Curriculum in Bioengineering
For the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Bioengineering
Bioengineering combines the analytical and experimental methods of the engineering profession with the biological and medical sciences to achieve a more detailed understanding of biological phenomena and to develop new techniques and devices. In keeping with the mission of the department, students successfully completing the undergraduate curriculum in Bioengineering will be prepared for professional careers in businesses related to medical diagnostics, prosthetic devices and implants, the pharmaceutical industry, and consulting in health-related fields, as well as, other positions in industry, commerce, education, and government; or to continue their formal education at a graduate school of their choice.
Educational Objectives
The Bioengineering curriculum is administered by the Department of Bioengineering. The Educational Objectives of the department's programs are based on the mission of the department and the perceived needs of the constituents, and consistent with Engineering Criteria 2000 of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). The mission statement has a preamble followed by declarations of four interconnected commitments: to students, to faculty, to alumni, and to the State of Illinois, with the understanding that the latter two include industry. There are five Program Educational Objectives for the Bioengineering program:
1. Fundamentals. To provide students with understanding of the fundamental knowledge in the mathematical, physical, chemical and life sciences, as well as the principles of engineering design, so as to prepare them for a productive career in a rapidly changing field.
2. Depth. To provide students with technical depth within one area of bioengineering so as to assist them in their first employment or entry into graduate school.
3. Breadth. To provide students with the broad education, including exposure to the liberal arts, knowledge of important current issues in the life sciences and engineering necessary for productive careers in the public or private sectors, or for the pursuit of graduate education.
4. Professionalism. To develop skills for clear communication and responsible teamwork, and to inculcate professional attitudes and ethics, so that students are prepared for the complex modern work environment and for lifelong learning.
5. Learning Environment. To provide an environment that enables students to pursue their goals in an innovative program that is rigorous and challenging, open and supportive.
To prepare the student for the Program Educational Objectives to be achieved, a set of Program Outcomes, that is, statements that describe what students are expected to know and are able to do by the time of graduation, have been adopted. These Outcomes, which parallel the Criterion 3 of the Engineering Criteria 2000 and the applicable Program Criteria, are:
- Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
- Ability to design and conduct experiments as well as analyze and interpret data
- Ability to design a system to meet desired needs
- Ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
- Ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
- Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
- Ability to communicate effectively
- Broad education necessary to understand impact of engineering solutions in a global/societal context
- Recognition of the need for and ability to engage in lifelong learning
- Knowledge of contemporary issues
- Ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
- Knowledge of the life sciences and of the interaction of engineered devices with medical and biological systems
The Importance of the Fundamentals, Depth, and Breadth in the Sciences and Engineering
Bioengineering is a broad field combining engineering and the life sciences. It is especially important that students prepare themselves thoroughly not only in the mathematics and physics common to other engineering disciplines, but also in the chemical, biochemical, physiological and molecular biological sciences. Otherwise they will find it difficult to adjust to the rapid advances in engineering, the life sciences generally and biotechnology in particular. It is equally important that students gain sufficient depth in one area of bioengineering so as learn the level of understanding needed to make substantive engineering contributions. Finally, bioengineers will likely interact with professionals whose training varies widely. Hence, bioengineers must simultaneously achieve fundamental understanding, depth, and breadth in their academic study.
Intellectual Content of the Bioengineering Curriculum
The curriculum is divided into four components. The largest component, that of the basic sciences, dominates the first two years of study. It includes mathematics, physics, and chemistry through biochemistry, and is capped with largely upper level life science classes. The Bioengineering component begins in the second term sophomore year; it imbues a quantitative approach employing engineering analysis and design to problems drawn largely from the life sciences. The Bioengineering component includes a capstone design or research experience, a capstone life science course on the medical implications of bioengineering interventions, and a biomedical professionalism and ethics course. The third component is the concentration track in which each student develops depth in one area of bioengineering. The fourth component comprises the general education and free elective coursework that gives balance to a student's education.
Methods of Instruction and Design Experience
Instruction is given using a combination of lecture, discussion, laboratory, and project methodologies of the highest quality. Laboratory work occurs in conjunction with the chemistry, physics, and physiology courses. The Bioengineering curriculum offers additional laboratory coursework in Bioinstrumentation and Cell and Tissue Engineering, as well as in a capstone design experience.
Honors Activity
Students wishing to do honors work are encouraged to apply to the James Scholar Program administered jointly by the College of Engineering and the Bioengineering Department. In consultation with department advisors, students can create and carry out honors activity contracts.
Grade Point Average Requirements
A student must have a grade-point average of at least 2.0 in the math, science and engineering courses in order to remain in good standing and to graduate. To qualify for registration for the Bioengineering courses shown in the third year of the curriculum, a student must have completed, with a combined 2.25 grade point average, the mathematics, engineering and science courses shown in the first two years of the curriculum.
All regular Bioengineering Faculty are involved in Undergraduate Advising. The Bioengineering Department Chief Undergraduate Advisor provides coordination, oversight, and special expertise in curricular and other advising matters. Due to the diverse nature of bioengineering, students should discuss their curriculum not only with their regularly assigned advisor, but also with any course instructors or other knowledgeable staff with whom they have contact.
Overview of Curricular Requirements
The curriculum requires 132 hours for graduation and is organized as follows:
Basic Sciences and Mathematics
These courses stress the scientific principles upon which the bioengineering discipline is based.
Hours | Requirements |
17 | Mathematics |
4 |
MATH 221Calculus I |
3 |
MATH 231Calculus II |
4 |
MATH 241Calculus III |
3 |
MATH 385Intro Differential Equations |
3 |
IE 300Analysis of Data |
12 | Physics |
4 |
PHYS 211Univ Physics, Mechanics |
4 |
PHYS 212Univ Physics, Elec & Mag |
2 |
PHYS 213Univ Physics, Thermal Physics |
2 |
PHYS 214Univ Physics, Quantum Phys |
16 | Chemistry |
4 |
CHEM 102/103General Chemistry I/Lab I |
4 |
CHEM 104/105General Chemistry II/Lab II |
5 |
CHEM 232/233Elementary Organic Chemistry I/Chem Lab I |
3 |
MCB 450Introductory Biochemistry or |
12 | Life Sciences |
4 |
MCB 150Molec & Cellular Basis of Life |
3 |
BIOP 401Introduction to Biophysics |
3 |
MCB 402Sys & Integrative Physiology |
2 |
MCB 404Sys & Integrative Physiol Lab (may be substituted) |
3 | Computer Science |
3 |
CS 101Intro to Computing, Eng & Sci |
60 |
Total |
1. CHEM 105 course credit required. The requirement is not waived with AP credit for CHEM 104.
Bioengineering Course Work
These courses constitute the core curriculum in Bioengineering.
Hours | Requirements |
6 | Introductory Course Work. These courses prepare students for the breadth (BIOE 120), fundamental quantitative approach (BIOE 201), and laboratory technique (BIOE 202) in bioengineering. |
1 |
BIOE 120Introduction to Bioengineering |
3 |
BIOE 201Bioengineering Fundamentals |
2 |
BIOE 202Cell & Tissue
Lab for Bioengrs |
14 | Bioengineering Core. These courses emphasize bioengineering principles/design. |
8 |
Bioinstrumentation: complete all. |
3 |
ECE 205Intro Elec & Electr Circuits |
BIOE 414Biomedical Instrumentation |
BIOE 415Biomedical Instrumentation Lab |
6 |
Thermodynamics, Biomechanics, Biomaterials or Fluid Mechanics: Complete 6 hours from a list of approved courses. Consult a department advisor. |
7 | Capstone Bioengineering |
3 |
BIOE 431Cell & Syst Reaction to Injury |
4 |
BIOE 435Bioengineering Senior Design |
2 | Bioengineering Professionalism and Ethics |
2 |
BIOE 436Bioengineering Professionalism |
29 | Total |
Concentration Tracks
Students must complete 15 hours of study which show coherence, focus, and purpose within a bioengineering context. Students may choose from among the concentration tracks pre-approved by the Bioengineering Department Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, or they may propose their own. Petitions for substitutions will be judged by that committee or a subgroup assigned for that purpose. Overage hours in required courses may be counted toward the 15 hour minimum. Please consult a department advisor for the list of courses satisfying each pre-approved track. The pre-approved tracks are:
- Biosignals, Systems, Control, and Modeling
- Electronics
- Imaging
- Cellular and Molecular Microengineering
- Computational Biology
- Biomaterials/Cell and Tissue Engineering
- Biomechanics
- Biomolecular Engineering
- Premedical
- Student Defined (requires approval from a department advisor)
Composition, Social Sciences, Humanities, Free Electives and General Education Requirements
These courses provide balance to create a university education. The free electives give the student the opportunity to explore any intellectual area. The composition course (RHET 105) teaches fundamentals of expository writing and satisfies the Composition I requirement. The social sciences and humanities courses, as approved by the College of Engineering, and the Campus General Education Requirements ensure that students have exposure in breadth and depth to areas of intellectual activity that are essential to the general education of any college graduate. Students must select courses that satisfy both the college social sciences and humanities requirement and the campus requirements in social and behavioral sciences and in humanities and the arts. Proper choices will ensure that these courses also satisfy the campus requirements in the areas of Western and non-Western Cultures. Many of these courses satisfy the campus Composition II requirement, which ensures that the student has the advanced writing skills expected of all college graduates. The campus requirements in natural sciences and technology, and quantitative reasoning are met by required courses. Students must complete a third-level college language course. Most students satisfy this by completing three years of high school instruction in a single language.
Hours | Requirements |
4 | RHET 105Principles of Composition. |
18 | Social Sciences and Humanities courses approved by the College of Engineering |
6 | Free Electives |
28 | Total |
Suggested Sequence
First Year
Hours | First Semester |
1 | BIOE 120Introduction to Bioengineering |
3 | CHEM 102General Chemistry I |
1 | CHEM 103General Chemistry Lab I |
0 | ENG 100Engineering Lecture |
4 | MATH 221Calculus I1 |
4 | RHET 105Principles of Composition
or MCB 150Molec & Cellular Basis of Life2 |
3 | Elective in social sciences or humanities3 |
16 | Total |
Hours | Second Semester |
3 | CHEM 104General Chemistry II |
1 | CHEM 105General Chemistry Lab II |
3 | MATH 231Calculus II |
4 | MCB 150Molec & Cellular
Basis of Life or RHET 105Principles of Composition2 |
4 | PHYS 211Univ Physics, Mechanics | 3 | Elective in social sciences or humanities3 |
18 | Total |
Second Year
Hours | First Semester |
3 | BIOE 201—Bioengineering Fundamentals |
3 | CS 101Intro to Computing, Eng & Sci |
4 | MATH 241Calculus III |
4 | PHYS 212Univ Physics, Elec & Mag |
3 | Elective in social sciences or humanities3 |
17 | Total |
Hours | Second Semester |
2 | BIOE 202Cell &Tissue Lab for Bioengrs |
3 | CHEM 232Elementary Organic Chemistry I |
2 | CHEM 233Elementary Organic Chem Lab I |
3 | ECE 205Intro Elec & Electr Circuits |
3 | MATH 385Intro Differential Equations |
3 | Elective in social sciences or humanities3 |
16 | Total |
Third Year
Hours | First Semester |
3 | BIOE 414Biomedical Instrumentation |
2 | BIOE 415Biomedical Instrumentation Lab |
3 | MCB 450Introductory Biochemistry
or MCB 354Biochem & Phys Basis of Life |
2 | PHYS 213Univ Physics, Thermal Physics |
2 | PHYS 214Univ Physics, Quantum Phys |
3 | Thermodynamics, Biomechanics, Biomaterials, or Fluid Dynamics4 |
3 | Elective in social sciences or humanities3 |
18 | Total |
Hours | Second Semester |
3 | IE 300Analysis of Data |
3 | MCB 402Sys & Integrative Physiology |
2 | MCB 404Sys & Integrative Physiol Lab |
3 | Thermodynamics, Biomechanics, Biomaterials, or Fluid Dynamics4 |
3 | Concentration Track electives5 |
3 | Elective in social sciences or humanities3 |
17 | Total |
Fourth Year
Hours | First Semester |
3 | BIOE 431Cell & Syst Reaction to Injury |
2 | BIOE 436Bioengineering Professionalism |
3 | BIOP 401Introduction to Biophysics |
6 | Concentration Track electives5 |
14 | Total |
Hours | Second Semester |
4 | BIOE 435Bioengineering Senior Design |
6 | Concentration Track elective5 |
6 | Free electives |
16 | Total |
1. MATH 220—Calculus may be substituted, with four of the five credit hours applying toward the degree. MATH 220 is appropriate for students with no background in calculus.
2. RHET 105 may be taken in the first or second
semester of the first year as authorized. The alternative is MCB
3. Each student must satisfy the 18-hour social sciences and humanities
requirements of the College of Engineering and the campus general
education requirements for social sciences and humanities.
4. Consult a department advisor for approved list of courses.
5. To be selected from a list of courses if a pre-approved concentration track is chosen. Alternately a student may devise a special concentration track which must be approved by the Bioengineering Department.