Hours |
Professional Education |
2 |
ART 201Art in Early Childhood
5 |
CI 420Found of Early Childhood
Educ |
3 |
CI 421 Prin & Prac in
Early Childhood |
5 |
CI 442Math, Sci, Tech in Early
Child |
2 |
CI 444Early Childhood Ed |
3 |
CI 465 Lang Literacy in EC
Educ, I |
2 |
CI 466Lang Literacy in EC
Educ, II |
2 |
CI 468Childrens Lit
for EC Edu |
3 |
Choose one from: |
CI 422Families, Communities, Schools
SPED 438 Collaborating with Families
1 |
EDPR 250School & Community
Experiences |
2 |
EDPR 420Ed Prac Students with
Sp Needs |
4 |
EDPR 432Ed Prac in Elementary
Ed 3 |
2 |
EDPR 438Ed Prac in Sp Fields
in Ele Ed |
3 |
EPSY 236Child Dev For Elemen
Teachers |
3 |
EPSY 401Child Language and
Education |
3-4 |
EPS 201/202Foundations of
Education |
2 |
MUS 345 Mus Methods in Early
Childhood |
3 |
SPED 414Assessment in ECSE |
2 |
SPED 450Introduction to ECSE |
3 |
SPED 465 Curriculum &
Methods in ECSE |
55-56 |
Total |
128 |
TOTAL minimum hours, including general
education and professional education credits |