College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Urbana, IL 61801
(217) 333-1705
Access and Achievement Program
Established in 1968, the Access and Achievement Program (AAP) is the flagship student academic service program within the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) Student Academic Affairs Office. It is designed to provide a supportive learning environment, promote self-advocacy and students’ academic success through systematic monitoring of academic performance, individualized academic advising, intensive personal and career counseling, structured student/teacher interaction through enrollment in program-sponsored course sections, academic workshops, enrichment and leadership activities and identification of opportunities for research and scholarships. We strive to connect students with University resources that will complement their academic talents and will help shape their academic paths and ambitions. Our goal is to prepare students for academic success, graduation, and a life of impact.
LAS AAP encompasses two components: (1) Declared (those students admitted with majors) and (2) Undeclared (formerly The Transition Program). LAS AAP serves LAS students admitted through the President’s Award Program (PAP) and the Educational Opportunities Program (EOP). The University’s Office of Undergraduate Admissions identifies eligible students for these two programs during the admission process.
Students may also qualify for EOP consideration through the Undeclared component of LAS AAP. The Undeclared component is designed to provide retention services to a group of 100 students admitted each year who have academic weaknesses that could place them "at risk" if they were permitted to enter the University without such assistance.
Only those students who apply for admission to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and who meet established campus and program deadlines for application will be considered for admission and placement in the Undeclared component of the LAS Access and Achievement Program. The final decision on which students will be admitted and placed in the Undeclared component of the LAS Access and Achievement Program is the joint responsibility of the director of the Office of Undergraduate Admissions and the director of the Access and Achievement Program, acting on behalf of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Participation in the program is a condition of admission.
Students will receive developmental academic support for two (2) years. After a student has successfully completed four (4) semesters in the Undeclared component of LAS AAP, an admission space is reserved in the college and/or curriculum of his or her choice, provided the student has good academic standing (C average or better) and has completed the required core courses for admission to that college and/or curriculum.
Additional information about the LAS Access and Achievement Program may be obtained by contacting the office of the director of the Access and Achievement Program, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 112 English Building, 608 South Wright Street, Urbana, IL 61801, (217) 333-7717 or 1-800-TOP-BEST (867-2378),