Programs of Study, 1997-1999
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
For the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Finance
The field of finance is primarily concerned with the acquisition and management of funds by business firms, governments, and individuals. A new business, for example, must secure sufficient funds to initiate and maintain operations until the cash flow from sales is great enough to maintain capital requirements. An established business seeks financial advice when considering the purchase of new equipment, the selection of a new plant location, or the expansion of present facilities. Business policy decisions that result in changes in the capital structure of the business are of special importance to finance.
The study of finance is designed to provide the student with both the theoretical background and the analytical tools required to make effective judgments in finance. Many students select careers in business financial management, commercial and investment banking, government finance, insurance, and real estate.
FIN 300-Financial Markets Commerce and Business Administration, College of(Prerequisite: FIN 254; C S 105 or electronic spreadsheet competency) 9
Three additional three-hour finance courses must be taken. Any finance course except FIN 199, 254, and 300 is eligible to satisfy this requirement. See advising notes below, or talk to an adviser for suggestions. 3
Major elective. Choose one of the following:
ACCY 211-Intermediate Accounting, I (Prerequisite: ACCY 202)
ACCY 221-Cost Accounting (Prerequisite: ACCY 202)
ACCY 251-Basic Federal Tax Accounting (Prerequisite: ACCY 202)
ACCY 311-Intermediate Accounting, II (Prerequisite: ACCY 211)
B ADM 274-Operations Research (Prerequisite: ECON 173 or consent of the instructor)
C E 216-Construction Engineering (Prerequisite: C E 292; credit or concurrent registration in C S 101 and C E 293)
Economics: any 200-level or 300-level course excluding ECON 300
G E 288 or G E 292
GEOG 366-Location of Industry and Other Economic Activities
GEOG 383-Urban Geography Mathematics or statistics: any course above the minimum mathematics or statistics requirement of the college. Other courses recommended by the Department of Finance faculty and approved by the Department of Finance chairperson. ADVISING NOTES:
-Courses taken to fulfill major requirements may not be taken on a credit-no credit basis.
-It is recommended that finance majors take nine to twelve hours of accounting. ACCY 201 and 202 are required. However, many employers look favorably upon additional accounting courses. It is possible to earn enough hours to take the CPA exam.
-Suggested course combinations: apart from FIN 300, no specific courses are required. However, certain courses are particularly relevant for certain areas of interest:
Corporate finance: FIN 321, 322, 323,324
Investments: FIN 361, 362, 372, 384
Financial institutions and markets: FIN 301, 364, 388
Insurance and risk management: FIN 260, 262, 341, 343, 345, 360
Real estate and urban economics: FIN 264, 382, 384, 386, 388, 390TEACHER EDUCATION MINOR IN ECONOMICS
ECON 102 and 103 (or ECON 101) 6
ECON 300 and 301 3
ECON 172 or equivalent work in statistics (ECON 173 is recommended but not required) 12
Twelve additional hours in economics. Choose at least one course in each of the following areas: History, History Of Thought, Comparative Systems 3
ECON 236-American Economic History 3
ECON 238-European Economic History 3
ECON 255-Comparative Economic Systems 3
ECON 306-History of Economic Thought 3
ECON 357-The Russian Economy 3
ECON 358-The Economy of China 3
ECON 359-The Israeli Economy
Public Sector, Labor 3
ECON 214-Introduction to Public Finance 3
ECON 240-Labor Problems 3
ECON 245-Women in the Labor Market 3
ECON 303-Macroeconomic Policy 3
ECON 313-Economics of Consumption 3
ECON 314-Public Sector Economics 3
ECON 315-The Economics of Poverty and Income Maintenance 3
ECON 341-Economics of Labor Markets 3
ECON 343-Unions, Bargaining, and Public Policy 3
ECON 345-Economics of Human Resources 3
ECON 346-Family Economics 3
ECON 360-Regional Economics 3
ECON 361-Urban Economics 3
ECON 380-Industrial Competition and Monopoly 3
ECON 381-Government Regulation of Economic Activity 3
ECON 383-Health Economics 3
ECON 388-Law and Economics
International, Development 3
ECON 228-Survey of International Economics 3
ECON 328-International Economics 3
ECON 329-Contemporary Issues in the International Economy 3
ECON 350-The Developing Economies ECON 351-The Development of the Japanese Economy ECON 352-Economic Development in Latin America ECON 353-Economic Development in India and Southeast Asia ECON 354-Economic Development of Tropical Africa 27 min Total1
1. Minimum of 25 hours if ECON 101 is taken.
Programs of Study, 1997-1999
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign