Course Information Suite

Programs of Study: Undergrad

American Indian Studies

Acting Director: Jodi Byrd
1204 W. Nevada Street
Urbana, IL 61801
Fax: 217.265.9880

Graduate Minor: American Indian and Indigenous Studies

Graduate Degree Programs

The American Indian Studies Program is an interdisciplinary academic unit housed in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. The thinking and intellectual work of Indigenous Peoples -- including American Indians -- is at its center. Thus, our curriculum emphasizes tribal peoples' centuries-long fight for sovereignty, including self-government, economic self-determination, and cultural self-representation. Degree-seeking graduate students pursuing masters or doctoral degrees, and who are in good standing, may complete the Graduate Minor in American Indian and Indigenous Studies. Contact the American Indian Studies Program to obtain an updated list of participating degree programs and an application form.


Applicants to the Graduate Minor in American Indian and Indigenous Studies must be in good standing in a masters or doctoral program at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  Applications to the American Indian Studies Program are accepted by April 15 each spring semester and must include three letters of recommendation from scholars or teachers familiar with the applicants work and potential and a personal essay that includes a statement of purpose describing the student's academic background, career plans, and how they will use the Graduate Minor in American Indian and Indigenous Studies to enhance their program of research. A student’s intent to pursue the Graduate Minor must be approved by the student’s major advisor and graduate program director in their home department.

Minor Requirements

Required Courses Required Hours
AIS 501, 502 and 503 (preferably in sequence) 12
Total Hours 12
Other Requirements:*  
In addition to the minor requirements, students must also complete the requirements of their major degree. Hours counted toward completion of a minor may not also be applied toward any other transcripted credential.  

While we think the professional interests of graduate students would best be served by including a member of the American Indian Studies (AIS) core faculty on their thesis and dissertation committees, we  encourage graduate students  to seek guidance on their thesis or dissertation topic, resources, and methodology from an American Indian Studies faculty.