 | Total hours beyond the core requirements |
Select one of the following: | |
ATMS 140Climate and Global Change, or |
GEOL 118Natural Disasters |
Select one of the following: | |
GEOL 333Earth Materials and the Env, or |
GEOL 432Mineralogy and Mineral Optics |
GEOL 380Environmental Geology | |
Ten to twelve additional advanced geology courses | |
Six to eight hours Environmental Studies electives. (see Geology advisor for list of approved courses) |
Earth Science Teaching Option
Completion of this option fulfills state certification requirements to teach both earth science and general science. In order to remain in good standing in this program and be recommended for certification, candidates are required to maintain UIUC, cumulative, content area, and professional education, grade-point averages of 2.5 (A= 4.0). Candidates should consult their advisor or the Council on Teacher Education for the list of courses used to compute these grade-point averages.
Web address for department:
Degree title: Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts and Sciences
Minimum required course work normally equates to 61-64 hours
General education: Students must fulfill the LAS general education requirements. In addition, students must take one of the following speech performance courses: SPCM 101, 113, 120, 321, or 323. Minimum hours required for graduation: 120 hours
Departmental distinction: The student must have a grade-point average of at least 3.5 in all geology courses as well as all courses in the Teacher Education Minor and a GPA of at least 3.0 in all other science and mathematics courses and must present evidence of exemplary teaching.
Prerequisites to transfer to the Teaching Option (must be completed or be in progress): EPSY 201; EPS 201 or 202; CHEM 102; CHEM 103; MATH 220 or 234; GEOL 107; and GEOL 333. In addition, the student is required to pass the State Basic Skills Test before application to the teaching minor.
In addition to the requirements for the option listed below, students must complete the Teacher Education Minor in Secondary School Teaching (37 hours). See the College of Education section for requirements of the minor - Conferral of the degree of Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts and Sciences prior to completion of the minor requires approval by petition to the LAS Student Affairs Office. Ordinarily, all students will require 10 semesters to complete this program.
Hours | Requirements |
6 | Select one group of courses: |
ASTR 100Perspective in Astronomy |
ASTR 113The Sky |
or | |
ASTR 121The Solar System |
ASTR 122Stars and Galaxies |
3 | ATMS 100Introduction to Meteorology |
4 | IB 101Biological Sciences |
4 | Select one group of courses: |
CHEM 102General Chemistry I |
CHEM 103General Chemistry Lab I |
or | |
CHEM 202Accelerated Chemistry I |
CHEM 203Accelerated Chemistry Lab I |
4 | GEOL 107Physical Geology |
4 | GEOL 108Historical Geology |
3 | GEOL 117The Oceans |
4 | GEOL 333*Earth Materials and the Environment |
3 | GEOL 420Introduction to Paleontology |
8 | Advanced-hour course work in Geology |
4-5 | Select one: |
MATH 220Calculus I |
MATH 234Calculus for Business I |
10-12 | Select one group of courses: |
PHYS 101College Physics, Mech & Heat |
PHYS 102College Physics, E&M & Modern |
or | |
PHYS 211Univ Physics, Mechanics |
PHYS 212Univ Physics, Elec & Mag |
PHYS 213Univ Physics, Thermal Physics |
PHYS 214Univ Physics, Quantum Phys |
Twelve hours of 300- and 400-level courses in the major must be taken on this campus.
All foreign language requirements must be satisfied.
A Major Plan of Study Form must be completed and submitted to the LAS Student Affairs Office before the end of the fifth semester (60-75 hours). Please see your adviser.
Major in Specialized Curriculum in Geology and Geophysics
The curriculum in geology and geophysics is designed for students who plan to pursue graduate study in geology or geophysics or who wish to work professionally in the environmental field upon obtaining the bachelor's degree. It consists of geology, geophysics, and environmental geology options, and offers more training in geology and related science than is required of students who make geology their major in the Sciences and Letters Curriculum.
Graduation requires a grade point average of at least 2.0 overall and a 2.0 average in all required science and technical courses (geology, physics, mathematics, chemistry, and technical requirements listed below). The Department of Geology will supply upon request a Guide for Geology Undergraduates giving more information about the curriculum.
Web address for department:
Degree title: Bachelor of Science in Geology
General education: All campus general education requirements must be satisfied.
Minimum hours required for graduation: 126 hours
Departmental distinction: Students who maintain a grade point average of at least 3.5 in all geology courses and 3.0 in all other science and mathematics courses and who complete an acceptable senior thesis, including at least 4 hours credit in GEOL 492 or 493, are recommended for graduation with distinction.
Geology Option
Hours | Requirements |
8-9 | Chemistry. Select one group of courses: |
CHEM 102General Chemistry I and |
CHEM 103General Chemistry Lab I, and |
CHEM 104General Chemistry II, and |
CHEM 105General Chemistry Lab II |
or | |
CHEM 202Accelerated Chemistry I, and |
CHEM 203Accelerated Chemistry Lab I, and |
CHEM 204Accelerated Chemistry II, and |
CHEM 205Accelerated Chemistry Lab II |
451 | Geology: |
GEOL 107Physical Geology |
GEOL 1082Historical Geology |
GEOL 411Structural Geol and Tectonics |
GEOL 4173Geol Field Methods, Western US |
GEOL 420Introduction to Paleontology |
GEOL 432Mineralogy and Mineral Optics |
GEOL 436Petrology and Petrography |
GEOL 440Sedimentology and Stratigraphy |
Select one: |
GEOL 450Physics of the Earth |
or |
GEOL 452Introduction to Geophysics |
GEOL 460Geochemistry | |
6 additional hours 300- or 400-level geology | |
13-14 | Mathematics: |
MATH 220Calculus I |
MATH 230Calculus II |
Select one: |
MATH 225Introductory Matrix Theory |
or |
MATH 415Linear Algebra |
MATH 242Calculus of Several Variables | |
8-10 | Physics. Select one group of courses: |
PHYS 211 Univ Physics, Mechanics and |
PHYS 212 Univ Physics, Elec & Mag |
or | |
PHYS 101 College Physics, Mech & Heat |
PHYS 102 College Physics, E&M & Modern |
3 | Additional Technical Requirements |
Choose at least 3 hours from the following: | |
IB 103Introduction to Plant Biology |
IB 104Animal Biology |
CS 101 Intro to Computing, Eng & Sci |
CS 125 Intro to Computer Science |
CPSC 440 Applied Statistical Methods I |
STAT 400Statistics and Probability I |
MATH 380Advanced Calculus |
MATH 385Intro Differential Equations |
MATH 441Differential Equations |
PHYS 213 Univ Physics, Thermal Physics |
PHYS 214 Univ Physics, Quantum Phys |
Geophysics Option
Hours | Requirements |
8-9 | Select one group of courses: |
CHEM 102General Chemistry I, and |
CHEM 103General Chemistry Lab I, and |
CHEM 104General Chemistry II, and |
CHEM 105General Chemistry Lab II |
or | |
CHEM 202Accelerated Chemistry I, and |
CHEM 203Accelerated Chemistry Lab I, and |
CHEM 204Accelerated Chemistry II, and |
CHEM 205Accelerated Chemistry Lab II |
22 | Geology: |
GEOL 107Physical Geology |
GEOL 1082Historical Geology |
GEOL 452Introduction to Geophysics |
10 additional hours of 300 or 400 level geology |
19-20 | Mathematics: |
MATH 220Calculus I |
MATH 230Calculus II |
MATH 242Calculus of Several Variables |
Select one: |
MATH 225Introductory Matrix Theory |
or |
MATH 415Linear Algebra |
MATH 380Advanced Calculus |
MATH 385Intro Differential Equations |
15- 17 | Physics: |
PHYS 211 Univ Physics, Mechanics |
PHYS 212 Univ Physics, Elec & Mag |
PHYS 213 Univ Physics, Thermal Physics |
PHYS 214 Univ Physics, Quantum Phys |
Select one group of courses: |
PHYS 325 Mechanics and Relativity I |
or |
TAM 210 Introduction to Statics and |
TAM 212 Introductory Dynamics |
13 | Additional Technical Requirements: |
Select either: |
CS 101 Intro to Computing, Eng & Sci |
or |
CS 125 Intro to Computer Science |
Select one course from: |
MSE 401 Thermodynamics of Materials |
PHYS 427 Thermo & Statistical Physics |
CHEM 444Physical Chemistry II |
Six hours of other 300- or 400-level science, math, or engineering courses selected with adviser approval. |
Environmental Geology Option
Hours | Requirements |
8-9 | Select one group of courses: |
CHEM 102General Chemistry I, and |
CHEM 103General Chemistry Lab I, and |
CHEM 104General Chemistry II, and |
CHEM 105General Chemistry Lab II |
or | |
CHEM 202Accelerated Chemistry I, and |
CHEM 203Accelerated Chemistry Lab I, and |
CHEM 204Accelerated Chemistry II, and |
CHEM 205Accelerated Chemistry Lab II |
23-24 | Geology: |
GEOL 1072Physical Geology |
GEOL 1082Historical Geology |
GEOL 401Geomorphology |
Select one: |
GEOL 451Methods In Applied Geophysics |
or |
GEOL 452Introduction to Geophysics |
GEOL 470Introduction to Hydrogeology |
GEOL 482Current Problems in Env Geol |
11 | Mathematics: |
MATH 220Calculus I |
MATH 230Calculus II |
MATH 242Calculus of Several Variables |
8-10 | Physics. Select from: |
PHYS 211 Univ Physics, Mechanics and |
PHYS 212 Univ Physics, Elec & Mag |
or | |
PHYS 101 College Physics, Mech & Heat and |
PHYS 102 College Physics, E&M & Modern |
4 | Statistics. Select from: |
CPSC 440 Applied Statistical Methods I |
STAT 400Statistics and Probability I |
24 | Additional Technical Requirements: |
Select from the following courses. At least 9 hours must be geology courses and at least 9 hours must be non-geology courses. | |
CEE 330 Environmental Engineering |
CHEM 232Elementary Organic Chemistry I |
CS 101 Intro to Computing, Eng & Sci or |
CS 125 Intro to Computer Science |
ENVS 431 Environmental Toxic Substances |
ENVS 451 Environmental Organic Chem |
GEOG 477Introduction to Remote Sensing |
GEOL 411Structural Geol and Tectonics |
GEOL 4173Geol Field Methods, Western US |
GEOL 432Mineralogy and Mineral Optics |
GEOL 436Petrology and Petrography |
GEOL 440Sedimentology and Stratigraphy |
GEOL 460Geochemistry |
MATH 225Introductory Matrix Theory |
MATH 415Linear Algebra |
MATH 380Advanced Calculus |
MATH 385Intro Differential Equations |
MATH 441Differential Equations |
MCB 100Introductory Microbiology |
MCB 101Intro Microbiology Laboratory |
PHYS 213 Univ Physics, Thermal Physics |
PHYS 214 Univ Physics, Quantum Phys |
STAT 420Methods of Applied Statistics |
TAM 210 Introduction to Statics |
TAM 211 Statics |
2. Students who decide to follow the curriculum after first taking GEOL 100 or 101 or 111 should enroll in GEOL 108. Students not taking the GEOL 107 field trip are required to take GEOL 110. GEOL 101 or GEOL 100 will be accepted as a substitute for GEOL 107, but students should be aware that these courses are not intended for science majors.
3. GEOL 417 is a 6-hour summer field course taught off campus.
Minor in Geology
The geology minor is designed for students who desire a significant background in Geology to support study and practice of their major field. Selection of courses at the 300- or 400- level will depend on the major and interests of the student.
Web address for department:
Hours | Requirements |
8 | GEOL 107Physical Geology |
GEOL 108Historical Geology1 | |
10-11 | GEOL 333Earth Materials and the Env |
GEOL 380Environmental Geology | |
300-or 400-level courses taught by the Department of Geology | |
18-19 | Total hours |