2006 - 2007
Programs of Study Spring 2006

Teacher Education Minor in Physical Education

This program is designed for students enrolled in a teacher education curriculum other than in the Kinesiology Program. Students who wish to complete this minor must consult with an academic adviser in the Kinesiology Program.

Hours Required Courses
1 KIN 130—Analysis of Basic Movement
1 KIN 131—Movement Skills-Fitness
1 KIN 133—Movement Skills-Dance
1 KIN 135—Movement Skills-Field
2 Choose two courses from the following:
KIN 132—Movement Skills-Swimming
KIN 134—Movement Skills-Gymnastics
KIN 136—Movement Skills-Racquet
3 KIN 140—Social Sci of Human Movement
3 KIN 150—Bioscience of Human Movement
3 KIN 257—Coordination, Control, and Skill
3 KIN 361—Curriculum in Grades K-6
3 KIN 360—Adapted Physical Education
3 KIN 363—Instructional Strategies in PE
3 KIN 401—Measure & Eval in Kinesiology
3-5 MCB 103—Intro to Human Physiology, or MCB 334—Functional Human Anatomy
30-32 Total