Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
154 Mechanical Engineering Building
1206 West Green Street
Urbana, IL 61801
(217) 333-0366
Fax: (217) 244-6534For the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering
Industrial engineering reflects the global, systems-oriented way we look at the world today. Industrial engineers focus on systems and how their components fit together. To solve complex systems problems, engineers must understand people as well as technology. Consequently, industrial engineering draws upon a variety of disciplines, from mathematics to psychology, from communications to computer science, from production management to process control. Industrial engineers design efficient, productive systems in a wide range of business, industrial, and governmental settings.
The technical portion of the industrial engineering curriculum is designed as a sequence of increasingly specialized experiences. The entering student's first year is spent mastering the basics of science: math, chemistry, and physics. Building on this base, in the second year students begin to take fundamental engineering courses such as statics, dynamics, statistics, and strength of materials. By the third year students are taking specialized industrial engineering courses in operations research, human factors, facilities and production planning, quality control, materials, and manufacturing. Finally, during the senior year, students have the opportunity to both broaden and deepen their knowledge of the field through technical elective courses. At the end of the curriculum, students take the "capstone" senior design course (I E 280), in which all the knowledge and skills they have learned are applied to projects submitted to the department by industrial firms.
The industrial engineering curriculum emphasizes engineering design, simulation, hands-on laboratories, computer skills, and written and oral communication. Industrial engineering students can expect these elements to be woven throughout their major course work, beginning with the introductory freshman course and concluding with the senior design course. The technical aspects of an industrial engineering student's education are complemented by the humanities and social sciences courses and by material on leadership, ethics, and team-building that are distributed throughout the curriculum.
To qualify for registration in the industrial engineering courses shown in the third (junior) year of the curriculum, a student must have completed the mathematics, chemistry, physics, computer science, and engineering courses that are shown in the first (freshman) and second (sophomore) years of the curriculum with a combined grade-point average of at least 2.25 (A=4.0). To remain in good academic standing or graduate from this curriculum, a student must have a grade-point average of at least 2.0 in all 200- and 300-level required engineering courses and technical elective courses taken on this campus.
The curriculum requires 132 hours for graduation.
First year
CHEM 101-General Chemistry 0
ENG 100-Engineering Lecture (1)
I E 199-Undergraduate Open Seminar1 5
MATH 120-Calculus and Analytic Geometry, I 4
RHET 105-Principles of Composition 3
Elective in social sciences or humanities2 16-17
CHEM 102-General Chemistry (Biological or Physical Version) 3
G E 103-Engineering Graphics and Design 3
MATH 130-Calculus and Analytic Geometry, II 4
PHYCS 111-General Physics (Mechanics) 3
Elective in social sciences or humanities2 17
Total Second year
C S 101-Introduction to Computing with Application to Engineering and Physical Science 3
MATH 242-Calculus of Several Variables 4
PHYCS 112-General Physics (Electricity and Magnetism) 2
T A M 150-Introduction to Statics 3
Elective in social sciences or humanities2 15
I E 230-Analysis of Data 3
MATH 285-Differential Equations and Orthogonal Functions 2
PHYCS 113-General Physics (Fluids and Thermal Physics) 2
PHYCS 114-General Physics (Waves and Quantum Physics) 3
T A M 212-Analytical Mechanics, II (Dynamics) 3
T A M 221-Elementary Mechanics of Solids 2
Free elective 18
Total Third year
I E 210-Introduction to Operations Research 4
I E 240-Introduction to Human Factors 4
M E 231-Engineering Materials 3
MATH 315-Linear Transformations and Matrices 3
Elective in social sciences or humanities2 18
E C E 205-Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Circuits 1
E C E 206-Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Circuits Laboratory 3
I E 235-Industrial Quality Control 3
I E 261-Facilities Planning and Design 3
I E 262-Production Planning and Control 0
I E 291-Seminar 3
M E 285-Design for Manufacturability 16
Total Fourth year
I E 337-Economic Foundations of Quality Systems 3
Human factors elective3 3
Manufacturing elective4 3
Operations research elective5 3
Elective in social sciences or humanities2 15
I E 280-Senior Industrial Design Project 3
M E & I E elective6 4
Technical elective7 4
Free electives 3
Elective in social sciences or humanities2 17
1. This course is highly recommended for freshmen. It may be used to meet free elective requirements.
2. Each student must satisfy the social sciences and humanities requirements, including ECON 102 or 103, of the College of Engineering. Students entering in fall 1994 or later must also satisfy the campus general education requirements for social sciences and humanities.
3. Human factors elective-three hours required. Choose from a departmentally approved list.
4. Manufacturing elective-three hours required. Choose from a departmentally approved list.
5. Operations research elective-three hours required. Choose from a departmentally approved list.
6. M E & I E elective-three hours required. Choose from a departmentally approved list.
7. Technical elective-four hours required. Choose from a departmentally approved list.