Department of Theatre
Department of Urbana and Regional Planning
Programs of Study, 1997-1999
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
For the Degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre
A minimum of 128 hours of credit is required for the degree.
First year
THEAT 120-Basic Theatre Practice: Scenecraft 2
THEAT 121-Basic Theatre Practice: Costume Design and Technology 3
THEAT 170-Fundamentals of Acting 3
THEAT 178-The Arts of Theatre 4
RHET 105 or 108-Composition I 3
General education 17
THEAT 109-Dramatic Analysis 2
THEAT 122-Basic Theatre Practice: Lighting 2
THEAT 123-Basic Theatre Practice: Makeup 3
THEAT 175-Improvization in Acting, or THEAT 125-Graphic Skills 6
General education 16
The acting program provides intensive training in a wide variety of performing media. In the first and second years, students take introductory courses in movement, voice, and acting. Near the end of their second year of study in the department, students must audition for acceptance into the professional studio in acting. In addition to successful completion of all classes in their first and second years, acceptance will be based on an evaluation of each student's potential for professional-caliber performance, commitment to theatre, and the necessary discipline for intensive study. Third- and fourth-year students meet in daily four-hour sessions, each of which includes sections in dynamics, voice and speech, movement, and acting. Semester-long acting sections include advanced scene study, musical theatre, Shakespeare, and acting for the camera. Students in the professional studio in acting must audition for Illinois Repertory Theatre productions and perform one role each semester if cast.
Composition I
Composition II (fulfilled by THEAT 110) 3
Quantitative reasoning 21
General education 3
Humanities and the arts. (The other half of this requirement is fulfilled by THEAT 110.)6
Natural sciences and technology6
Social and behavioral sciences6
Cultural studies (Western and non-Western cultures)9
General electives 11
General and/or professional electives 48
Required first-year theatre courses 5
THEAT 100-Practicum, I 3
THEAT 110-Literature of the Modern Theatre 3
THEAT 176-Relationships in Acting 3
THEAT 177-Acting: The Author, the Play, and the Role 2
THEAT 179-Acting: Voice 2
THEAT 182-Acting: Movement 8
THEAT 253-Acting Studio, I 8
THEAT 254-Acting Studio, II 8
THEAT 255-Acting Studio, III 8
THEAT 256-Acting Studio, IV 2
THEAT 300-Practicum, II 4
THEAT 361-Development of Theatrical Forms, I 4
THEAT 362-Development of Theatrical Forms, II 80
DIVISION OF DESIGN, TECHNOLOGY, AND MANAGEMENTStudents planning careers in professional theatre audio design, costume design, costume construction, lighting design, scene design, stage management, and theatre technology are selected for the options in this division by a process of faculty evaluation in their second year of study in the department. Criteria for acceptance and continuance in these options include satisfactory completion of all course work in the first and second years, potential for professional-caliber work, commitment to theatre, and the necessary discipline for intensive study and practice. Students in these options are assigned to teams that design, mount, and manage more than twenty productions annually in the Krannert Center for the Performing Arts.
Composition I
Composition II (fulfilled by THEAT 110) 3
Quantitative reasoning 21
General education 3
Humanities and the arts. (The other half of this requirement is fulfilled by THEAT 110.)
6 Natural sciences and technology
6 Social and behavioral sciences6
Cultural studies (Western and non-Western cultures)9
General electives 8-9
General and/or professional electives 45-46
Total Costume Design and Construction Option
Required first-year theatre courses 5
THEAT 100-Practicum, I 3
THEAT 110-Literature of the Modern Theatre 3
THEAT 225-Scene Design, I 6
THEAT 227-Senior Projects in Design, I 6
THEAT 228-Senior Projects in Design, II 3
THEAT 231-Introduction to Stage Lighting 3
THEAT 242-Introduction to Costuming 3
THEAT 336-History of Decor 3
THEAT 342-Costume Patterning 4
THEAT 343-Costume Draping 4
THEAT 345-Costume History for the Stage, I 4
THEAT 346-Costume History for the Stage, II 3
THEAT 347-Costume Rendering 4
THEAT 348-Costume Fabrication 4
THEAT 361-Development of Theatrical Forms, I 4
THEAT 362-Development of Theatrical Forms, II 82
Scene Design Option
Required first-year theatre courses 5
THEAT 100-Practicum, I 3
THEAT 110-Literature of the Modern Theatre 4
THEAT 223-Stage Mechanics, I 3
THEAT 225-Scene Design, I 3
THEAT 231-Introduction to Stage Lighting 3
THEAT 233-Stage Drafting 4
THEAT 325A-Advanced Scene Design, I 4
THEAT 325B-Advanced Scene Design, I 4
THEAT 326A-Advanced Scene Design, II 4
THEAT 326B-Advanced Scene Design, II 3
THEAT 336-History of Decor 2
THEAT 337-Scene Painting Techniques 2
THEAT 338-Rendering Techniques for the Stage 2
THEAT 339-Property Management and Design 4
THEAT 345-Costume History for the Stage, I 4
THEAT 346-Costume History for the Stage, II 4
THEAT 361-Development of Theatrical Forms, I 4
THEAT 362-Development of Theatrical Forms, II 82
Total Stage Management Option
Required first-year theatre courses 5
THEAT 100-Practicum, I 3
THEAT 110-Literature of the Modern Theatre 3
THEAT 199-Undergraduate Open Seminar: Management 3
THEAT 225-Scene Design, I 3
THEAT 230-Technical Direction 3
THEAT 231-Introduction to Stage Lighting 3
THEAT 281-Directing: Script Preparation 10
THEAT 300-Practicum, II 4
THEAT 332-Stage Management 4
THEAT 345-Costume History for the Stage, I 4
THEAT 346-Costume History for the Stage, II 3
THEAT 355-History and Development of American Musical Theatre, I 3
THEAT 356-History and Development of American Musical Theatre, II 4
THEAT 361-Development of Theatrical Forms, I 4
THEAT 362-Development of Theatrical Forms, II 3
THEAT 372-Introduction to Theatre Management 82
Total Theatre Technology and Lighting Option
Required first-year theatre courses 5
THEAT 100-Practicum, I 3
THEAT 110-Literature of the Modern Theatre 4
THEAT 223-Stage Mechanics, I 3
THEAT 225-Scene Design, I 3
THEAT 230-Technical Direction 3
THEAT 231-Introduction to Stage Lighting 3
THEAT 232-Advanced Stage Lighting 4
THEAT 233-Stage Drafting, I 3
THEAT 330-Theatre Sound Technology 4
THEAT 332-Stage Management 2
THEAT 337-Scene Painting Techniques 4
THEAT 346-Costume History for the Stage, II 4
THEAT 361-Development of Theatrical Forms, I 4
THEAT 362-Development of Theatrical Forms, II 13
All courses from one of the concentrations below:
THEAT 224-Stage Mechanics, II4
THEAT 323-Stage Mechanics, III3
THEAT 331-Sound Design3
THEAT 339-Property Management and Design
THEAT 334-Video Lighting and Production3
THEAT 335-Lighting for the Musical Stage4
THEAT 340-Lighting Design for Dance3
THEAT 341-Sketching for Lighting Design82-83
PERFORMANCE STUDIES CURRICULUMThe performance studies curriculum provides professional training in areas of theatre and related studies for which further advanced training or experience is necessary. The performance studies curriculum is intended to lay the groundwork for students planning to pursue professional careers in such areas as theatre history and criticism, directing, playwriting, and dramaturgy-areas in which a specialization at the graduate level is normally required. The performance studies curriculum provides both a working knowledge of a wide range of performance arts and a proficiency in research and writing skills associated with theatrical production and scholarship. Primary emphasis is given to students gaining a comprehensive knowledge of the drama and performance practices of the past and an understanding of current practice.
After successful completion of the second year of study, students are admitted into the performance studies curriculum after a review of their work by the performance studies curriculum committee. Requirements include residence at the University during the last sixty hours of the program.
Composition I
Composition II (fulfilled by THEAT 110) 3
Quantitative reasoning 21
General education 3
Humanities and the arts. (The other half of this requirement is fulfilled by THEAT 110.) 6
Natural sciences and technology 6
Social and behavioral sciences 6
Cultural studies (Western and non-Western cultures) 12
General electives 20
General or professional electives (12 hours must be chosen from a list of approved supporting professional electives.*) 60
Required first-year theatre courses 5
THEAT 100-Practicum, I 3
THEAT 110-Literature of the Modern Theatre 3
THEAT 176-Relationships in Acting, or THEAT 180-Oral Interpretation 3
THEAT 199-Playwriting 3
THEAT 281-Directing: Script Preparation 2
THEAT 291-Individual Topics 2
THEAT 292-Individual Topics 4
THEAT 332-Stage Management 3
One course to be chosen from:
THEAT 225-Scene Design, I THEAT 231-Introduction to Stage Lighting THEAT 336-History of Decor THEAT 346-Costume Design for the Stage, II4 THEAT 361-Development of Theatrical Forms, I 4 THEAT 362-Development of Theatrical Forms, II 6 Two courses to be chosen from: THEAT 350-Multi-Ethnic Theatre THEAT 351-History of Theatre in Western Society, I THEAT 352-History of Theatre in Western Society, II THEAT 355-History of the American Musical Theatre, I THEAT 356-History of the American Musical Theatre, II THEAT 365-History of the American Theatre THEAT 371-Contemporary Theatrical Forms3 THEAT 372-Theatre Management 3 One course to be chosen from: THEAT 353-Creative Dramatics THEAT 354-Theatre for the Child Audience THEAT 375-Acting: Rehearsal Techniques THEAT 376-Oral Interpretation of Fiction THEAT 381-Directing: Rehearsal68 Total *Supporting professional electives are approved by the performance studies curriculum committee. An up-to-date list of approved courses is on file in the Department of Theatre office. Currently approved supporting professional electives include the following courses:
Theatre: all courses.
Anthropology: 244 (Anthropology of Play).
Asian Studies: 185 (Kabuki), 199 (Beijing Opera), 325 (Modern Japanese Drama).
Classical Civilization: 222 (The Tragic Spirit).
Dance: 340 (History of Dance, I), 341 (History of Dance, II), 346 (Theory and Philosophy of Dance).
English: 180 (Drama in Production), 243-244 (Development of Modern Drama, I and II), 316 (Drama of Shakespeare's Contemporaries), 318-319 (Shakespeare, I and II), 328 (English Drama of the Restoration and Eighteenth Century), 343 (Bernard Shaw), 365 (Comedy), 366 (Topics in Modern Drama).
German: 332 (German Drama).
Music: 265 (Opera-Musical Theatre).
Rhetoric: 199 (Playwriting).
Russian: 335 (Russian Drama).
Scandinavian: 361 (Ibsen), 362 (Strindberg).
Speech Communications: 203 (Dramatics for Teachers).
Department of Theatre
Department of Urbana and Regional Planning
Programs of Study, 1997-1999
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign