Curriculum in Engineering Mechanics
For the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering Mechanics
Curriculum in Engineering Mechanics
Mechanicsthe study of forces on bodies and their resultant motionis a broad science, ranging from the mechanics of the atom to the mechanics of the universe. Problems in mechanics pervade societal needs, from infrastructure to transportation to modern materials to microtechnology to geomechanics and global change.
Engineering mechanics is the discipline devoted to the solution of mechanics problems through integrated application of mathematical, scientific, and engineering principles. Special emphasis is placed on the physical principles underlying modern engineering design. Engineering mechanics students are also encouraged to engage in undergraduate research with a faculty member. As a result, engineering mechanics students are prepared for careers at the forefront of a wide variety of fields, including the aerospace, electronics, automotive, manufacturing, software, and computer industries. The curriculum also provides excellent preparation for graduate study in several different engineering and science disciplines.
Educational Objectives
The program derives its strength from rigorous treatments of statics, dynamics, solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, and mechanics of materials. These topics form the basis of all the mechanical sciences and have wide applicability in modern engineering. Students in engineering mechanics also develop a strong background in mathematics, physics, and chemistry, while specializing in one of several secondary fields within mechanics, such as experimental mechanics.
In addition to the educational objectives described for the College of Engineering, special emphasis is placed on advanced dynamics, continuum mechanics, and the rapidly emerging field of computational mechanics. Laboratory experiments in fluid mechanics and mechanics of materials complement an integrated design sequence, starting in the freshman year, that culminates in a team-based design project in one of the professional engineering disciplines, such as aerospace, civil, or mechanical engineering. Students also have the opportunity for independent, creative work in a one-on-one or small group environment under the supervision of a faculty member.
Educational Outcomes
Students who complete the 131-hour program understand the mechanical sciences as an integrated whole. They can solve problems in statics, dynamics, solid and fluid mechanics, and the mechanics of materials or problems that require any combination of these subjects. The engineering mechanics graduate can apply knowledge in mathematics, science, and engineering to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems using the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for success in engineering practice.
Engineering mechanics students learn how to set up and conduct laboratory experiments and, as members of multidisciplinary teams, how to apply the principles of mechanics to the solution of challenging engineering design problems. Throughout their coursework, students learn to communicate effectively. Contemporary trends, issues in professional conduct and ethical responsibility, and a sense of the impact of engineering in a global and societal context are integrated into the curriculum. Through the step-by-step build-up of expertise and through the use of open-ended challenges and problems, students gain an appreciation for the need to engage in life-long learning.
Upon graduation, students are prepared to enter traditional engineering fields, such as mechanical engineering, or to pursue opportunities in such emerging fields as energy development, materials engineering, space technology, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), and computer-based design. Graduate training leading to the master's and doctoral degree is another option normally followed by about half the curriculum's graduates.
Grade-Point Average Requirements
A student must have a grade-point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 in TAM courses to remain in good standing and to graduate. To qualify for registration for the TAM courses shown in the third (junior) year of the curriculum, a student must have completed, with a combined 2.25 GPA, the mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science, and engineering courses shown in the first (freshman) and second (sophomore) years.
Suggested Sequence
First year
Hours | First Semester |
3 | CHEM 102General Chemistry I |
1 | CHEM 103General Chemistry Lab I |
0 | ENG 100Engineering Lecture |
4 | MATH 221Calculus I1 |
4-3 | RHET 105Principles
of Composition or GE 101Engineering Graphics and Design2 |
1 | TAM 195Mechanics in the Modern World |
3 | Elective In social science or humanities3 |
16-15 | Total |
Hours | Second Semester |
3 | CHEM 104General Chemistry II |
1 | CHEM 105General Chemistry Lab II |
3-4 | GE 101Engineering
Graphics and Design or RHET 105Principles of Composition2 |
3 | MATH 231Calculus II |
4 | PHYS 211Univ Physics, Mechanics |
3 | Elective in social sciences or humanities3 |
17-18 | Total |
Second year
Hours | First Semester |
3 | CS 101Intro to Computing, Eng & Sci |
4 | MATH 241Calculus III |
4 | PHYS 212Univ Physics, Elec & Mag |
3 | TAM 211Statics |
3 | Elective in social sciences or humanities3 |
17 | Total |
Hours | Second Semester |
3 | MATH 347Fundamental Mathematics |
2 | PHYS 213Univ Physics, Thermal Physics |
2 | PHYS 214Univ Physics, Quantum Phys |
3 | TAM 212Introductory Dynamics |
3 | TAM 251Introductory Solid Mechanics |
1 | TAM 252Solid Mechanics Design |
3 | Elective in social sciences or humanities3 |
17 | Total |
Third year
Hours | First Semester |
3 | ECE 205Intro Elec & Electr Circuits |
3 | MATH 441Differential Equations |
3 | ME 300Thermodynamics |
4 | TAM 324Behavior of Materials |
4 | TAM 335Introductory Fluid Mechanics |
17 | Total |
Hours | Second Semester |
3 | MATH 415Linear Algebra |
3 | TAM 302Engineering Design Principles |
4 | TAM 412Intermediate Dynamics |
4 | TAM 445Continuum Mechanics |
3 | Elective in social sciences or humanities3 |
17 | Total |
Fourth year
Hours | First Semester |
3 | TAM 470Computational Mechanics |
3 | Senior design elective4 |
3 | Secondary field elective5 |
3 | Secondary field elective5 |
3 | Free elective |
15 | Total |
Hours | Second Semester |
3 | Senior design elective |
3 | Secondary field elective5 |
3 | Secondary field elective5 |
3 | Elective in social sciences or humanities3 |
3 | Free elective |
15 | Total |
1. MATH 220Calculus may be substituted, with four of the five credit hours applying toward the degree. MATH 220 is appropriate for students with no background in calculus.
2. RHET 105 may be taken in the first or second semester of the first year as authorized. The alternative is GE 101.
3. Each student must satisfy the 18-hour social sciences and humanities requirements of the College of Engineering and the campus general education requirements for social sciences and humanities.
4. See section on Senior Design Electives.
5. See section on Secondary Field Options.
Secondary Field Options
Each student, in consultation with a faculty advisor, selects a secondary field option for further specialization in mechanics. Each secondary field consists of 12 hours of course work in technical courses in mechanics and closely related subjects, generally specifies two required courses, and provides a list of approved courses from which the student may choose.
Required courses:
MCB 150Molec & Cellular Basis of Life
MCB 151Molec & Cellular Laboratory
TAM 461Cellular Biomechanics
Approved courses:
ECE 473/TAM 413, ECE/BIOE 280, BIOE/MSE 471, MSE 473, BIOP 401
Computational Mechanics
Required courses:
CS/MATH 257Numerical Methods
ME 471/CSE 451-Intro to Finite Element Anlys
Approved courses:
CS 400, 450, 458, 459; TAM 499
Engineering Science And Applied Mathematics
Required courses:
MATH 442Intro Partial Diff Equations
MATH 446Applied Complex Variables or MATH 448Complex Variables
At least one of the following: AE 353, 402; CEE 202; ECE 329, 430;
ECE 473/TAM 413; TAM 499
Approved courses (if needed): MATH 423, 447, 490, 482, 484, 489, 498;
PHYS 402; STAT 400/MATH 463, STAT 410/MATH 464; TAM 499
Experimental Mechanics
Required courses:
ECE 206Intro Elec & Electr Ckts Lab
TAM 456Experimental Stress Analysis
Approved courses:
CS/MATH 257; ECE 473/TAM 413; ME 360*; PHS 402; TAM 499
Fluid Mechanics
Required courses:
TAM 435Intermediate Fluid Mechanics
ME 410Intermediate Gas Dynamics
Approved courses:
CEE 445*, 451, 453; ECE 473/TAM 413; ME 411/TAM 438; TAM 499
Mechanics of Materials
Required courses:
TAM 424Mechanics of Structural Metals
TAM/AE 427Mechanics of Polymers or TAM/AE 428Mechanics of Composites
Approved courses:
CEE 310; MSE 401/CHEM 484, MSE 444/CEE 400, MSE 486; NPRE 431; TAM
Solid Mechanics
Required courses:
TAM 424Mechanics of Structural Metals
TAM 451Intermediate Solid Mechanics
Approved courses:
AE 322*; CEE 360, 460, 461; CS/MATH 257; ECE/TAM 413, TAM 499
To add flexibility to the program and to accommodate particular interests, the Department allows the student to petition to substitute appropriate courses, including 500-level courses if the student has the appropriate preparation, for any portion of the elective secondary-field courses. Petitions to substitute courses should be submitted through the student affairs coordinator and require approval by the student's advisor and the chief undergraduate advisor. Without petition, a student may select any one course listed as required in one of the secondary field options to satisfy elective course credits in a chosen secondary field.
Senior Design Electives
The senior design electives consist of 6 hours of engineering course work3 hours in an engineering capstone design course, such as AE 440, ABE 469, CHBE 431, CEE 465, CS 492, ECE 445, ENG 491, MSE 428, ME 470, or NPRE 458, plus 3 hours in an engineering technical elective course that is directly related to the intended area of concentration in that design course. In most cases, the capstone design course is taken in the last semester of study. A faculty design sequence coordinator, named by the department head, must approve each student's senior design electives.