The Minor in Informatics will teach you to become a better creator and user of computing technology in your major area and to think critically about new technology's role in society. No other field has, and will have, a greater influence on humanity in our generation.
Informatics studies the design, application, use and impact of information technology. The ability to handle vast amounts of information cheaply has changed the way we live. Advances in computer power, the World Wide Web, search engines, social networking, mobile technology, GIS, and large-scale collaborative initiatives, to name a few, have revolutionized the way knowledge is created and shares. Information has become a ubiquitous, indispensable component of our everyday lives, as we strive to manage information, create knowledge, and make decisions.
Students from any major interested in applying technology or studying its affect on humanity are encouraged to apply, preferably by the end of sophomore year. Although there are no prerequisites, basic familiarity with computers is expected.
To receive the Informatics Minor students mustcomplete three core INFO courses plus three upper-level classes with sufficient informatics or computational content from an approve list of courses offered from a wide range of disciplines. The core courses are INFO 102, 103, and 202. INFO 102 is a broad introduction to computer science and provides an understanding of the nature, capabilities, and limitations of IT. INFO 103 is for non-CS majors and uses the Python language to teach elementary principles of object-oriented programming. Areas of application include graphics and multimedia, game design, programming in a 3D environment, computer art, and poetry. INFO 202 explores the ways in which IT has and is transforming society and how these technologies affect a range of social, political, and economic issues from the individual to societal levels. Some substitutions can be made. The list of upper-level courses that count toward the minor is here: This list is dynamic as new classes are added.
Visit for information about the Informatics Minor. This minor is offered by the Illinois Informatics Institute,, 333–4930.