ACES International Minor
This minor will help students prepare for life and work in a global society and will provide the international skills employers expect of our graduates. While it is the intent of this minor to encourage students to spend time abroad and to develop proficiency in a foreign language, neither is required.
Students enrolled in this minor will be able to draw on resources outside the college as well as select from courses offered by the seven departments in the College of ACES. At least 12 of the total 21 credit hours required for this minor must be College of ACES courses. At least 6 credit hours ACES or non-ACES must come from 400-level courses. Courses in the minor cannot be completed Credit/No Credit.
This minor is administratively based in ACES Academic Programs. Student advising will take place in this unit.
Required Courses for the ACES International Minor
Hours | Global Study in the Social Science Disciplines |
3-9 | Minimum of 3 hours, maximum of 9 hours selected from: |
ACE 251 - The World Food Economy | |
ACE 411 - Environment and Development | |
ACE 435 - Global Agribusiness Management | |
ACE 451 - Agriculture in Intl Development | |
ACE 455 - Intl Trade in Food and Agr | |
AGCM 320 - Educational Campaign Planning | |
ANTH 260 – World Ethnography | |
ANTH 262 - Women's Lives | |
BADM 380 – International Business | |
BADM 381 – Multinational Management | |
BADM 382 – International Marketing | |
ECON 420 - International Economics | |
ECON 450 - Development Economics | |
EPS 426 - Comparative Education | |
FIN 451 – International Financial Markets | |
GEOG 110 - Geography of Intl Conflicts | |
GEOG 204 - Cities of the World | |
GEOG 210 - Contemp Social and Env Problems | |
GEOG 410 - Geography of Dev and Underdev | |
HDFS 220 - Families in Global Perspective | |
HIST 258 - 20th Century World to Midcentury | |
HIST 259 - 20th Century World from Midcentury | |
NRES 287 - Environment and Society | |
PS 241 - Comp Politics in Dev Nations | |
PS 280 - Intro to Intl Relations | |
PS 382 - Intl Political Economy | |
PS 389 - International Communications | |
RLST 110 - World Religions | |
RSOC 443 - Social Change in Dev Areas | |
UP 423 - Intro International Planning |
Hours | Global Study in the Natural Science Disciplines |
3-9 | Minimum of 3 hours, maximum of 9 hours, selected from: |
ANSC 205 - World Animal Resources | |
ATMS 140 - Climate and Global Change | |
CPSC 116 - The Global Food Production Web | |
CPSC 431 - Plants and Global Change | |
HORT 464 - International Horticultural Products | |
NRES 109 - Global Environmental Issues | |
PLPA 200 - Plants, Pathogens, And People | |
TSM 311 - Humanity in the Food Web |
Hours | Regional Specialization |
3-9 | The following four approaches/options can be used (separately or in combinations) to complete this portion of the minor. |
Academic credit earned through study or supervised activities outside the U.S. through:
Completion of one or more of the following courses offered by the Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics
Completion of courses that are approved by Area Studies Programs (see minor advisor)
Foreign language courses that exceed College of ACES graduation requirements. | |
21 | Total hours |