The major in music, administered by the School of Music, is designed
for students whose academic interests are broader than can be accommodated
within the several music programs in the College of Fine and Applied
Arts. This program, which incorporates a high degree of flexibility
beyond the core of required courses, can prepare the way for graduate
study in music theory, composition, or the various branches of musicology.
Students must select an option with the assistance of an adviser and
submit a major plan of study form. (Those students interested in performance
or music education may refer to the College
of Fine and Applied Arts curricula elsewhere in this catalog.)
Students interested in the composition option must pass a portfolio
review before acceptance into MUS 106. Contact the School of Music
for information on composition portfolio requirements.
Major in Sciences and Letters Curriculum
Degree title: Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts and Sciences
Minimum required major and supporting course work normally equates
to 48-50 hours excluding keyboard skills requirement, and including
37-41 hours in music courses, and 29-31 hours in core courses.
General education: The LAS General Education requirements are set
up so students automatically complete the Campus
General Education requirements.
Minimum hours required for graduation: 120 hours
Departmental distinction: Students interested in attaining departmental
distinction should consult with the LAS music adviser no later than
the second semester of their junior year. In order to be eligible
for departmental distinction, a student must have a cumulative grade-
point average of 3.4 or above (at the end of the sixth semester) and
must complete four hours of MUS 299-Thesis/Adv UG Honors in Music
. Distinction will be recommended at the discretion of the faculty
after an evaluation of the student's overall record and the completed
Students must complete the following core courses and one option.
Hours |
Requirements |
2 |
MUS 101
Music Theory and Practice I |
2 |
MUS 102Music
Theory and Practice II |
2 |
MUS 201Music
Theory and Practice III |
2 |
MUS 202Music
Theory and Practice IV |
2 |
MUS 110Introd
Art Mus: Intl Perspect |
2 |
MUS 107Aural
Skills I |
2 |
MUS 108Aural
Skills II |
2 |
MUS 207Aural
Skills III |
1 |
MUS 208Aural
Skills IV |
4 |
MUS 172
Grp Instr Pno for Mus Major I |
MUS 173Grp
Instr Pno for Mus Major II1 |
3 |
MUS 313The
History of Music I |
3 |
MUS 314The
History of Music II |
3 |
One 300-level
music theory course |
3 |
One 300-level
music history course |
Ethnomusicology Option
Emphasis on American Indian Cultures
Hours |
Requirements |
8-9 |
Select from the following
upper level music courses: |
MUS 408Analysis of Musical Form
MUS 417Area Studies Ethnomusicology
Select one additional
course from the series: |
MUS 410Ancient and Medieval Music
MUS 411Music In the Renaissance
MUS 412Music of the 17th Century
MUS 413 Music of the 18th Century
MUS 414 Music of the 19th Century
MUS 415 Music of the 20th Century
11-12 |
Supporting course work.
Select one group of courses: |
ANTH 103Anthro In a Changing World, and
ANTH 230Sociocultural Anthropology
or |
ANTH 481Andean Ethnography, and
ANTH 463Religion and Society
HIST 171US Hist to 1877
HIST 172US Hist Since 1877
Emphasis on India and Middle Eastern Culture
Hours |
Requirements |
8-9 |
Select from the following
upper level music courses: |
MUS 408Analysis of Musical Form
MUS 417Area Studies Ethnomusicology
2 |
Select one additional
course from the series: |
MUS 410Ancient and Medieval Music
MUS 411Music In the Renaissance
MUS 412Music of the 17th Century
MUS 413 Music of the 18th Century
MUS 414 Music of the 19th Century
MUS 415 Music of the 20th Century
11-12 |
Select one: |
ANTH 103Anthro In a Changing World
ANTH 230Sociocultural Anthropology
Other courses selected in consultation with adviser.
Emphasis on African and Afro-american Cultures
Hours |
Requirements |
8-9 |
Select from the following
upper level music courses: |
MUS 408Analysis of Musical Form
MUS 417Area Studies Ethnomusicology
Select one additional course from the series:
MUS 410Ancient and Medieval Music
MUS 411Music In the Renaissance
MUS 412Music of the 17th Century
MUS 413 Music of the 18th Century
MUS 414 Music of the 19th Century
MUS 415 Music of the 20th Century
11-12 |
Select from the following
supporting course work: |
ANTH 103Anthro In a Changing World
ANTH 230Sociocultural Anthropology
ANTH 261Intro to the African Diaspora
Sequence in Afro-American history:
ANTH 467Cultures of Africa, and
HIST 210History North & West Africa
HIST 275Afro-American History to 1877, and
HIST 276Afro-American Hist Since 1877
Music History Option
Emphasis on Medieval/Renaissance Music
Hours |
Requirements |
8-9 |
Select from the following
upper level music courses: |
MUS 408Analysis of Musical Form
MUS 417Area Studies Ethnomusicology
11-12 |
Select from the following
supporting course work: |
ARTH 111Ancient and Medieval Art
HIST 141Western Civ to 1660
HIST 142Western Civ Since 1660
HIST 247The Early Middle Ages
HIST 345Medieval Civilization
Select one of:
HIST 346The Age of the Renaissance
HIST 444Medieval England
HIST 445England Under Tudors 1485-1603
LAT 101Elementary Latin
LAT 102Elementary Latin
A course in Medieval or Renaissance literature (e.g.,
ENGL 202, 204; CWL 204)
Emphasis on Music Since the Renaissance
Hours |
Requirements |
9 |
Select from the following
upper level music courses: |
MUS 408Analysis of Musical Form
MUS 413Music of the 18th Century
MUS 414Music of the 19th Century
MUS 415Music of the 20th Century
11-12 |
Select from the following
supporting course work: |
ARTH 112Renaissance and Modern Art
ENGL 206Enlightenment Lit and Culture
HIST 141Western Civ to 1660
HIST 142Western Civ Since 1660
HIST 348Early Euro Absolut & Expansion
Or select one of:
HIST 349French Revolution & Napoleon
HIST 351European History 1871 to 1918
HIST 353European History 1918 to 1939
Music Theory/Composition Option
Emphasis on Music Theory
Hours |
Requirements |
8-9 |
Select from the following
upper level music courses: |
MUS 400Counterpoint and Fugue
MUS 401Schenkerian Anlys Tonal Mus
MUS 402Musical Acoustics
MUS 403Music Formalization
MUS 404Contemp Compos Techniques
MUS 405Analytical Systems 20thC Mus
MUS 406Composition
MUS 408Analysis of Musical Form
11-12 |
Select from the following
supporting course work: |
MATH 118Numeracy
One course in English composition (e.g., RHET 233
or equivalent)
One course in philosophy with emphasis on aesthetics
(e.g., PHIL 101, 102, 105, 423)
Other courses selected in consultation with academic
Emphasis on Composition
Hours |
Requirements |
8-9 |
Select from the following
upper level music courses |
MUS 106Beginning Composition
MUS 301Comp Probs Serial Techniques
MUS 206Intermediate Composition
MUS 404Contemp Compos Techniques
MUS 406Composition
MUS 407Elect Music Techniques I
MUS 409Elec Music Techniques II
MUS 471Composer-Chor Workshop
11-12 |
Select from the following
supporting course work: |
MATH 118Numeracy
One course in English composition (e.g., RHET 233
or equivalent)
One course in philosophy with emphasis on aesthetics
(e.g., PHIL 101, 102, 105, 423)
Other courses selected in consultation with academic
For All Options:
Twelve hours of 300- and 400-level courses in the major must be
taken on this campus.
All foreign language requirements must be satisfied.
A Major Plan of Study Form must be completed and submitted to the
LAS Student Affairs Office before the end of the fifth semester
(60-75 hours). Please see your adviser.