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Student Costs
Tuition, fees, and housing charges for the 2001-02 and 2002-03 academic years were not available when this catalog was published. An undergraduate student budget for the 2000-01 academic year is shown in the table below. Although student expenses are expected to increase, this budget can be used for planning purposes.
Information about tuition and fee charges for a current academic term, including charges for flight instruction and special programs, waivers and exemptions, and refunds, is available from the Records Services Center, 901 West Illinois Street, (217) 333-0210. Tuition and fee information is also available at www.oar.uiuc.edu/current/tuit.html or by e-mail at registration@oar.uiuc.edu.
Estimated Undergraduate Student Expenses for the 2000-01 Academic Year
(Average expenses for single, undergraduate students are shown below. This budget covers a full program of study for two semesters exclusive of such items as recreation and major articles of clothing.*)
Illinois residents Nonresidents$3,724 $11,172 Tuition * 1,304 1,304 Fees 740 740 Textbooks and other school supplies 5,844 5,844 Meals and housing (includes double room and board [20 meals per week] and $16Residence Hall Association dues) 430 430 Travel allowance to and from home** 1,834 1,834 Personal expenses (includes non-provided meals and miscellaneous expenses at a moderate level) $13,876 $21,324 Total: Two semesters* Tuition is assessed on the basis of college and, in some cases, curriculum of enrollment, residency classification, and credit range for which the student is registered. Students enrolled in specific curricula in various colleges are assessed a tuition differential.
** An additional $330 travel allowance must be provided for students from states not adjacent to Illinois.
U of I Direct is the system that allows students to register for courses by computer. Students who register for courses agree to pay tuition and fees to the University according to the payment policies and schedules adopted by the Board of Trustees. If a student wishes to cancel registration, and thus avoid payment of tuition and fee charges, the student must do so by 5:00 p.m. of the first day of instruction.
Unauthorized use of U of I computerized systems, data, or resources; unauthorized use of another individual's identification, account, or password; or an attempt to gain unauthorized access is prohibited by University policy and may constitute a violation of Illinois state law. Access to U of I Direct will be terminated if you are found to be making excessive unsuccessful registration attempts.
Tuition and fees for undergraduate students who were enrolled on campus in fall 2000 are shown in the 2000 Fall Semester Tuition and Fee Schedule. Charges are assessed on the basis of the student's college (undergraduate, graduate, or professional) and in some cases, curriculum of enrollment; classification as resident or nonresident of Illinois; and credit range as determined by the total number of semester hours or graduate units for which the student is registered.
Undergraduate credit is counted in semester hours. Credit for graduate work is counted in units. For fee assessment purposes, 1 unit equals 4 semester hours. A full-time student is one who is registered for 12 or more semester hours of credit, or 3 or more units.
The Service Fee supports operation of certain campus facilities such as the Illini Union, Turner Student Services Building, Assembly Hall, and the Intramural Physical Education Building. The Health Insurance Fee covers the cost of the University Student Health Insurance Program that provides worldwide hospital, medical, and surgical insurance coverage. The Health Service Fee provides health care and limited prescription service at the campus McKinley Health Center and helps support the Counseling Center. The General Fee supports certain fixed costs of campus fee-supported buildings such as the Assembly Hall and the Illini Union. The Transportation Fee finances a campus and community transportation plan for students.
Students are also assessed:
- $4 each semester for SEAL (Students for Equal Access to Learning) to supplement existing financial aid for needy students. A refund is available upon request during the seventh week of instruction in a semester for students not desiring to participate.
- $1 each semester for ISG (Illinois Student Government) to support the activities of student government. A refund is available upon request during the sixth week of instruction.
- $7 each semester and summer session for SORF (Student Organization Resource Fee) to help support the Student Legal Service and the programs and services of registered student organizations. Refunds are available upon request during the sixth week of instruction in a semester and summer session.
- $5 each semester and $3 for summer term 2 to support productions at the Krannert Center for the Performing Arts (KCPA). Refunds are available upon request during the fifth week of instruction for fall and spring. No refunds are available during the summer session.
Students enrolling at less than one-half time (less than 6 hours or 1 1/2 units) are not assessed the service fee; the McKinley Health Center fee; the transportation fee; the KCPA fee; or the SEAL, SORF, or ISG fee and are not eligible to use the services supported by these fees. Such students may elect to purchase one or more of the services directly from the provider.
Students who register after the first day of instruction in any semester, including University staff and persons who submitted admission applications too late to be processed before the first day of instruction, must pay a Late Registration Fine of $15 (amount subject to change). (This fine is not covered by scholarships or tuition waivers. It may be waived under exceptional circumstances upon petition to the director of the Office of Admissions and Records. The petition form is available from the Records Services Center, 901 West Illinois Street.)
In addition to the regular tuition and fees, students taking flight training pay:
$2,650 AVI 101-Private Pilot, I 2,314 AVI 102-Orientation Refresher 3,411 AVI 120-Private Pilot, II 1,793 AVI 121-Private Pilot, IIA 3,071 AVI 130-Commercial-Instrument, I 3,249 AVI 140-Commercial-Instrument, II 1,834 AVI 200-Commercial-Instrument, III 3,310 AVI 210-Commercial-Instrument, IV 5,546 AVI 211-Commercial-Instrument, V 2,781 AVI 220-Flight Instructor 1,453 AVI 222-Instrument Flight Instructor 2,377 AVI 224-All Altitude Orientation 3,048 AVI 280-Special Rating (Multiengine Land) 813 AVI 281-Cockpit Resource Management 3,119 AVI 291-Special Ratings and/or Specialized Flight 1,178 AVI 292-Professional Multiengine Indoctrination 725 AVI 293-Corporate-Jet Pilot Orientation(These fees for 2000-01 are subject to change and are not covered by scholarships or tuition and fee waivers.)
Residence Classification For Admission And Tuition Assessment
The residence classification of applicants for admission is determined on the basis of the information given on their applications and other credentials. Eligibility for admission to the University is determined and tuition is assessed in accordance with this decision.
Persons who take exception to the residence status assigned to them should refer to Appendix B.
Payment requirement
Tuition and fees assessed for any semester, term, or summer session are due and payable in full by the deadline indicated on the Registration Statement of Charges and Aid. The privilege of paying these charges by installment may be granted by the Office of Student Accounts and Cashiers (see next section). Students who do not make full or first installment payment by the scheduled due date shown on the statement will be assessed a $25 (amount subject to change) charge for late registration payment, which will be billed to their student accounts.
A delinquent service charge of 1.5 percent per month, or $2 per month, whichever is greater, is added to delinquent student accounts. The delinquent service charge is applied to all items charged to the student account and for which payment is delinquent.
Installment plan for paying tuition, fees, and housing charges
Students enrolled on campus may pay tuition and fees, single-student residence hall charges, and flight instruction fees on an installment plan. This plan is not available to students registered in extramural, correspondence, and four-week summer term courses, or to students for whom this privilege has been denied.
Under the installment plan, semester charges are collected in three installments. The first is payable during the first ten days of instruction, and the remaining ones are payable in each of the two following months. Approximately one-half of the summer term 2 charges must be paid during the first seven days of instruction with the remainder due during the following month. There is a finance charge of 1 percent of the total amount deferred, or $2, whichever is greater, when charges are paid in installments (amount subject to change).
Students who pay their accounts on the installment plan and later withdraw from the University, or reduce their registration to a lower credit range after the established refund deadline date, are liable for the full amount of tuition and fees assessed.
Installment payments are delinquent on the first day of the month after the date that payment is due. A delinquent service charge of 1.5 percent per month, or $2 per month, whichever is greater, is added to delinquent accounts (amount subject to change). The delinquent service charge is applied to all items charged to the student account and for which payment is delinquent.
Students who are in debt to the University at the end of any academic term may not be permitted to register in the University again. They are not entitled to receive diplomas or official statements or transcripts of credits until either the indebtedness has been paid or suitable arrangements for payment have been made, unless either there is a pending bankruptcy petition of the student seeking a discharge of all such indebtedness or all such indebtedness has been discharged.
Cancellation of registration
Individuals who have placed courses on their record prior to the beginning of the term and later decide not to attend the University may cancel their registration by 5:00 p.m. of the first day of instruction for the term and avoid all tuition and fee charges. Individuals who are ineligible to continue in the University for actions initiated by the University based on academic, disciplinary, or medical reasons before 5:00 p.m. on the first day of instruction for the term have their registrations become void and are not entitled to student privileges.
If a written request to cancel registration is received in the Office of Admissions and Records by 5:00 p.m. on the first day of instruction, a student's registration agreement will be cancelled and tuition and fees will not be charged.
Students may not cancel their registration once they have used fee-supported services. If they leave the University, they must officially withdraw from the University.
Withdrawal from the University
Students who have been charged tuition and/or fees and later withdraw from the University prior to the completion of 60 percent of the term receive a refund on a pro rata basis. Assessed tuition, the service fee, the general fee, and the transportation fee are refunded on a pro rata basis less 5 percent of the assessed amount or $100, whichever is less. The health insurance and health services fees are nonrefundable. Students continue to be covered by health insurance and are eligible to receive health services (if these fees were paid) until the first day of instruction for the following term.
Before a refund is made to a student, the University must make a refund to appropriate financial aid programs providing assistance to the student. A student indebted to the University at the time of withdrawal will have the amount owed deducted from the amount of any refund available.
Students permitted to pay tuition and fees on the installment plan, or who make no payment at all, and then withdraw from the University, are liable for the full amount of tuition and fees originally assessed less applicable refunds.
Special refund policies apply to those who withdraw to enter either active duty in the armed forces or other approved national defense service.
In case of extenuating circumstances, such as medically documented serious illness or injury, exception to these refund periods may be made by the director of the Office of Admissions and Records. The petition form to request a refund is available at the Records Service Center, 901 West Illinois Street.
Reduction of program
Students who paid tuition and/or fees and later reduce their registration to a lower credit range receive full refund of the difference in tuition and fees specified for the ranges if the change is made during the periods listed below. Thereafter, no refund is allowed.
- In a semester, twelve-week term, or eleven-week summer law program, full refund, except for the nonrefundable charge, during the first ten days of instruction; no refund thereafter;
- In an eight-week summer term, full refund, except for the nonrefundable charge, during the first seven days of instruction; no refund thereafter; and
- For University terms of different lengths, refund periods are determined proportionately in accordance with the above principles.
Appearing below are the waivers and exemptions available to students and the conditions under which they are granted.
Recipients of waivers have had the amount for the service actually assessed and then waived by University policy. Such recipients are therefore eligible to receive the benefits of the service provided by the charge.
An exemption carries no original charge, so recipients are not eligible to receive the benefits of the services provided by the charge. Students exempt from any particular charge may make individual arrangements with the service provider; such arrangements are subject to the policies of the individual provider.
Unless otherwise exempted by Board of Trustees authorization, the payment of tuition and fees is required of academic employees of the University or allied agencies under appointment for less than 25 percent of full-time service, and of staff employees under appointment for less than 50 percent of full-time service.
For tuition and fees assessment purposes, an appointment must be to an established position for a specific amount of time and a salary commensurate with the percentage of time required, and it must require service for not less than three-fourths of the academic term. Note: A term is defined as running from the first day of instruction through the last day of final examinations. Three-fourths of a term is defined as 91 calendar days in a semester and 41 calendar days during the eight-week summer term. Tuition and fees privileges do not apply to students employed on an hourly basis in either an academic or staff capacity, or to persons on leave without pay.
University employees appointed to established civil service positions whose rates of pay are determined by negotiation, prevailing rates, and union affiliation are not considered as paid on an hourly basis and are entitled to the same tuition and fees privileges accorded to other staff members under the regulations.
A student who resigns an appointment, or whose appointment is cancelled before rendering service for at least three-fourths of the term, becomes subject to the full amount of the appropriate tuition and fees for that term unless the student withdraws from University classes at the same time or before the appointment becomes void, or the student has submitted a final thesis within one week after the resignation date.
Students holding appointments-as academic employees, graduate assistants, or fellows-to the close of the second semester, for whom tuition and/or the Service Fee have been provided by exemption or waiver, are entitled to the same exemption of tuition and/or the Service Fee for the summer terms 1 and 2 immediately following, providing they hold no qualifying appointments during the summer.
Tuition and fee waivers are not granted for the Executive MBA Program or other self-supporting programs.
1. For the purpose of this section, the four employment categories at this campus are defined as follows:
Faculty: The faculty includes (1) those in the professorial ranks (i.e., professor, associate professor, assistant professor); (2) instructors and lecturers; and (3) teaching, research, and clinical associates. Various prefixes may be used in conjunction with these ranks, such as adjunct, clinical, visiting, or research.
Academic Professional (Academic): Academic professionals are those employees whose positions have been designated by the president and the chancellor as meeting
specialized administrative, professional, or technical needs. Academic professional employees receive an academic contract issued by the Board of Trustees for a term appointment. They are accorded the rights and privileges pertaining to other academic personnel except those that apply specifically to academic employees with faculty rank, such as eligibility for tenure.
Graduate Student Assistant: Graduates student assistants include teaching, research, and clinical assistants.
Staff: Staff employees are those members of the University work force subject to the rules of the State Universities Civil Service System.
Application Fee
Applicants for admission must submit a $40 ($50 for international applicants) application fee (amount subject to change) to help defray processing costs. The fee is nonrefundable to applicants approved for admission and to denied applicants who submit complete or partial applications prior to the date all admission spaces are filled in the college and curriculum of their choice. Application fees will be returned to persons applying for admission to curricula that were closed to further admission or to programs not being offered.
Exempt from payment of the application fee are:
- Faculty and academic professional employees.
- University of Illinois faculty, academic, and staff retirees.
- Permanent staff employees of the University and other institutions and agencies under the University Civil Service System who have been assigned to established permanent and continuous staff positions and who are employed for at least 50 percent of full time.
- Employees of certain specifically identified related agencies who are authorized tuition and/or Service Fee waivers.
- Students registered at the University of Illinois at Chicago or Springfield who wish to enroll at the Urbana-Champaign campus for the summer session only.
- Persons eligible under the Illinois Veteran Grant Program.
Waivers of the application fee are authorized for:
- Applicants who, because of extreme financial hardship, cannot meet the cost of the fee. In general, evidence of extreme financial hardship is a family income at or below the low standard family budget of the Bureau of Labor Statistics or the receipt of a testing waiver from the American College Testing Program of the College Entrance Examination Board. Applicants currently attending another collegiate institution may provide evidence of the financial package received at the institution.
- Applicants under approved foreign exchange programs in which the University participates, such as the Latin American Scholarship Program of American Universities and the African Scholarship Program of American Universities, and foreign students participating in approved exchange programs in which the waiver of fees is reciprocal.
- Intercampus transfers at the same level: undergraduate to undergraduate, or graduate to graduate.
- Applicants requesting a change in admission consideration from one campus of the University of Illinois to another for the same level and term. This would include applicants denied admission on one campus as well as applicants wishing to cancel admission or admission consideration on one campus for similar consideration on another campus. Students applying simultaneously to two campuses must pay the application fee at each campus. Undergraduate students applying for admission to a professional or graduate college on either of the two campuses must pay the application fee.
- Students from other universities participating in the Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC) Program by taking courses at the University of Illinois.
- Persons who are applying for ClC-supported fellowships to study at a CIC member institution.
- Graduate and professional applicants whose entry is advanced or delayed by action of their major departments are not required to pay a second application fee.
- University of Illinois students applying for work on a second campus as concurrent registrants, non-University of Illinois students applying as concurrent registrants from another institution with which the University has a reciprocal agreement, and students who have been concurrent enrollees the immediately preceding term and who plan to return to their primary campuses the following term.
- Cooperating teachers and administrators who receive assignment of practice teachers, who receive assignment of students meeting the clinical experience requirement in teacher education, or who cooperate in research projects related to teacher education, cooperating librarians, school-nurse teachers, social welfare field supervisors, recreation field supervisors, health-education field supervisors, speech pathology supervisors, developmental child care field supervisors, educational psychology supervisors, continuing education supervisors, industrial relations field supervisors, and physicians participating without salary in the instructional program of the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Urbana-Champaign.
- Students on leave-of-absence status or reentry.
- Illinois Teacher of the Year recipients.
Waiver of Tuition
Tuition is waived for:
- All faculty and academic professional employees (excluding graduate assistants) of the University on appointment for at least 25 percent of full-time service, provided the appointments require service for not less than three-fourths of a term. This waiver also applies to employees of certain specifically identified related agencies whose positions are considered equivalent to academic positions of the University.
- Most graduate teaching and research assistants of the University on appointment for at least 25 percent but not more than 67 percent of full-time service. Their appointments must require service for not less than three-fourths of the term.
However, depending on the student's curriculum, some graduate assistans will receive only a base rate tuition waiver (base rate is defined as the in-state graduate tuition rate, within the four tutition ranges, absent any differential). Units that enroll students who qualify only for base rate tutition waivers must provide written notification of the policy in advance, so that the students will know their status upon admission.
Those on appointment for 68 percent or more of full-time service are eligible for waiver of the Service Fee only. Caution: Assistantship appointments are cumulative. For example, if a person holds two appointments, a 25-percent and a 50-percent assistantship appointment, he or she is ineligible for a tuition waiver.
- Students holding appointments-academic employees, graduate assistants, or fellows-to the close of the final term of an academic year, for whom tuition and/or the Service Fee have been provided through waiver, are entitled to a waiver of the same kinds of tuition and fees for the summer session or summer term immediately following, provided they hold no qualifying appointments during that summer session or term. Students holding summer session or summer term appointments as fellows or as employees are subject to such tuition and fees as would be assessed in accordance with the principles expressed above.
- Staff employees of the University, of any other institutions and agencies under the University Civil Service System, and of certain specifically identified related agencies in status appointments or in appointments designed to qualify for status in an established class (e.g., trainee, intern) for at least 50 percent of full-time services who register in regular University courses not to exceed:
· eleven credit hours in a sememster if on a full-time appointment (Range II), or
· five credit hours if on a 50% to 99% appointment (Range III)
· provided they (1) meet conditions and eligibility for admission as prescribed by the Office of Admissions and Records, (2) are not students as defined in Civil Service Rule 7.7c, and (3) have enrollment approval of their employing department. Staff employees whose total registration is in a higher range than that authorized above pay only the difference between the waiver authorization and the higher range in which their total registration places them.
- Staff employees in status, learner, trainee, apprentice, or provisional appointments may enroll without payment of tuition in regular courses directly related to their University employment not to exceed 10 credit hours per semester provided they have made application and received prior approval for enrollment as required by procedures issued by the director of Staff Human Resources and set forth in Policy and Rules-Staff.
- Holders of tuition waiver scholarships.
- Holders of graduate tuition and fee waivers awarded by the Graduate College.
- University of Illinois faculty, academic, and staff retirees.
- Holders of grants or contracts from outside sponsors that provide payments to cover the total cost of instruction.
- Cooperating teachers and administrators who receive assignment of practice teachers, who receive assignment of students meeting the clinical experience requirement in teacher education curricula, or who cooperate in research projects related to teacher education: one semester, quarter, or summer session for each semester, quarter, or equiva
lent service rendered within two consecutive semesters. The waiver will apply to the semester, quarter, or summer session of registration, as designated by the student, that is concurrent with, or following, the term of service, but must be applied no later than one calendar year from the end of the term of service. Concurrent registration on more than one campus of the University or in University extramural courses constitutes one semester, quarter, or session of eligibility for waiver. A similar waiver is authorized for cooperating librarians, school-nurse teachers, social welfare field supervisors, developmental child care field supervisors, recreation field supervisors, health-education field supervisors, speech pathology supervisors, educational psychology supervisors, continuing education supervisors, industrial relations field supervisors, and physicians who participate without salary in the instructional program of the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Urbana-Champaign. (Acceptance of mor e than one assignment from any of the above listed offices during any one term will generate only one waiver.)
- Illinois Teacher of the Year recipients.
- Eligible Illinois senior citizens. (Persons desiring information and/or an application for this waiver should contact the Office of Student Financial Aid, 620 East John Street, Champaign, IL 61820.)
- Children of eligible employees of state universities. Illinois Public Act 87-0793 (SB1353) provides, if certain eligibility criteria are met, a 50-percent tuition waiver for undergraduate education for children of University employees to attend any campus of the Illinois senior public universities.
Waiver of the Nonresident Portion of Tuition
Nonresident portion of tuition is waived for:
- Faculty, academic professional and staff employees on appointment for at least 25 percent of full-time service with the University or with specifically identified related agencies, provided the appointment requires service for not less than three-fourths of the term.
- The faculties of state-supported institutions of higher education in Illinois holding appointments of at least one-fourth time, provided the appointments require service for not less than three-fourths of the term.
- The teaching and professional staff (such as counselors, school psychologists, school social workers, librarians, and administrators) in the private and public elementary and secondary schools in Illinois who hold appointments at least one-fourth time, and for not less than three-fourths of the term.
- The spouses and dependent children of faculty, academic professional and staff employees and graduate assistants on appointment with the University or certain specifically identified related agencies for at least 25 percent of full-time service, and of those listed in the second item above. (Dependent children are those who qualify as dependents for federal income tax purposes.)
- The spouses and dependent children of fellows and trainees who are employed as teaching assistants to the fullest extent permitted by their fellowship appointments.
- Persons actively serving in one of the armed forces of the United States who are stationed and present in the state of Illinois in connection with that service and their spouses and dependent children, as long as the military persons remain stationed, present, and living in Illinois.
Service Fee Waivers and Exemptions
The Service Fee is waived for:
1. Graduate teaching and research assistants holding at least 25 percent appointments for three-fourths of a term, as defined in the section on tuition.
2. Foreign exchange students with Service Fee waivers as part of exchange contracts.
3. Holders of Graduate College Service Fee waivers.
4. Law students with Service Fee waivers.
5. Participants in the International Exchange Program in Agriculture.
6. Participants in the Bridge Program.
7. Illinois Teacher of the Year recipients.
8. CIC Visiting Scholars.
9. University of Illinois at Chicago or Springfield students in concurrent enrollment.
10. Department of Children and Family Services dependents.
Exempt from the Service Fee are:
1. Students enrolled in Credit Ranges III or IV (Range IV only in summer session).
2. Students registered in absentia.
3. Students registered in study-abroad programs.
4. Students registered as participants in the official high school concurrent enrollment program.
5. Students registered in recognized off-campus programs.
6. Faculty and academic professional employees holding at least 25-percent-time appointments for three-fourths of a term, as defined in the section on tuition.
7. Staff employees holding at least 50-percent-time appointments for three-fourths of a term, as defined in the section on tuition.
8. Faculty, academic professional, and staff employees of specifically identified related agencies.
9. Interinstitutional staff employees.
10. Cooperating teachers, administrators, and field supervisors, as defined in the section on tuition.
11. Employees (as defined in items 7 and 8 above) holding combined appointments with the University of Illinois at Chicago or Springfield.
12. University of Illinois faculty, academic professional, and staff retirees.
General Fee Waivers and Exemptions
The Geeral Fee is waived for:
1. CIC Visiting Scholars.
2. University of Illinois at Chicago or Springfield students in concurrent enrollment.
3. Department of Children and Family Services dependents.
4. Illinois Teacher of the Year recipients.
Exempt from the General Fee are:
1. Faculty and academic professional employees holding at least 25-percent-time appointments for three-fourths of a term, as defined in the section on tuition.
2. Staff employees holding at least 50-percent-time appointments for three-fourths of a term, as defined in the section on tuition.
3. Faculty, academic professional, and staff employees of specifically identified related agencies.
4. Interinstitutional staff employees.
5. Cooperating teachers, administrators, and field supervisors, as defined in the section on tuition.
6. Employees (as defined in items 1 and 2 above) holding combined appointments with the University of Illinois at Chicago or Springfield.
7. University of Illinois faculty, academic professional, and staff retirees.
Health Service Fee Waivers and Exemptions
The Health Service Fee is waived for:
1. CIC Visiting Scholars.
2. University of Illinois at Chicago or Springfield students in concurrent enrollment.
3. Department of Children and Family Services dependents.
4. Illinois Teacher of the Year recipients.
Exempt from the Health Service Fee are:
1. Students enrolled in Credit Ranges III or IV (Range IV only in summer session).
2. Students registered in absentia.
3. Students registered in study-abroad programs.
4. Students registered as participants in the official high school concurrent enrollment program.
5. Students registered in recognized off-campus programs.
6. Faculty and academic professional employees holding at least 25-percent-time appointments for three-fourths of a term, as defined in the section on tuition.
7. Staff employees holding at least 50-percent-time appointments for three-fourths of a term, as defined in the section on tuition.
8. Faculty, academic professional, and staff employees of specifically identified related agencies.
9. Interinstitutional staff employees.
10. Cooperating teachers, administrators, and field supervisors, as defined in the section on tuition.
11. Employees (as defined in items 7 and 8 above) holding combined appointments with the University of Illinois at Chicago or Springfield.
12. University of Illinois faculty, academic professional, and staff retirees.
13. University employees registered as students but eligible for the mandatory State of Illinois Employees Insurance Program.
Transportation Fee Waivers and Exemptions
The Transportation Fee is waived for:
1. CIC Visiting Scholars.
2. University of Illinois at Chicago or Springfield students in concurrent enrollment.
3. Department of Children and Family Services dependents.
4. Illinois Teacher of the Year recipients.
Exempt from the Transportation Fee are:
1. Students enrolled in Credit Ranges III or IV (Range IV only in summer session).
2. Students registered in absentia.
3. Students registered in study-abroad programs.
4. Students registered as participants in the official high school concurrent enrollment program.
5. Students registered in recognized off-campus programs.
6. Faculty and academic professional employees holding at least 25-percent-time appointments for three-fourths of a term, as defined in the section on tuition.
7. Staff employees holding at least 50-percent-time appointments for three-fourths of a term, as defined in the section on tuition.
8. Faculty, academic professional, and staff employees of specifically identified related agencies.
9. Interinstitutional staff employees.
10. Cooperating teachers, administrators, and field supervisors, as defined in the section on tuition.
11. Employees (as defined in items 7 and 8 above) holding combined appointments with the University of Illinois at Chicago or Springfield.
12. University of Illinois faculty, academic professional, and staff retirees.
SEAL, SORF, ISG, and KCPA Waivers and Exemptions
The SEAL, SORF, ISG, and KCPA Fees are waived for:
1. CIC Visiting Scholars.
2. University of Illinois at Chicago or Springfield students in concurrent enrollment.
3. Department of Children and Family Services dependents.
4. Illinois Teacher of the Year recipients.
Exempt from the SEAL, SORF, ISG, and KCPA Fees are:
1. Students enrolled in Credit Ranges III or IV (Range IV only in summer session).
2. Students registered in absentia.
3. Students registered in study-abroad programs.
4. Students registered as participants in the official high school concurrent enrollment program.
5. Students registered in recognized off-campus programs.
6. Faculty and academic professional employees holding at least 25-percent-time appointments for three-fourths of a term, as defined in the section on tuition.
7. Staff employees holding at least 50-percent-time appointments for three-fourths of a term, as defined in the section on tuition.
8. Faculty, academic professional, and staff employees of specifically identified related agencies.
9. Interinstitutional staff employees.
10. Cooperating teachers, administrators, and field supervisors, as defined in the section on tuition.
11. Employees (as defined in items 7 and 8 above) holding combined appointments with the University of Illinois at Chicago or Springfield.
12. University of Illinois faculty, academic professional, and staff retirees.
Student Health Insurance Fee
Students totally exempt from payment of the Student Health Insurance Fee and therefore not eligible for these benefits and services are:
- Persons registered for doctoral thesis research in absentia.
- Persons registered in off-campus courses and study-abroad courses for zero credit. (If registered for more than zero credit, they are required to pay this fee.)
- University employees registered at the request of their departments in zero-credit courses especially established to improve their work performance.
- University employees who are registered as students but who are eligible for and participate in the mandatory State of Illinois Employees Insurance Program.
- Employees of certain specifically identified related agencies who are eligible automatically to receive hospital-medical coverage as an employment benefit at the cost of the employing agency.
- Students presenting petitions and evidence of approved equivalent medical insurance coverage (See Student Health Insurance.)
- Illinois Teacher of the Year recipients.
- CIC Visiting Scholars and concurrent University of Illinois registrants.
Student Health Insurance
The University Board of Trustees requires all students to be covered by health insurance through either a program provided by the University or one determined to be equivalent to that offered by the University. Tuition and fee waivers do not apply to the student insurance fee.
The Student Insurance Office is permanently located at 807 South Wright Street, Suite 480, Champaign. For the semester periods when the Registration Service Center is open, an insurance station is operated in the Illini Union for the first (fall) semester. During the times the Registration Service Center station is open, all exemptions, reinstatements, and applications for coverage must be made at that location. Students should consult the current Timetable for the dates and times of the Registration Service Center activities.
Students registered in University classes for residence work are assessed a fee each registration to cover the cost of the program. A student presenting evidence of equivalent medical insurance coverage (a copy of the insurance policy or a schedule of benefits) may be exempted from payment of this fee upon approval of a petition submitted IN PERSON at the Insurance Office (or other location specified in the current Timetable) by no later than the final date established each term for a refund of tuition and fees. A signed waiver and assumption of responsibility is also required. An exemption will continue in effect until such time as the student requests reinstatement to the plan, or does not respond to a periodic request to confirm that he/she continues to be covered by another health plan, or three consecutive semesters of non-registered status. (NOTE: summer term 2 is a semester.) Reinstatement may also be requested at any other time up to the last day of coverage for a semester or term. Reinstatement is guaranteed if application is within 31 days of the termination of other insurance; after 31 days, or at any other time, reinstatement is subject to approval of a statement of medical history. If medical history is approved, a pre-existing condition limitation will be applicable for the first 120 days of coverage. The premium is not prorated for a partial semester of coverage.
- First (fall) semester coverage extends through the Friday before the first day of class for the second (spring) semester.
- Second (spring) semester coverage extends through the Friday before the first day of class for the eight-week summer term 2.
- Summer session coverage extends through the Friday before the first day of class for the first (fall) semester.
Premium rates for each semester or term may be found in the respective Timetable.
Married students may purchase student health insurance to cover spouses and dependent children upon application and payment of an additional premium at the Student Insurance Office location in the Registration Service Center while open. (The last day the Registration Service Center is open is the deadline to purchase dependent coverage for that semester/term.) Application and premium payments must be made for each semester or term. Premiums for spouses and children may not be charged to student accounts.
Petitions for exemption or reinstatement, and applications for dependent or extension of coverage must be submitted IN PERSON. Therefore, any petitions and applications that are mailed to the Student Insurance Office or included with payments made by mail will be returned to the sender without action; such items must be resubmitted by the student in person within the stated deadline for the term in question. Students who fail to present this information before the Registration Service Center closes will be required to participate in the Student Health Insurance Program for that semester/term. For more information, call 217/333-0165 or visit our Web site at webster.uihr.uiuc.edu/students.
Produced by the Computing and Communications Services Office (CCSO) and the Office of Publications and Marketing for the Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. The University of Illinois is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution. Cover photograph by Don Hamerman.