For the Degree Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art Education
The curriculum in art education requires 130 credit hours and prepares students for positions as teachers of art in the public schools, grades kindergarten through twelve. The program places emphasis on methods, materials, processes, and practice teaching in Illinois schools.
For teacher education requirements applicable to all curricula, see the Council on Teacher Education section elsewhere in this catalog.
Foreign Language Requirement
Students entering the University of Illinois as freshmen in Fall 2000 or later need to complete the foreign language requirement in order to graduate. To satisfy this requirement, students must complete a third semester college foreign language course. This requi rement may also be satisfied by three years of the same foreign language in high school. Students entering the University of Illinois without three years of the same foreign language in high school must take a foreign language placement test to determine the courses in which to enroll.
HOURS GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS All courses must appear on the Council on Teacher Education-approved list. 9-10 SPCOM 111 and 112 and Advanced Composition, or RHET 105 or 108 and SPCOM 101 and Advanced Composition 3 English or American literature 3-4 American history 3 POL S 150-American Government: Organization and Powers 3 Non-Western culture 3 One additional course to be chosen from literature and arts, historical and philosophical perspectives, or social perspectives (ARTHI 112 will satisfy this requirement) 3-4 Biological science1 3-4 Physical science1 3 One additional course to be chosen from biological science or physical science1 3 Mathematics 4 PSYCH 100-Introduction to Psychology 2 Health and physical development 42-43 Total (use additional electives and Art concentration credit as needed for a total of 130 hours) HOURS ART HISTORY 4 ARTHI 111-Ancient and Medieval Art 4 ARTHI 112-Renaissance and Modern Art 3 Advanced art history (200 or 300 level) 11 Total HOURS GENERAL ART AND DESIGN 2 ARTGP 113-Contemporary Issues in Art and Design 6 ARTGP 117 and 118-Drawing, I and II 6 ARTGP 119 and 120-Design, I and II 4 ARTPA 125 and 126-Life Drawing, I and II 4 ARTPA 143 and 144-Painting Composition I and II 15 Art Concentration: Concentration in one of the following areas: Area I, Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Photography, Computer Imagery and/or Design. Area II, Ceramics, Metals, Glass. Area III, Art History. Sggested Art Courses: 3 ARTCR 170-Ceramics, I 2 ARTPA 335-Comput er Imaging 3 ARTPH 115-Photography 45 Total HOURS ART EDUCATION2 4 ARTED 204-Art Education Laboratory (repeat) 4 ARTED 206-Practicum in Teaching Art 3 ARTED 207-Art Curriculum and Practicum in the Elementary Grades 3 ARTED 208-Organization of Public School Art Programs 14 Total HOURS PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION 3 E P S 201-Foundations of American Education 3 EDPSY 211-Psychology of Teaching and Learning 6 Total HOURS STUDENT TEACHING 4 ARTED 280-Professional Seminar in Art Education 10 ED PR 238 and 242-Practicum in Elementary and Secondary Education 14 Total130 Degree Total1. One science course must include a lab.
2. Art education courses are applicable to professional education requirements for teacher certification.
Teacher Education Minor in Art Education
Required courses in drawing and design must precede all other course work in the minor area. For teacher e ducation curricula students only.
HOURS REQUIRED COURSES 3 ART&D 107-Elementary Drawing 3 ARTGP 119-Design, I 6 Select from the following courses: 3 ART&D 105-Introduction to Watercolor Painting 3 ARTPA 141-Introduction to Oil Painting 2 ARTSC 151-Beginning Sculpture 3 ARTCR 160-Jewelry, I 3 ARTCR 170-Ceramics, I 12 Total HOURS ART EDUCATION 2 ARTED 204-Art Education Laboratory 4 ARTED 206-Practicum in Teaching Art 3 ARTED 207-Art Curriculum Development and Practicum in the Elementary Schools 9 Total HOURS HISTORY AND APPRECIATION OF ART 3 ART&D 140-Introduction to Art (required) 3 ARTHI 115-Art Appreciation 6 Total