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College of Engineering
Office of Academic Programs
206 Engineering Hall
1308 West Green Street
Urbana, IL 61801
(217) 333-2280
URL: http://www.engr.uiuc.edu/Mission
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign was founded in 1867 as a state-supported, land-grant institution with a threefold mission of teaching, research, and public service. Based on that foundation, the mission of the College of Engineering is to meet the needs of the state and nation through excellence in education, research, and public service. The goals are to instill in students the attitudes, values, vision, and training that will prepare them for lifetimes of continued learning and leadership in engineering and other fields; to generate new knowledge for the benefit of society; and to provide special services when there are needs that the college is uniquely qualified to meet.
The vision of the College of Engineering is to be a distinguished institution, providing knowledge that focuses on the creation and management of systems and resources. This knowledge is to be shared by motivating and educating qualified students to master the most important components of science and engineering at all levels. The students are also to have an appreciation for human and ethical values and to master the skills of oral and written communication. The value of this combined knowledge is measured by its connection to effective products, processes, and services that address the needs of society.
Educational Objectives
The College of Engineering prepare men and women for professional careers in engineering and related positions in industry, commerce, education, and government. Graduates at the bachelors level are prepared to begin the practice of engineering or to continue their formal education at a graduate school of their choice. Based on the mission and vision statement of the college, each engineering program has developed educational objectives that are further explained in the curricular sections of this catalog. In general, all the programs provide students with a comprehensive education that includes in-depth instruction in their chosen fields of study. The curricula are designed to emphasize analysis and problem solving and to provide exposure to open-ended problems and design methods. The courses are taught in a manner that fosters teamwork, communication skills, and individual professionalism, including ethics and environmental awareness. The classroom experiences, along with outside activities, prepare students for lifetimes of continued learning and leadership. Thus, the engineering programs enable graduates to make significant contributions in their chosen fields while at the same time recognizing their responsibilities to society.
Outcomes and Assessment
To accomplish the educational objectives and to comply with current engineering accreditation standards, all engineering programs achieve the following outcomes:
· an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
· an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
· an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
· an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
· an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
· an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
· an ability to communicate effectively
· the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context
· a recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in life-long learning
· a knowledge of contemporary issues
· an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
The catalog contains the curricula of the various engineering programs offered at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Further descriptions of these and any additional educational objectives and outcomes are presented at the beginning of each program listing. An assessment system for continuous measurement, evaluation, and improvement is in place at each department. In addition, the college conducts surveys, collects collegewide data, and provides coordination and assistance to the departments for the overall process.
Professional Component
Each engineering program also contains a professional component, as required for accreditation, that is consistent with the objectives of the program and the institution. The professional component includes:
(a) one year of a combination of college-level mathematics and basic sciences, some with laboratory/experimental experience, appropriate to the discipline
(b) one and one-half years of engineering topics, consisting of engineering sciences and engineering design appropriate to the student's field of study
(c) a general education component that complements the technical content of the curriculum and is consistent with the objectives of the program and the institution.
The paragraphs below further describe all these elements of curriculum and expected student outcomes and experiences.
Breadth of Curricula
The college provides training in the mathematical and physical sciences and their application to a broad spectrum of technological and social requirements of society. The engineering curricula, although widely varied and specialized, are built on a general foundation of scientific theory applicable to many different fields. Work in the classroom and laboratory is brought into sharper focus by practical problems that the student solves by methods similar to those of practicing engineers. Engineering design experience is introduced early in the curriculum, is integrated throughout, and culminates in a major design project team-work experience in the senior year.
Although each student pursues a curriculum chosen to meet individual career goals, all students take certain courses Basic courses in mathematics, chemistry, physics, rhetoric, and compute science are required in the first two years. The scientific and technical portion of the majors provides the rudimentary development of technical skills, the modern engineering tools and methods for solving problems in practice, the design of experiments and associated data analysis, an under standing of values and cost, an understanding of the ethical characteristics of the engineering profession and practice, a sensitivity to the socially related technical problems that confront the health and safety, and the ability and emphasis for maintaining professional competence through lifelong learning. Although the curricula are progressively specialized in the third and fourth years, each student is required to take some courses outside his or her chosen field.
Nontechnical courses are included in each curriculum; they may be required or elective. Many nontechnical courses satisfy the broad objectives of the humanities and social sciences requirements of the engineering curricula, enabling strong, effective communications,
making the student keenly aware of the urgent contemporary problems of society, and developing a deeper appreciation of human cultural achievements in a global context. The humanities and social sciences courses are usually drawn from the liberal arts and sciences, economics, and approved courses in fine and applied arts. A student who desires a broader cultural background may wish to consider a combined engineering-liberal arts and science program.
Library Resources
The Grainger Engineering Library Information Center is a major resource center for students in all curricula. State-of-the-art resources include a digital imaging lab, computer and multimedia lab, instructional services lab, information retrieval research lab, and high-tech classrooms. It also contains the reference books, periodicals, catalogs, and technical publications that students need constantly and provides materials for general reading and private research.
Departments and Curricula
The College of Engineering includes the Departments of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, General Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering, Physics, and Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. The undergraduate curricula described later in this section are administered by these units. The work in chemical engineering is administered by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. The curriculum in agricultural engineering is administered jointly by the College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences and the College of Engineering.
The listing by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology of the programs of the College of Engineering, required by the Engineering Accreditation Commission, is: Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering bdC [1950]*; Agricultural Engineering bdC [1950]; Ceramic Engineering bdC [1936]; Chemical Engineering bdC [1936]; Civil Engineering bdC [1936}; Computer Engineering bdC [1978]; Electrical Engineering bdC [1936]; Engineering Mechanics bdC [1960]; General Engineering bdC [1936]; Industrial Engineering bdC [1960]; Materials Science and Engineering bdC [1996}; Mechanical Engineering bdC [1936]; and Nuclear Engineering bdC [1978].
Each student entering the College of Engineering declares his or her choice of a curriculum. All first-year students follow a program that is essentially common.
*b = bachelor's degree, basic-level accreditation; d = day; C = co-op feature meeting special requirements of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology criteria
Admission Requirements
Entering Freshman Admissions
Students seeking admission to the College of Engineering who are recent high school graduates or who have earned fewer than 12 semester hours of credit at other collegiate institutions are classified as new freshmen and must meet the entrance requirements to the College of Engineering that are specified for new freshmen. Students are admitted to the college on a best-qualified basis as determined by ACT composite scores and high school percentile ranks supplied on high school transcripts.
Although new freshmen take a common, or similar, program, they are asked to choose a curriculum in which they wish to study. A freshman usually can change the curriculum of study during the freshman year. Some restrictions apply when differential admission procedures are used. Because the program of study is essentially the same for all freshman students, such changes can be made without loss of credit toward graduation.
The advanced Mathematics Placement Test and Chemistry Placement Test are required of all freshman students entering the College of Engineering. They are urged to take the examination during the spring testing period before enrollment. Proficiency exams in chemistry and mathematics are available. A student with advanced placement credit in mathematics, chemistry, or physics will receive credit toward graduation and will be placed in advanced course work consistent with academic preparation.
HOURS COMMON FIRST-YEAR PROGRAM 0 Engineering lecturesCollege of Engineering
04 Introductory engineering course 68 Chemistry1 810 Mathematics2 4 Physics 4 Rhetoric 06 Engineering electives 36 Electives 3136 Total1. The normal freshman chemistry sequence is CHEM 101/105 and CHEM 102/106.
2. Entering freshmen who do not pass the Mathematics Placement Test will take MATH 112 and MATH 114 or 116.
Transfer Student Admission
The College of Engineering admits qualified transfer students from both community and four-year colleges and has worked closely with these schools in Illinois to implement coordinated engineering programs.
Students may complete the first two years of study in other accredited institutions and transfer to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with little or no loss of credit, provided that they follow the proper program. A suggested list of courses that should be completed in the first two years before transferring is given below. A range of hours is given in each of these course work areas because the major concern is that students have an adequate coverage of basic subject matter rather than specific numbers of hours in given areas. Ranges are given applicable to both quarter-hour and semester-hour systems.
RANGE OF HOURS Quarter Semester SUGGESTED COORDINATED HOURS HOURS ENGINEERING COURSES 1015 610 Freshman chemistry 1518 1012 General physics (taught using calculus) 69 46 English (rhetoric and composition) 2024 1517 Mathematics (total mathematics credits) 1620 1214 Calculus or calculus and analytic geometry 810 6 Differential equations, linear algebra 46 34 Engineering graphics (mechanical drawing and/or descriptive geometry) 34 23 Applied mechanics-statics 36 23 Applied mechanics-dynamics 34 3 Computer science (programming) Quarter Semester OTHER COURSES HOURS HOURS 927 618 Social sciences and humanitiesStudents should complete as many of the suggested courses as possible and select additional courses from those in the Other Courses list above to complete full-time study programs. Normally, a student will complete all of the suggested courses and 8 to 10 additional semester hours of course work. This additional course work may include social sciences and humanities electives but could include work in computer science or advanced mathematics.
Before selecting social sciences and humanities electives, students should familiarize themselves with the elective requirements of the college. A student who wants to transfer to the college must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.6 (A = 4.0) to apply, but competitive standards for admission are usually higher than the 2.6 level.
Students may transfer to the college for the fall, spring, or summer session provided they have met competitive grade point average cutoffs and have completed 60 or more semester hours of work. Both the overall GPA of all transferable courses and the separate GPA of the technical courses (mathematics, physics, chemistry) must meet or exceed the competitive cutoffs. Transfer students are required to have also completed the basic mathematics (through calculus), physics, chemistry, and English (rhetoric and composition) sequences in the 60 or more semester hours required for transfer. Transfer students starting their studies in the fall semester are allowed to advance enroll during the preceding summer. Students are informed of this opportunity after they are admitted. Questions are invited concerning this procedure.
A few sophomore-level technical courses may not be offered by most community colleges. However, junior-level transfer students can usually arrange their programs on the Urbana-Champaign campus so that all technical requirements can be completed in a four-semester period on this campus if they wish to do so. If the number of
hours remaining to complete a degree requires more than four semesters, the student may enroll for an additional summer session or semester.
Students planning to transfer to the College of Engineering are encouraged to write to the Office of the Associate Dean for Academic Programs, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 206 Engineering Hall, 1308 West Green Street, Urbana, IL 61801, or to the head of the department to which they wish to transfer. A student should complete all sequences in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and English at one institution to maintain proper continuity. In cases where this is not possible, a student may enroll in a summer session to make up deficiencies. Individual program plans between most transfer institutions and the College of Engineering are available upon request.
Transfer students are not required to take freshman guidance examinations or any other examinations to qualify for admission to the College of Engineering, but all other admission regulations apply to them. Transfer students should consult Admission of Transfer Applicants in the universitywide Programs of Study catalog for general information concerning transfer to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and students from community colleges should note especially the rules regarding community colleges in the universitywide Programs of Study catalog.
General Education
The College of Engineering requires 18 hours of humanities and social sciences. The campus also has requirements that can be satisfied within the structure of the college requirements. Students should consult with the college and department offices and their advisers for specific information.
Special Programs
Combined Engineering-Liberal Arts and Sciences Program
A five-year program of study permits a student to earn a Bachelor of Science degree in a field of engineering from the College of Engineering and a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science degree from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the Urbana-Champaign campus.
This program affords the student the opportunity to prepare for a career of an interdisciplinary nature. By selecting an appropriate liberal arts and sciences major in combination with the desired engineering curriculum, it is possible for a student to qualify for new careers in industry, business, or government. A student who desires a broader background than can be provided in the four-year engineering curricula can develop a program that includes a well-rounded cultural education in addition to an engineering specialty. Each student must file an approved program with the College of Engineering office and with the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Advisers in both colleges assist in planning a program of study to meet the needs and requirements for both degrees. Most combinations of engineering and liberal arts curricula may be completed in ten semesters if the student does not have deficiencies in the entrance requirements of either college.
Most engineering curricula can be combined with one of a variety of liberal arts and sciences majors, including languages, social sciences, humanities, speech communication, and philosophy. This combined program operates under the following conditions:
-Students entering the program must meet admission requirements for both colleges.
-A student who starts in the program and decides to transfer from it is subject to the existing graduation requirements of the college of his or her choice.
-The degrees of Bachelor of Science in engineering and Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in liberal arts and sciences are awarded simultaneously. No student in the combined program is permitted to receive a degree from either college before completing the entire program.
-Participants must satisfy the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences foreign language graduation requirement.
-Students electing advanced Reserve Officers' Training Corps and Naval ROTC programs are required to meet these commitments in addition to the combined program as outlined.
-Students with 75 or more hours of transfer credit are not advised to enter this program because they cannot ordinarily complete it in five years.
-Students transferring from other colleges and universities must plan to complete at least one year in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Urbana-Champaign and one year in the College of Engineering at Urbana-Champaign to satisfy residency requirements if both degrees are to be granted here. Other students should plan to spend a minimum of two years in each college.
-A student is expected to maintain at least a 2.5 (A = 4.0) grade point average to be accepted or to continue in the program. A higher grade point average may be imposed.
During the first year, students are enrolled in the common freshman program for engineers, which is taken in the College of Engineering. Students are normally enrolled in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for the second and third years and in the College of Engineering for the fourth and fifth years. A typical combined program follows:
Second year
HOURS FIRST SEMESTER 4 Biological science 5 Calculus and analytic geometry 4 Humanities or social sciences 4 Language 17 Total HOURS SECOND SEMESTER 4 Engineering subject 4 Language 3 Liberal arts and sciences major 4 Physics (electricity and magnetism) 15 TotalThird year
HOURS FIRST SEMESTER 4 Humanities or social sciences 4 Languages 6 Liberal arts and sciences major 4 Physics (fluids and thermal physics; waves and quantum physics) 18 Total HOURS SECOND SEMESTER 6-8 Engineering subjects 4 Humanities or social sciences 4 Language 3 Liberal arts and sciences major 1719 TotalFourth year
HOURS FIRST SEMESTER 15 Engineering subjects 4 Humanities or social sciences 19 Total HOURS SECOND SEMESTER 18 Engineering subjectsFifth year
HOURS FIRST SEMESTER 1517 Engineering subjects HOURS SECOND SEMESTER 18 Engineering subjectsIt may be necessary to adjust the above program to allow the student to take more hours in the liberal arts and sciences program.
For further information about this program, students should write to the Office of the Associate Dean in either the College of Engineering or the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the Urbana-Champaign campus.
Affiliations with Other Liberal Arts Colleges
Through a program of affiliation between the College of Engineering and a number of liberal arts colleges, a student may enroll in a five-year program, earn a bachelor's degree from one of these colleges, and at the same time earn a bachelor's degree in engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In general, students spend the first three years at the liberal arts college and the final two years at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. At the time of transfer, students must meet competitive transfer admission re
quirements and must meet certain residency requirements to participate in this program.
The five-year program encourages a student to develop a broad understanding of the social sciences and humanities while striving for excellence in technical studies. These affiliations have the added benefit of allowing students to take preengineering studies at liberal arts schools. Students interested in this dual degree program should meet with advisers from both schools to develop an individual plan of study.
Colleges affiliated with the College of Engineering are:
Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois
Beloit College, Beloit, Wisconsin
De Paul University, Chicago, Illinois
Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, Illinois
Elmhurst College, Elmhurst, Illinois
Greenville College, Greenville, Illinois
Illinois Benedictine College, Lisle, Illinois
Illinois College, Jacksonville, Illinois
Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois
Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington, Illinois
Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois
Loyola University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
North Central College, Naperville, Illinois
Olivet Nazarene College, Kankakee, Illinois
Western Illinois University, Macomb, Illinois
Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois
Cooperative Engineering Education Program
A five-year program in cooperative engineering education is available to students in all curricula in the college. A student in the program alternates periods of attendance at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with periods of employment in industry or government. The employment, which is an essential element in the educational process, is with the same company each work period and is related to the student's field of study. The assignment increases in difficulty and responsibility with each succeeding period off campus.
Students who wish to participate should apply at the Cooperative Engineering Education Office. Job fairs, referrals, and on-campus interviews provide employment opportunities. When accepted for employment, the student enrolls in the Cooperative Education Program, which retains student status during the employment period. Typical schedules and participating employees are shown in a brochure available from the Cooperative Engineering Education Office, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 203 Engineering Hall, 1308 West Green Street, Urbana, IL 61801; telephone (217) 244-4165; fax (217) 244-4456; email dickc@uiuc.edu.
Sophomores, advanced undergraduates, and community college transfer students are eligible for the program. Advanced students will still require five years to complete the program, but they will have fewer off-campus assignments.
Students enrolled in the cooperative education program are registered in the University and are considered to be full-time students for the entire five years required by the program. Entries indicating participation in the program are entered on the student's official transcript. Upon successful completion of the program, the student is awarded a certificate signed by the dean of the college and the off-campus coordinator and receives the regular diploma awarded for completing the degree requirements.
With the approval of the department concerned, a senior of high standing in any curriculum may substitute, for one or more technical courses, an investigation of a special subject and write a thesis.
Curriculum Modification
A student interested in modifying his or her curriculum may do so by checking with his or her department and adviser to determine the petition procedure for making a curriculum modification.
Special Curricula
Students of high scholastic achievement, with exceptional aptitudes and interests in special fields of engineering and their application, may be permitted to vary the course content of the standard curricula to emphasize some phases not included or not encompassed by the usual course substitution and selection of electives. These unwritten curricula, however, must include all of the fundamental courses of the standard curricula, the variations being made mainly in the so-called applicatory portions of the standard curricula of the college. The program of study of each student permitted to take such a special curriculum must be approved by a committee of the college, in consultation with the head of the department in which the student is registered and with a faculty member of the college. This faculty member automatically becomes the student's adviser in charge of registration and other matters pertaining to the approved program.
Advanced ROTC Training Combined with Engineering
A student in the College of Engineering may elect to participate in the Reserve Officers' Training Corps Program and earn a commission in the U.S. Army Reserve, Air Force Reserve, or Naval Reserve. A commission is awarded simultaneously with the awarding of the bachelor of science degree in an engineering field. Participation in these programs is limited to students who apply to and are selected by the army, air force, and navy units at the University. Monthly stipends are paid to those selected for advanced military training.
These programs require from one to three summer camps or cruises and the earning of specified numbers of credits in advanced military courses. Credits earned appear in all academic averages computed by the College of Engineering. Basic military courses (100-level) do not count toward graduation. A maximum of 6 hours of 200-level military science courses may be used as free electives. A student should plan on taking nine semesters to obtain both a bachelor's degree in engineering and a commission in the ROTC program. For further information, write directly to the professor of military science, aerospace studies, or naval science (see the universitywide Programs of Study catalog).
Bioengineering Minor
Bioengineering is a broad, interdisciplinary field that brings together engineering, biology, and medicine to create new techniques, devices, and understanding of living systems to improve the quality of human life. Its practice ranges from the fundamental study of the behavior of biological materials at the molecular level to the design of medical devices to help the disabled. For engineering majors, there is a Bioengineering Minor; for biology majors there is a Bioengineering Option in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Any of the existing engineering curricula can provide a good foundation for work in bioengineering. However, the engineering undergraduate needs additional education in the biologically oriented sciences to obtain a strong background for bioengineering. With such a background, the student should be able to progress rapidly on the graduate level in any branch of bioengineering. In industry, the graduate will be competent to handle engineering tasks related to biology.
Students may fulfill the requirements for a minor in bioengineering by completing the Bioengineering Core (A or B) and one of the course sequences in the following areas of specialization: biomedical engineering, biomolecular engineering, bioprocess engineering, and cell and tissue engineering. Depending on the area of specialization, 18 to 23 hours are required. To obtain recognition for the bioengineering minor, students must register in the Office of the Associate Dean for Academic Studies, 206 Engineering Hall.
Bioengineering Core*
A B REQUIREMENTS 1 1 BIOEN 120-Introduction to Bioengineering 3 BIOEN 370BI/Ch E 396-The Physical Basis of Life 3 BIOEN/ECE 314-Biomedical Instrumentation 4 4 Total*The core taken is determined by the area of specialization chosen. Contact the Bioengineering Office for an updated list of available courses.
Core A-Biomedical Engineering or Bioprocess Engineering. Note that students in programs other than ECE may substitute Core B (can take BIOEN 370BI in place of BIOEN 314).
Core B-Biomolecular Engineering or Cell and Tissue Engineering.
Biomedical Engineering
HOURS REQUIREMENTS 3 CHEM 231-Elementary Organic Chemistry, I 3 PHYSL 301-Cell and Membrane Physiology1, 2 3 PHYSL 302-Systems and Integrative Physiology2, 3 2 PHYSL 303-Cell and Membrane Physiology Laboratory 2 PHYSL 304-Systems and Integrative Physiology Laboratory4 3 Technical Elective5 16 Total1. BIOPH 301, Introduction to Biophysics, may be substituted for PHYSL 301.
2. Biology prerequisites will be waived by the instructor for advanced engineering students.
3. PHYSL 103, Introduction to Human Physiology, may be substituted for PHYSL 302.
4. Engineering students are not required to take PHYSL 302 when PHYSL 103 is taken.
5. Courses to be selected from Bioengineering and Related Courses List.
Biomolecular Engineering
HOURS REQUIREMENTS 3 BIOCH 350-Introductory Biochemistry 3 CHEM 231-Elementary Organic Chemistry, I 3 PHYSL 301-Cell and Membrane Physiology1,2 2 PHYSL 303-Cell and Membrane Physiology Laboratory 3 Technical Elective3 14 Total1. BIOPH 301, Introduction to Biophysics, may be substituted for PHYSL 301.
2. Biology prerequisites will be waived by the instructor for advanced engineering students.
3. Courses to be selected from Bioengineering and Related Courses List.
Bioprocess Engineering
HOURS REQUIREMENTS 2 AG E 385-Food and Process Engineering Design 3 MCBIO 200-Microbiology1 35 MCBIO 201-Experimental Microbiology2 3 MCBIO 311-Food and Industrial Microbiology (same as FSHN 371) 2 MCBIO 312-Techniques of Applied Microbiology 3 Technical Elective3 1618 Total1. MCBIO 100, Introductory Microbiology, may be substituted for MCBIO 200.
2. MCBIO 101, Introductory Experimental Microbiology, may be substituted for MCBIO 201.
3. Courses to be selected from Bioengineering and Related Courses List.
Cell and Tissue Engineering
HOURS REQUIREMENTS A B 3 3 BIOCH 350-Introductory Biochemistry 3 3 CHEM 231-Elementary Organic Chemistry, I 3 3 CSB 213-Cells and Tissues 2 2 CSB 215-Cells and Tissues Laboratory 45 CSB 300-Cell Biology, I 3 PHYSL 301-Cell and Membrane Physiology 3 3 Technical Elective1 1819 17 Total1. Courses to be selected from Bioengineering and Related Courses List.
Bioengineering and Related Courses
HOURS REQUIREMENTS 4 AG E 222-Engineering for Bioprocessing and Bioenvironmental Systems 3 AG E 383-Engineering Properties of Food Materials 2 AG E 385-Food and Process Engineering Design 15 BIOEN 199-Undergraduate Open Seminar 04 BIOEN 270-Individual Study 3 BIOEN 280-Biomedical Imaging (same as ECE 280) 3 BIOEN 306-Veterinary Orthopedic Biomechanics (same as VB 306) 3 BIOEN 314-Biomedical Instrumentation (same as ECE 314) 2 BIOEN 315-Biomedical Instrumentation Laboratory (same as ECE 315) 04 BIOEN 370-Special Topics in Bioengineering (topics vary each semester) 3 BIOEN 370BI-The Physical Basis of Life (same as CH E 396) 3 BIOEN 371-Biomaterials 34 BIOEN 375-Modeling of Bio-Systems (same as ECE 375) 3 BIOEN 380-Magnetic Resonance Imaging (same as ECE 380) 13 CH E 396-Special Topics in Chemical Engineering 5 CSB 234-Functional Human Anatomy 3 ECE 373-Fundamentals of Engineering Acoustics 3 ECE 374-Ultrasonic Techniques14 ENG H 297-College Honors Seminar 1 GE 293MHM-Special Problems (Topics in Biomechanics) 3 GEOG 368-Biological Modeling 4 I E 240-Human Factors in Human-Machine Systems (same as PSYCH 258) 3 I E 357-Safety Engineering 3 KINES 255-Biomechanical Analysis of Human Movement 3 KINES 257-Coordination, Control, and Skill 3 KINES 355-Quantitative Anaylsis of Human Motion 3 KINES 356-Electromyographic Kinesiology 3 KINES 359-Physical Activity and Aging 2 NPRE 241-Introduction to Radiation Protection 4 NPRE 341-Principles of Radiation Protection 5 PHYCS 343-Electronic Circuits, I 4 PHYSL/NEURO 315-Structure and Function of the Nervous System (same as CSB 307) 4 REHAB 301-Introduction to Rehabilitation 4 REHAB 302-Medical Aspects of Disabilities 4 REHAB 340-Introduction to Sensory Impairments 4 REHAB 344-Introduction to Adaptive Technologies for Persons with Disabilities 34 Other department specialities related to bioengineering (taken as electives)Computer Science Minor
This minor is offered by the Department of Computer Science for students seeking significant knowledge of digital computers without the more complete treatment of a major in computer science. The foundation 100- and 200-level courses in computer programming and software and in theory of computation are required. Three elective 200- and 300-level courses provide some specialization and depth and breadth of study. This minor may not be taken by computer engineering majors. Specific requirements are listed below. Note that some courses have other prerequisites.
HOURS REQUIRED COURSES 4 C S 125-Introduction to Computer Science 2 C S 173-Discrete Mathematical Structures 4 C S 225-Data Structures and Software Principles 9 Three courses chosen from the following, including at least one 300-level class: C S 231-Computer Architecture, I C S 232-Computer Architecture, II C S 257-Numerical Methods C S 273-Introduction to Theory of Computation Any course numbered 311389, except 313, 317, 335, 336, 343, 344, and 383 C S 397-Special Topics in Computer Science 19 TotalFood and Bioprocess Engineering Minor
The food processing industry is the largest manufacturing industry in the United States and in the world. Nearly all food products require some preservation, processing, storage, and shipping. Preservation and processing techniques for foods, pharmaceuticals, and related products are becoming increasingly scrutinized to insure safety of the products and to increase productivity of the processes.
Technical developments in the food, pharmaceutical, and related processing industries have created a need for professionals with training in food and bioprocess engineering. The demand for engineers with specialized training is increasing as processing techniques become more sophisticated and as companies improve their facilities.
Engineering students interested in developing a background in food or bioprocess engineering may pursue a structured program of study that will lead to a bachelor's degree in an engineering discipline and a minor in food and bioprocess engineering at graduation. This program is intended for engineering students in all major disciplines. In most cases, courses from the minor can be applied as electives in the student's major.
To receive a minor in food and bioprocessing engineering, a student must complete the following requirements:
a. Twelve semester credit hours of required courses. (See Required Courses below.)
b. Four semester credit hours of elective courses. (See Elective Courses below.)
c. An internship at a food, pharmaceutical, or related processing company. (See Internship below.)
d. A bachelor of science degree in the student's chosen field of engineering study.
HOURS REQUIRED COURSES 3 AG E 383-Engineering Properties of Food Materials 2 AG E 385-Food and Process Engineering Design 1 FSHN 204-Food Microbiology for Non-Majors 3 or 4 FSHN 231-Food Systems or FSHN 314-Food Chemistry 3 FSHN 365-Principles of Food Technology 12 or 13 Total HOURS ELECTIVE COURSES 4 Choose from the following: AG E 311-Instrumentation and Measurement AG E 387-Grain Drying and Conditioning AG E 389-Process Design for Corn Milling AG E 396-Special Problems (Package Engineering) FSHN 260-Raw Materials for Processing Other courses, subject to approval InternshipAn internship with a food, pharmaceutical, or related processing company is required (ENG 210). It is expected that all students making satisfactory progress in the minor will have opportunity for employment. Assignments will be determined by interviews and contacts with company representatives, and students will compete with others in the program for specific positions. Each student is required to write a paper that summarizes the internship. (Under certain conditions this requirement may be replaced by an additional three semester credit hours of course work.)
More information about the food and process engineering minor is available from Marvin Paulsen, 360B Agricultural Engineering Sciences Bldg., telephone: (217) 333-7926, e-mail: mrp@age.uiuc.edu; Steven Eckhoff, 360C Agricultural Engineering Sciences Bldg., telephone: (217) 244-4022, e-mail: sre@age.uiuc.edu; Kent Rausch, 360E Agricultural Sciences Engineering Bldg., telephone: (217) 255-0697, e-mail: kdr@age.uiuc.edu; or from the Office of the Associate Dean for Academic Programs, 206 Engineering Hall.
Manufacturing Engineering Minor
Recent national attention on quality and productivity improvements in the manufacturing sector has led to a resurgence of emphasis and activity in manufacturing engineering. The demand is increasing for engineers who will be qualified to design and operate the factories of the future. This field requires the integration of information technology, materials, and machines. It is believed that no single engineering discipline can supply the type of engineer needed for system integration. The option in manufacturing engineering provides an opportunity to engineering students to learn a common language of manufacturing systems engineering.
This program is intended for engineering students in all major disciplines who are interested in manufacturing engineering. The option in manufacturing engineering requires a total of 18 semester hours of course work. Only a small number of these courses may be above and beyond the requirements of the student's regular curriculum, particularly if the student can make use of technical elective or similarly designated hours.
HOURS REQUIREMENTS 3 MFG E 210-Introduction to Manufacturing Systems 6 Level 2 courses: 3 MFG E 320-Decision-Making and Control Applications in Manufacturing 3 MFG E 330-Interfacing Methods for Manufacturing Systems 3 MFG E 340-Processing and Finishing of Materials 3 MFG E 350-Information Management for Manufacturing Systems 9 Level 3* courses. In order that the option have some coherence, the three courses must be selected from specified groups of courses related to the Level 2 courses.Courses within a given discipline that are required for completion of the bachelor's degree in that discipline may not be used by students in that discipline to satisfy the Level 3 course requirements of the option.
It is recommended that one of the Level 3 courses be an independent study project course dealing with an open-ended manufacturing design problem. Students enrolled in the project course will apply engineering principles and techniques learned from manufacturing-related courses and topics covered in their major disciplines in the formulation, analysis, and solution of manufacturing design problems.
*Level 3 Courses: Each Level 2 course is supported by approximately twenty to thirty Level 3 courses that now exist within the course structures of the various engineering departments. These courses provide students with the opportunity to specialize in one or more aspects of manufacturing engineering.
The course of study for a manufacturing option thus provides a student with a flexible program that can be tailored to suit the area of interest and the major engineering discipline in which the student is enrolled. To foster an interdisciplinary learning environment, a set of laboratories has also been developed.
The director of the program is Professor Shiv G. Kapoor, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (telephone 217- 333-3432). Additional information can be obtained from him or at the Office of the Associate Dean for Academic Programs, 206 Engineering Hall.
Polymer Science and Engineering Minor
Polymer science and engineering is a broad, interdisciplinary field that brings together various aspects of chemistry, physics, and engineering for the understanding, development, and application of the materials science of polymers. Many of the existing engineering curricula provide a good foundation for work in polymer science and engineering. However, the undergraduate student needs additional courses specifically dealing with the science and engineering of large molecules. With such a background, the student should be able to progress rapidly in industry or at the graduate level. In addition to those students specifically desiring a career in polymers, this minor also can be valuable to students interested in the development, design, and application of materials in general.
The courses listed below have been selected specifically to give an undergraduate student a strong background in polymer science and engineering. A minimum of eight courses is required, several of which the student would normally take to satisfy the requirements of the basic degree. To obtain recognition for the polymer science and engineering minor, students must register in the Office of the Associate Dean for Academic Programs, 206 Engineering Hall. The student should also consult with Professor Phillip H. Geil, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, 211 Metallurgy and Mining Building; 217-333-0149, geil@uiuc.edu, when considering the option and deciding on a program.
HOURS CORE COURSES 3 MATSE 350-Introduction to Polymer Science and Engineering, or CH E 392-Polymer Science and Engineering 3 MATSE 352-Polymer Characterization Laboratory 3 MATSE 353-Plastics Engineering HOURS THERMODYNAMICS 38 Choose one of the following: 4 CH E 370-Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 8 CHEM 342-Physical Chemistry, I, an d CHEM 344-Physical Chemistry, II 4 MATSE 301-Thermodynamics of Materials 3 ME 205-Thermodynamics 4 PHYCS 361-Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics HOURS MECHANICAL PROPERTIES 3 TAM 221-Introduction to Solid Mechanics HOURS CHEMISTRY 4 CHEM 236-Fundamental Organic Chemistry 1 HOURS RELATED COURSES 67 Choose at least two of the following1 3 CHEM 336-Fundamental Organic Chemistry, II 3 CHEM 337-Organic Chemistry 3 MATSE 355-Polymer Physics I: Structure and Properties 3 MATSE 357-Polymer Chemistry 3 MATSE 358-Polymer Physical Chemistry, I 3 MATSE 380-Surfaces and Colloids 3 ME 351-Materials Processing 4 NRES 380-Fiber Theory and Textile Performance 3 TAM 327-Deformation and Facture of Polymeric Materials 3 TAM 328-Mechanical Behavior of Composite Materials1. Other polymer-related courses may be substituted upon petition.
Successful management of technology-driven businesses today requires that employees work effectively in interdisciplinary teams. Team-based project management requires that each member of the
team contribute not only in his or her own area of expertise but in other aspects of the project as well. The better equipped a new employee is to reach this level of competency quickly, the more valuable will be his or her contributions. Moreover, an employee having such competency will be better prepared to assume positions of increased responsibility and challenge.
Through the Minor in Technology and Management, undergraduate students in the College of Commerce and Business Administration along with students from the College of Engineering are enabled to acquire a thorough foundation in their major course of study and a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental elements of a cross discipline. The course of study leading to a minor in technology and management is comprised of three focus areas.
Courses taken by engineering students only:
HOURS REQUIRED COURSES 3 ACCY 200-Fundamentals of Accounting 3 FIN 254-Corporate Finance 3 T&M 205-New Product MarketingCourses taken by business students only:
HOURS REQUIRED COURSES 3 MATSE 101-Materials in Today's World 3 TAM 201-Introduction to Mechanics for Technology Management 3 ECE 217-Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering for Technology ManagementCourses taken by engineering and business students together:
HOURS REQUIRED COURSES 3 T&M 211-Management of Innovation and Technology 3 T&M 212-New Product Development 3 T&M 221-Business Process Modeling 4 T&M 222-Integrated ProjectThroughout the program, emphasis is placed on an interdisciplinary team approach to the development of comprehensive solutions to real-world problems. In many cases the problems are provided by industry sponsors who, along with business and engineering faculty advisors, provide assistance and guidance to student teams.
Students who wish to pursue this minor must apply for admission to the Technology and Management Program in the spring semester preceding their sophomore or junior year. Enrollment in the minor is limited and admission is usually competitive. Students who wish to apply must provide a letter of interest, a transcript of grades, and a statement of career goals to one of the following program co-directors: Professor George E. Monahan, College of Commerce and Business Administration, 350 Wohlers Hall, MC-706, telephone (217) 333-8270, e-mail gmonahan@uiuc.edu; or Professor Russ Jamison, College of Engineering, 210 Metallurgy and Mining Building, MC-246, telephone (217) 265-8048, e-mail rjamison@uiuc.edu. Direct general inquiries to the program administrator, telephone (217) 244-5752, e-mail
International Opportunities
International Minor in Engineering
Many College of Engineering graduates will be involved in international activities during their professional careers. In anticipation of such involvement, the college offers an opportunity for students to complete an international minor as part of any engineering degree program. More than 95 percent of the engineering students have had language training, and this program allows them to continue their studies in related areas. All international minor requirements must be satisfied before graduation. To complete the international minor, the student must:
- complete all degree requirements in the student's selected engineering discipline;
- complete foreign language studies in a language of the student's choice of geographical area (proficiency level will vary with the geographical area selected);
- complete a minimum of 21 hours of cultural and language studies related to the geographical area of concentration; 9 hours must be other than language credit and include at least one 300-level course. These courses can be used as campus and college general education requirements.
- complete a minimum six-week residence in the chosen country or geographic area, whether it be for work or study.
The student will be expected to select a specific geographical area for concentration, which will be identified in the designation of the minor; for example International Minor-Latin American studies. Course work selected for the minor must be approved by the International Programs in Engineering Office; a list of suggested courses is available.
International Programs in Engineering sponsors academic year, semester, and summer programs, described below, that include language and cultural courses and satisfy the residency requirement. With sufficient foreign language background before entering engineering, a student will normally be able to complete the degree in four years. Those not having this background, or taking a year of study in a foreign institution, may take four and one-half to five years to complete their degrees.
International Engineering Fellowship
An alumnus of the College of Engineering, Armin Elmendorf, established a fund to encourage engineering students to seek an understanding of the responsibilities of world citizenship. Engineering students traveling abroad as part of the educational program sponsored by the college are eligible to receive a fellowship and to apply for other financial aid. Fellowship funds have certain requirements for qualification. Further information about these travel awards may be obtained from the International Programs in Engineering Office.
On-the-Job Training in Foreign Countries
The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE) is a private, nonprofit organization that enables students of engineering, architecture, and the sciences to obtain on-the-job training in foreign countries. Any student, undergraduate or graduate, who is enrolled in good standing at the University and who has completed at least the sophomore year of study may apply. Generally, the maintenance allowance is adequate to cover living expenses while in training but does not cover transportation costs. Further information about these opportunities may be obtained from the College of Engineering.
Exchange Scholarships at Munich and Darmstadt, Germany
The College of Engineering has exchange scholarships with the Technical University in Munich, Germany, and the Darmstadt University of Technology in Darmstadt, Germany. Under the terms of the agreement, two University of Illinois students are given tuition scholarships at the Technical University in Munich and five are given scholarships at the Darmstadt University of Technology. Stipends to cover living expenses for the year are included in the Munich program. Students selected by the Technical University in Munich and by the Darmstadt University of Technology receive tuition scholarships at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Equivalent cash stipends are awarded to the Munich students. Students are responsible for their own transportation expenses.
To be eligible for study at the Technical University in Munich, a student should be enrolled in one of the following curricula: civil and environmental engineering, electrical engineering, industrial engineering, materials science, mechanical engineering, nuclear engineering, engineering physics. To be eligible for study at the Darmstadt University of Technology, a student should be enrolled in one of the following curricula: civil and environmental engineering, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, physics. Normally, credit earned at these institutions can be transferred and used in the student's curriculum at Urbana-Champaign.
To participate in one of the programs, a student must have completed GER 104 or the equivalent (additional courses in German are recommended) and finished his or her sophomore studies in engineering at the Urbana-Champaign campus. In addition, the student must be an outstanding scholar who will be an excellent representative of the University of Illinois and must be a U.S. citizen.
The programs are under the general administration of the Engineering College Honors Council, although a recipient need not be an honors student if he or she has an outstanding undergraduate record. Students can earn credit towards their engineering degree while participating in these programs.
French Educational Exchange Program
College of Engineering students may participate in the French exchange programs at the following institutions: Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine (INPL), Nancy, and Université de Technologie de Compiègne, Compiègne. Each student should be a
junior and should have credit for FR 104 or the equivalent, although additional courses in French are recommended. One- or two-semester programs are available, with tuition and certain academic-related expenses provided.
The Trois Ecoles program offers engineering students a chance to study at one of Paris's Grandes Ecoles: Télécommunications (TELECOM), Électricité (SUPELEC), or Techniques Avanceés (ENST). These institutions emphasize electrical and computer engineering, but courses are also offered in chemical, industrial, and mechanical engineering and computer sciences. Students with junior-or senior-level standing and advanced French-language skills can select the institution that specializes in an area of interest. These programs offer students the opportunity to live among French students, experience European culture, and improve language skills for a semester or academic year. Students can earn credit towards their engineering degree while participating in these programs.
Summer Exchange Programs
To introduce College of Engineering students to other cultures and languages, programs were developed with institutions in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, France, Germany, Japan, Jordan, Mexico, and Russia. These opportunities are designed mainly to enable students to learn about the people of these countries during a six- to eight-week period, to study the language, and to work in a limited way with technology, either through industry or working in a lab or with a professor in the host university. Travel to interesting places is included in these programs. Although no previous language instruction is required to apply for some of these programs, a credit course in the appropriate language is required in the spring semester before departure. Students earn 68 hours of credit that can be used towards their social sciences and humanities requirements for the college and towards the International Minor in Engineering, if enrolled.
Other Study Abroad Exchange Programs
Many exchange programs are available for engineering students on this campus with educational institutions throughout the world. The College of Engineering works closely with the Study Abroad Office in developing programs of study in which course credits can be transferred to this campus. Engineering students have participated in programs in Australia, Great Britain, Spain, and other countries and have received credit for these programs. The College of Engineering has preapproved most of these programs for engineering students. Further information about these and other programs may be obtained from the International Programs in Engineering office, 210 Engineering Hall, or http://coe-info.cen.uiuc.edu/international/ or e-mail ipeng@uiuc.edu.
Honors Programs
Honors at Graduation
Honors awarded at graduation to superior students are designated on the diploma as honors, high honors, or highest honors. A student receives honors with a cumulative University of Illinois grade point average of at least 3.5, and high honors with at least a 3.8 grade point average at graduation (A = 4.0). Highest honors may be awarded to any student eligible for high honors upon recommendation of his or her department. The criteria used by departments in selecting individuals for highest honors recognition include outstanding performance in course work and in supplementary activities of an academic or professional nature. Ordinarily, such a citation requires completion of an undergraduate thesis or a special project of superior quality.
Tau Beta Pi
Tau Beta Pi is a national engineering honor society that recognizes students, alumni, and engineers for outstanding academic achievements and exemplary character. The Alpha chapter at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign was founded in 1897 and is the fifth oldest chapter. In addition to gaining scholastic recognition, members participate in a range of activities that serve the chapter, the College of Engineering, and the community. The scholastic requirement for membership in Tau Beta Pi is that juniors must be in the upper one-eighth of their graduating class and seniors must be in the upper one-fifth of their graduating class.
Edmund J. James Scholars
The honors program in engineering is part of the University's James Scholar program, which was established to recognize and develop the talents of academically outstanding students. Engineering students in this program are known as "James Scholars in Engineering." Each is assigned to an honors adviser and receives special consideration in the selection of a course program to meet specific needs. Students may apply for the program during summer advance enrollment or at the beginning of any semester.
Freshmen in the College of Engineering are eligible to enter the program with an ACT composite score of 33 or higher or equivalent SAT score. Continuation in the program or joining as an upperclass student requires a minimum 3.3 GPA (3.5 for students in electrical and computer engineering) and the development and approval of an honors contract, which is a coherent plan of special academic work. Details are available from the Office of the Associate Dean for Academic Programs.
Good standing in the James Scholar program at graduation requires completion of the honors contract.
Dean's List
See the reference to the Dean's List elsewhere in this catalog.
Humanities and Social Sciences Electives
Eighteen hours of humanities and social sciences are required (in addition to rhetoric); these are normally chosen to also satisfy the campus general education requirements in this area. Six hours of social sciences and six hours of humanities must be taken for grade. The remaining six hours of social sciences or humanities may be taken credit/no credit. Note: campus general education requirements must be taken for credit.
Information about general education requirements is available in the Office of the Associate Dean for Academic Programs and from the Worldwide Web site http://www.provost.uiuc.edu/gened.
Students may obtain credit from different academic sources, i.e., residential instruction, College-Level Examination Program tests, advanced placement tests, and transfer credits. Credit in any specific subject may be used toward degree requirements only once. Because of the variety of sources available for social sciences and humanities electives, students may receive duplicate credit in specific courses, such as American history. Students should be aware that such duplication cannot be used toward degree requirements.
Technical Electives
Each engineering curriculum offers some elective opportunities, which may be specified as technical or nontechnical. All technical elective courses must be selected in accordance with departmental requirements.
Technical electives generally include 200- and 300-level courses in engineering, mathematics, and the natural sciences.
Free Electives
These electives are selected at the prerogative of the student except as noted below.
Credit will not be allowed for courses of a remedial nature, such as mathematics below analytic geometry or basic military training. No more than 3 semester hours of physical education course work (basic level, i.e., activity courses) may be used as free electives nor may they be applied toward degree requirements. No more than 4 hours of religious foundation courses or 6 hours of advanced military science courses may be used as free electives.
Total transfer credit in required basic courses in mathematics (through integral calculus), physics, rhetoric, freshman chemistry, computer science, and engineering graphics may be used for free electives only if the credit covers topics beyond those in equivalent courses at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Further restrictions on the acceptance of transfer credit for free electives may be imposed by the departments with the approval of the associate dean for academic programs.
Credit-No Credit Option
The credit-no credit grade option is available for students who want to explore areas of academic interest that they might otherwise avoid for fear of poor grades. All students considering this option are
cautioned that many graduate and professional schools consider applicants whose transcripts bear a significant number of nongrade symbols less favorably than those whose transcripts contain none or very few. Conditions under which students may take courses on a credit-no credit basis are outlined in the booklet Code on Campus Affairs and Handbook of Policies and Regulations Applying to All Students, which is distributed to all students. Required courses in the College of Engineering may not be taken on this basis.