Curriculum in Crafts
For the degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts in Crafts
The curriculum in crafts requires 122 credit hours and emphasizes professional training for the development of the self-sustaining craftsman, the teacher of crafts, and the designer-craftsman in industry. The curriculum provides a choice of three areas of concentration: ceramics, glassworking, and metalworking. The emphasis within these areas of concentration is on the development of individual design capabilities and perceptions and upon the mastery of comprehensive technical skills. In conjunction with these individual areas of emphasis, each student is given experience in other craft media.
Foreign Language RequirementStudents entering the University of Illinois as freshmen in Fall 2000 or later need to complete the foreign language requirement in order to graduate. To satisfy this requirement, students must complete a third semester college foreign language course. This requirement may also be satisfied by three years of the same foreign language in high school. Students entering the University of Illinois without three years of the same foreign language in high school must take a foreign language placement test to determine the courses in which to enroll.
HOURS GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 4 RHET 105 or 108-English composition 3 Advanced Composition 15 One approved sequence of six hours in each of the following areas: humanities and the arts, natural sciences and technology, and social and behavioral sciences. ARTHI 112 satisfies half of the humanities requirement. 3 Quantitative reasoning 3 Non-Western culture 3 Western culture 31 Total HOURS ART HISTORY 4 ARTHI 111-Ancient and Medieval Art 4 ARTHI 112-Renaissance and Modern Art 6 Advanced art history 14 Total HOURS GENERAL ART AND DESIGN 2 ARTGP 113-Contemporary Issues in Art and Design 6 ARTGP 117 and 118-Drawing, I and II 6 ARTGP 119 and 120-Design, I and II 14 TotalMajor in Ceramics
HOURS REQUIRED COURSES 6 ARTSC 151 and 152-Sculpture, I and II 4 ARTPA 125 and 126-Life Drawing, I and II (or ARTPA 125 and 143) 3 ARTCR 160-Jewelry, I 3 ARTCR 288-Glass, I 22 Major sequence in ceramics: 3 ARTCR 170-Ceramics, I 3 ARTCR 171-Ceramics, II 3 ARTCR 270-Ceramics, III 3 ARTCR 271-Ceramics, IV 5 ARTCR 274-Ceramics, V 5 ARTCR 275-Ceramics, VI 2-6 ARTCR 374-Ceramics 2 ARTPA 219-Seminar in Current Art Issues 40 Total HOURS ELECTIVES 6 General electives (see college list, no Art courses) 17 Art and Design and other professional electives 23 TotalMajor in Glass
HOURS REQUIRED COURSES 6 ARTSC 151 and 152-Sculpture, I and II 4 ARTPA 125 and 126-Life Drawing, I and II 3 ARTCR 160-Jewelry, I 3 ARTCR 170-Ceramics, I 22 Major sequence in glass: ARTCR 288 and 289-Glass, I and II ARTCR 384-repeat for 16 hours 2 ARTPA 219-Seminar in Current Art Issues 40 Total HOURS ELECTIVES 6 Open electives (see college list, no Art courses) 17 Art and Design and other professional electives 23 TotalMajor in Metals
HOURS REQUIRED COURSES 3 ARTGP 115-Basic Photography 2 ARTGP 125-Life Drawing 6 ARTSC 151 and 152-Sculpture, I and II; or ARTID 133 and 134-Industrial Design Studio, I and II 3 ARTCR 170-Ceramics, I 3 ARTCR 288-Glass, I 3 Select one: ARTCR 171-Ceramics, II ARTCR 289-Glass, II ARTCR 291-Individual Crafts Problems Major sequence in metals: 3 ARTCR 160-Jewelry, I 3 ARTCR 161-Jewelry, II 3 ART CR 260-Jewelry, III 3 ARTCR 261-Jewelry, IV 4 ARTCR 262-Metal Technology (repeat twice) 5 ARTCR 264-Jewelry, V 5 ARTCR 265-Jewelry, VI 3 ARTCR 266-Enameling 3 ARTCR 263-Metalsmithing 52 Total HOURS ELECTIVES 4 Open electives (see college list, no Art courses) 7 Art and Design and other professional electives 11 Total