Curriculum and Instruction
Department Head: Dr. Marilyn Johnston-ParsonsGraduate Programs Coordinator and Associate Department Head: Dr. Renee T. Clift
Graduate Programs Secretary: Ms. Kathy Stalter
311 Education Building
1310 South Sixth Street
Champaign, IL 61820
Fax: (217)244-4572
Graduate Degree Programs
The Department of Curriculum and Instruction offers
graduate programs leading to the degrees of Master of Education (Ed.M.), Master of Science (M.S.), Master of Art (M.A.), Certificate of Advanced Study (C.A.S.), Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), and Doctor of Education (Ed.D.). Students may pursue the following specializations:
Aesthetics Education, Bilingual/ESL Education,
Curriculum Studies, Early Childhood Education, Early Literacy, Elementary Education, English Education, Literature for Children and Adolescents, Mathematics Education, Multicultural Education, Reading Education, Science Education, Second Lanuage Literacy, Secondary Education, Social Studies Education, Teacher Education, Technology Studies, and Writing Education.
Through the Master of Education and Advanced Certificate programs, experienced teachers are prepared to become more competent and better informed practitioners who serve as leaders for educational reform in local schools and school districts.
Also offered are master's degree programs leading to teacher certification for individuals who have a degree in a field other than education and who wish to become teachers. Spaces in this program are very limited. Students in this program follow the same sequence of professional education courses as undergraduate students, in addition to completing the courses required for an Ed.M. degree.
Two doctoral degree programs are offered. The Ph.D. program prepares degree candidates for careers involving research and scholarship, including those in colleges and universities where research is generally combined with teacher education. The Ed.D. program prepares scholarly practitioners for leadership positions in teacher training institutions, state education agencies, and public school districts. Most doctoral students enroll in the Ph.D. program.
Length of time for a degree: an Ed.M. program can be completed in a calendar year, while the M.S. takes longer. The Ed.M with certification program typically takes two to three years to complete. Doctoral programs usually require four to five years of full time study.
Applicants should apply online at In addition to the application, the applicant is required to submit the following information: a statement of purpose, updated resume, official transcripts from all colleges attended, and three letters of recommendation. Scores for the Miller Analogies Test (MAT) or the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) must be submitted for specializations in mathematics, science, instructional technology, or early childhood. No test scores are necessary for other areas of study. A scholarly writing sample in English, such as a master's thesis, article, or paper is required for application to the doctoral program. Applicants for the master's degree with teacher certification must submit passing scores on the Illinois Certification Testing System Basic Skills Test and, if required for your area of certification, the appropriate content area examination. Note: The master's with teacher certification program admits students only during the fall term.
International applicants must submit TOEFL scores. The Department of Curriculum and Instruction's TOEFL requirement is 550 on the paper-based test and 213 on the computer-based test. International applicants must also submit a Declaration and Certification of Finances.