Interim Head of the Department of Dance: Sara HookGraduate Program Director: Renée Wadleigh
907 1/2 West Nevada Street
Urbana, IL 6180l
(217) 333-1010
Fax: (217) 333-3000
Graduate Degree Program
The Department of Dance offers a graduate program leading to the master of fine arts degree.
Admission Requirements
Prerequisites for admission to the MFA program are: 1) An undergraduate degree in dance comparable to that granted by the University of Illinois, or equivalent experience. Students who are deficient in undergraduate coursework will be expected to complete deficiencies on a remedial basis. 2) Demostrated advanced technical skill and choreographic ability. Candidates must pass a qualifying audition to confirm advanced technical proficiency amd to demonstrate facility in choreography. 3) A minimum grade point average of 3.0 on a 4 point scale, computed from the last 60 hours of undergraduate work and any graduate work completed. International students must have a miniumum TOEFL score of 550. The GRE is not required. Enrollment during Spring semester is not recommended.
MFA Degree Requirements
Sixty hours and a residency requirement of three years (six semesters) are required for the MFA degree in Dance. For returning professionals the residency requirement may be two years (four semesters) determined on an individual basis based on background experience. Some degree of curricular flexibility is permitted depending on previous experience and current interests and goals. Coursework taken to complete undergraduate deficiencies will not receive graduate credit. Program requirements include 40 hours in the areas of technique, composition, special topics seminars, historical and theoretical studies, production, portfolio development, and administration; an 8 hour culminating creative project; and 12 hours of electives, which may be taken in dance or related areas of interest. Cross-disciplinary work and independent study in areas of interest are encouraged. The ability of the candidates to pursue graduate study is assessed at the midterm of the second semester in residence, at which time a decision is made regarding continuation in the program and the length of the residency requirement.
In rare cases, the department (in collaboration with the Graduate College) will waive up to a maximum of 12 hours of credit because of extensive prior experience which is defined by "exhibiting a large scope and depth of successful practice in the field of dance." These hours may be in one of or a combination of Composition, Performance, or Technique. This consideration for waiver of credit will not be made unless the prior dance experience is of the highest quality (on a national or international level) and has been sustained consistently over a number of years (at least a decade). This experience must be well documented and must be confirmed and demonstrated by the candidate's contributions to the department. Therefore, such waivers cannot be considered until well into the student's program of study.
Financial Aid
Three forms of financial aid are offered by the Department of Dance: graduate teaching and production assistanships which include tuition waivers; Federal Work-Study assistantships in production, video and administration, for those who qualify for Federal Work-Study; and the Creative and Performing Arts Fellowship which includes a $6,000 stipend and a tuition waiver. This Graduate College fellowship is awarded to a graduate student demonstrating outstanding choreographic and performance talent. In addition, Graduate College Fellowships in the amount of $8,000 which includes a tuition waiver are available to outstanding minority students.
Prospective MFA candidates are encouraged to apply for financial assistance through the Office of Student Financial Aid, 420 Student Services Building, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL 61820, 217-333-0100. Application packets are normally available for distribution early December, and should be completed and returned in early January for priority processing.