School of Architecture
School of Art and Design
Programs of Study, 1997-1999
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
For the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies
In this curriculum, normal progress is imperative. A student failing to complete any required course more than one semester later than the time designated in the curriculum is prohibited from progressive registration in architectural courses until the deficiency is corrected. To continue at the sophomore level and beyond, a student must have a cumulative grade-point average of 2.25 (A = 4.0) for all University course work attempted. For the bachelor of science in architectural studies degree, a total of 127 semester hours are required.
First year
ARCH 199 ITA-Introduction to Architecture1 3
HIST 111-History of Western Civilization to 1660 3
HIST 112-History of Western Civilization, 1660 to the Present 5
MATH 120-Calculus and Analytic Geometry, I 3
MATH 130-Calculus and Analytic Geometry, II 4
General education2: Composition I3 3
ARTGP 187-Freehand Drawing 3
C S 102-Introduction to Computing with Application to Architecture 3
General education2 30
Total Second year HOURS
ARCH 171-Architectural Design, I 3
ARCH 172-Architectural Design, II 3
ARCH 210-Introduction to the History of Architecture 4
ARCH 231-Anatomy of Buildings 4
ARCH 232-Construction of Buildings 3
ARTGP 189-Art Studio4 8
General education2 3
Electives5 31
Total Third year
ARCH 251-Statics and Dynamics 4
ARCH 252-Strengths of Materials and Design Applications 3
ARCH 271-Architectural Design, III 3
ARCH 272-Architectural Design, IV 6
Architectural history6 3
U P 101-Planning of Cities and Regions (or approved urban studies substitute)7 6
General Education2 3
Elective5 32
Total Fourth year
ARCH 241-Environmental Technology, I 4
ARCH 242-Environmental Technology, II 4
ARCH 351-Theory and Design of Steel and Timber Structures 4
ARCH 352-Theory of Reinforced Concrete 6
ARCH 371-Architectural Design, V 6
ARCH 372-Architectural Design and Construction Documentation 3
Architectural history6 3
Elective5 34
Total 1. ARCH 199ITA is not required for students transferring into the BSAS program. Those students would replace the three credit hours with a general elective course.
2. See page 41 for general education course requirements. The quantitative reasoning requirement is satisfied by the required C S 102 course. The required sequence in History of Western Civilization (HIST 111 and HIST 112) also satisfies the humanities and the arts requirement. The Composition II requirement may be fulfilled by either a separate, approved Composition II course or by a Composition II course which also satisfies one of the general education distribution list requirements. If by the latter, electives would be taken to make up the credit deficiency.
3. The Composition I requirement my be fulfilled by any of the following courses or course sequences. Placement is determined by examination: E S L 114 and E S L 115; RHET 100, RHET 101, and RHET 102; RHET 103 and RHET 104; RHET 105; RHET 108; or SPCOM 111 and SPCOM 112.
4. The ARTGP 189 requirement may be fulfilled,with approval, by taking any 3-D, three credit hour art course.
5. For information about electives, see Fine and Applied Arts Student Handbook, page 34. A maximum of nine hours may be taken as professional electives.
6. Architectural history: All students in the undergraduate program in architecture must fulfill the architectural history requirement: three courses in addition to ARCH 210. Students should take one course from each of the following groups: 1) ARCH 310-Ancient Architecture, ARCH 311-Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture, ARCH 312-Medieval Architecture; 2) ARCH 313-Renaissance Architecture, ARCH 314-Baroque and Rococo Architecture; 3) ARCH 315-Modern European Architecture, ARCH 316-Modern American Architecture, ARCH 318-History of Urban Environment.
7. The U P 101 requirement can be fulfilled by substituting one of the following approved courses: ARCH 318-History of the Urban Environment, GEOG 204-Cities of the World, GEOG 210-Contemporary Social and Environmental Problems, GEOG 325-Historical Geography of American Landscapes to 1880, GEOG 326-Historical Geography of American Landscapes Since 1880, GEOG 327-American Vernacular: the Cultural Landscape, GEOG 383-Urban Geography, SOC 275-Community, SOC 276-Cities and Suburbs
School of Architecture
School of Art and Design
Programs of Study, 1997-1999
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign