Agricultural and Consumer Economics
Head of the Department: Robert J. Hauser326 Mumford Hall
1301 West Gregory Drive, Urbana, IL 61801
(217) 333-1810
Fax: (217) 333-5538
Graduate Degree Programs
The Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics (ACE) offers courses of study that lead to the master of science and the doctor of philosophy degrees. Applicants with a baccalaureate degree are initially admitted to the M.S. program. Students who perform extremely well in the first year of the M.S. program may request transfer into the Ph.D. program.
Graduate College requirements apply, including a 3.0 (A = 4.0) GPA for the last two years of undergraduate coursework and any graduate work completed. International applicants must have a Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score of at least 570 (230 on the computer-based TOEFL). Graduate Record Examination (GRE) general test scores are required for candidates seeking financial aid and are requested for all applicants. Applicants to the Ph.D. program are requested to provide a sample of their academic writing. Students having an inadequate background in theory or quantitative methods will be asked to take additional coursework to prepare for graduate study. An applicant with a master’s degree in an appropriate discipline will be considered for the Ph.D. degree. Students may commence study in either semester, but fall semester initial enrollment is preferable for Ph.D. students.
Graduate Teaching Experience
Although teaching is not a general Graduate College requirement, experience in teaching is considered an important part of the graduate experience in this program and is strongly recommended for those intending to pursue an academic career.
Master of Science
The M.S. offers considerable flexibility. Students using the degree as a foundation for a doctorate emphasize economic theory and analytical research tools. Students seeking the terminal master’s degree focus their study on the concepts and analytical techniques used by analysts and managers in industries, governments, and other organizations.
Students must earn a 3.0 (A = 4.0) GPA for a minimum of 32 graduate hours of credit. Eight graduate hours of ACE 500-level coursework, not including independent study and thesis credit, are required. Students earn 8 graduate hours of credit for their preparation of a thesis under the supervision of a faculty advisory committee. The thesis is defended in a formal oral examination, which usually coincides with an open departmental seminar, administered by the thesis committee. Courses in theory, research methods, and quantitative methods are also required.
Doctor of Philosophy
The doctor of philosophy is a research-oriented degree that prepares successful candidates for positions in higher education, governmental agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and the research and management functions of the private sector. In consultation with a faculty advisor, students develop an area of specialization to fit their career aspirations. Typical areas of specialization include agricultural finance; family and consumer economics; price analysis and agricultural marketing; farm and agribusiness management; international and policy economics; natural resource, production, and environmental economics; and spatial and regional analysis.
Students pursue coursework in theory, quantitative methods, and their area of specialization; pass a written core exam, a second-year research paper requirement, and oral preliminary examinations; and complete and defend a dissertation. The core courses cover the theory and quantitative methods upon which advanced research, teaching, and service in ACE are based. The specialty courses build on the knowledge gained in the core courses and provide an understanding of the application of economic theory and the tools of economic analysis. Students are encouraged to complete substantial coursework in other departments, such as economics, finance, and business administration.
Course Credit and Examination Requirements. The doctoral degree candidate must complete a minimum of 64 graduate hours beyond the master’s degree with at least 32 of these hours being nonthesis courses. A 3.0 (A = 4.0) GPA is required in all courses completed in the program. Sixteen graduate hours of 500-level coursework are required, excluding the core courses, independent study, and thesis credit. A written core examination is taken. Students are required to write a research paper, which is evaluated by a faculty committee. An oral preliminary examination assesses preparation and plans for independent research. This examination includes, but is not limited to, the student’s formal proposal for dissertation research. Finally, prior to submitting an acceptable dissertation to the Graduate College, students are required to pass an oral final examination that evaluates the dissertation research.
Research Interests
The mission of the Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics is to improve the economic and environmental well being of producers, consumers, and families. Drawing on economics, business, and law, the department analyzes issues related to individuals and families, agriculture and natural resources, and food — all ranging in scope from local to global. The department pursues its mission through rigorous baccalaureate, master’s, and doctoral curricula, through research that advances knowledge and solves problems, and through public service.
Centers, Programs, and Offices
Departmental research is conducted through the auspices of the Center for Farm and Rural Business Finance, the Consumer and Family Finance Center, the Farm and Resource Management (FaRM) Laboratory, the Food and Agribusiness Management (FAM) Program (with the Department of Business Administration), the Illinois World Food and Sustainable Agriculture Program, the Office for Futures and Options Research (OFOR), and the program in Environmental and Resource Economics (pERE). Funding for some of the research conducted in the department is provided on a competitive basis from the Illinois Council on Food and Agricultural Research (C-FAR).
Financial Aid
Graduate fellowships, assistantships, and tuition and fee waivers are awarded on a competitive basis.
Fellowships. The department offers fellowships from internal resources and by nominating students for college and campus fellowships. These fellowships, often combined with assistantship support, provide monetary stipends and, in most cases, exemptions from tuition and some student fees. Recipients must register for the equivalent of at least 12 hours of graduate credit in each semester and four hoursin the summer session. Fellowship holders are encouraged to involve themselves with research and teaching in the department.
Assistantships. Research and teaching assistantships provide an opportunity for graduate students to work with faculty. Most research assistantships are funded by grants and contracts involving the analysis of contemporary issues.
Tuition and Fee Waivers. Waivers may be awarded. In most cases they are awarded to students with fellowship support from certain external programs.