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Teacher Education Minor in Physical Education

This program is designed for students enrolled in a teacher education curriculum other than in the Department of Kinesiology. Students who wish to complete this minor must consult with an academic adviser in the Department of Kinesiology.

Hours Required Courses
1 KIN 130—Analysis of Basic Movement
1 KIN 131—Movement Skills-Fitness
1 KIN 133—Movement Skills-Dance
1 KIN 135—Movement Skills-Field
2 Choose two courses from the following:
KIN 132—Movement Skills-Swimming
KIN 134—Movement Skills-Gymnastics
KIN 136—Movement Skills-Racquet
3 KIN 140—Social Sci of Human Movement
3 KIN 150—Bioscience of Human Movement
3 KIN 257—Coordination, Control, and Skill
3 KIN 361—Curriculum in Grades K-6
3 KIN 360—Adapted Physical Education
3 KIN 363—Instructional Strategies in PE
3 KIN 401—Measure & Eval in Kinesiology
3-5 MCB 103—Intro to Human Physiology, or MCB 334—Functional Human Anatomy
30-32 Total