Curriculum in Dance
Curriculum in Landscape Architecture
Programs of Study, 1997-1999
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
101 Temple Hoyne Buell Hall
611 East Loredo Taft Drive
Champaign, IL 61820
(217) 333-0176
FAX: (217) 244-4568The Department of Landscape Architecture offers a four-year undergraduate curriculum, leading to the professional degree of bachelor of landscape architecture. The degree is accredited by the American Society of Landscape Architects.
The curriculum is a balanced program of technical, design, and general education courses that equips the student with the necessary skills for entry-level professional practice in private offices or public agencies. Program requirements include design studio courses, and classes in plants and planting design, engineering, site construction, communication techniques, computer-aided design, history, and theory. The curriculum includes a minimum of 15 hours of credit in supporting electives that are taken in related art and science courses. A total of 128 semester hours of credit are required for graduation.
A student must have and maintain a minimum 2.5 cumulative University of Illinois grade-point average to continue beyond the sophomore-level year. Transfer applicants must have completed 30 or more semester hours of undergraduate course work with an earned GPA of at least 2.5 (A = 4.0) including prerequisite credits in Composition I, physical geography, plant biology, and trigonometry.
The department's administrative office, upper-level studios, faculty offices, and classrooms are located in Temple Hoyne Buell Hall. The sophomore studio and departmental library are located in Mumford Hall.