For the Degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting
The curriculum in painting requires 122 credit hours and provides extensive training in preparation for professional practice as an artist.
The first year is devoted primarily to the study of design, composition, and the acquisition of both representational and abstract drawing skills. The second year concentrates on introducing the student to beginning painting skills and techniques with further studies in drawing and composition. The last two years are devoted to the development of individual creative expression in painting and other media.
When followed by a program leading to a degree of Master of Fine Arts in Painting, this curriculum is recommended as preparation for a career as an artist and as a t eacher of painting and drawing and related subjects at the college level.
Foreign Language RequirementStudents entering the University of Illinois as freshmen in Fall 2000 or later need to complete the foreign language requirement in order to graduate. To satisfy this requirement, students must complete a third semester college foreign language course. This requirement may also be satisfied by three years of the same foreign language in high school. Students entering the University of Illinois without three years of the same foreign language in high school must take a foreign language placement test to determine the courses in which to enroll.
HOURS GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 4 RHET 105 or 108-English Composition 3 Advanced Composition 21 One approved sequence of 6 hours in each of the following areas: humanities and the arts, natural sciences and technology, social and behavioral sciences, and Western and non-Western culture. AR THI satisfies half of the humanities requirement. 3 Quantitative reasoning 31 Total HOURS ART HISTORY 4 ARTHI 111-Ancient and Medieval Art 4 ARTHI 112-Renaissance and Modern Art 6 Advanced art history 14 Total HOURS GENERAL ART AND DESIGN 2 ARTGP 113-Contemporary Issues in Art and Design 6 ARTGP 117 and 118-Drawing, I and II 6 ARTGP 119 and 120-Design, I and II 14 Total HOURS PAINTING 4 ARTPA 125 and 126-Life Drawing, I and II 6 ARTPA 141 and 142-Beginning Painting, I and II 4 ARTPA 143 and 144-Painting Composition I and II 2 ARTPA 219-Current Art Issues 6 ARTPA 225 and 226-Intermediate Drawing 6 ARTPA 231 and 232-Intermediate Composition 6 ARTPA 233 and 234-Advanced Composition 6 ARTPA 245 and 246-Advanced Painting and Drawing 3 Printmaking course 43 Total HOURS ELECTIVES 7 General electives (see college list, no Art courses) 13 Professional electives 20 Total