Programs of Study, 1997-1999
University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignAPPENDIX A
Rubric Abbreviations
Following is a list of official rubric abbreviations for courses currently approved for
offering on the Urbana-Champaign campus of the University of Illinois.
A A E Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering
ACCY Accountancy
ACE Agricultural and Consumer Economics
ACES Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences
ADV Advertising
AFAS Air Force Aerospace Studies
AFLNG African Languages
AFRO Afro-American Studies
AFRST African Studies
AGCOM Agricultural Communications
AG E Agricultural Engineering
AG ED Agricultural Education
AGR Agriculture
AGRON Agronomy
AHCE Administration, Higher, and Continuing Education
ANSCI Animal Sciences
ANTH Anthropology
ARAB Arabic
ARCH Architecture
ARTCI Cinematography
ARTCR Crafts
ART&D Introduction to Art and Design
ARTED Art Education
ARTGD Graphic Design
ARTGP General Professional Courses in Art and Design
ARTHI History of Art
ARTID Industrial Design
ARTPA Painting
ARTPH Photography
ARTPR Printing
ARTSC Sculpture
AS ST Asian Studies
ASTR Astronomy
ATMOS Atmospheric Sciences
AVI Aviation
B ADM Business Administration
BIOCH Biochemistry
BIOEN Bioengineering
BIOL Biology
BIOPH Biophysics
BR Bridge Program
B&T W Business and Technical Writing
BULG Bulgarian
BUS Business
CATAL Catalan
CATH Roman Catholic
C E Civil Engineering
CER E Ceramic Engineering
C I C Committee on Institutional Cooperation
CH E Chemical Engineering
CHEM Chemistry
CHIN Chinese
CHLTH Community Health
CHP Campus Honors Program
C & I Curriculum and Instruction
CINE Cinema Studies
CLCIV Classical Civilization
C LIT Comparative Literature
COMM Communications
COP Coptic
CPSC Crop Sciences
C S Computer Science
CSB Cell and Structural Biology
CSE Computational Science and Engineering
D LAW Discovery Program in Law
EALC East Asian Languages and Cultures
ECE Electrical and Computer Engineering
ECON Economics
ED PR Educational Practice
EDPSY Educational Psychology
EDUC Education
EEE Ecology, Ethology, and Evolution
E I L English as an International Language
ENG Engineering
ENG H Engineering Honors
ENGL English
ENTOM Entomology
ENVST Environmental Studies
EOL Educational Organization and Leadership
E P S Educational Policy Studies
E S L English as a Second Language
F A A Fine and Applied Arts
FIN Finance
FOR Forestry
FR French
FSHN Food Science and Human Nutrition
G C Graduate College
G E General Engineering
GEOG Geography
GEOL Geology
GER German
GMC Germanic
GRK Greek
HCD Human and Community Development
HDFE Human Development and Family Economics
HDFS Human Development and Family Studies
HEBR Hebrew
H ED Health Education
HIST History
HORT Horticulture
HUMAN HumanitiesI E Industrial Engineering
ITAL Italian
JAPAN Japanese
JOURN Journalism
KINES Kinesiology
KOREA Korean
L A Landscape Architecture
L A S Liberal Arts and Sciences
LA ST Latin American and Caribbean Studies
LAT Latin
LEIST Leisure Studies
LING Linguistics
L I R Labor and Industrial Relations
LIS Library and Information Science
LLS Latino/Latina Studies Program
MATH Mathematics
MATSE Materials Science and
MCBIO Microbiology
M CIV Medieval Civilization Studies
M E Mechanical Engineering
MED S Medical Sciences
MET E Metallurgical Engineering
MFG E Manufacturing Engineering
MIL S Military Science
MIN E Mining Engineering
NA Nursing, Medical Surgical
ND Nursing, Psychiatric
NE Nursing, Public Health
NEURO Neuroscience
NF Nursing, Administrative Studies
NP Nursing, Maternal-Child
N S Naval Science
NS Nursing, General
NRES Natural Resources and Environmental Studies
NUAS Administrative Studies (Nursing)
NUC E Nuclear Engineering
NUMC Maternal-Child Nursing
NUMS Medical-Surgical Nursing
NUPH Public Health Nursing
NUPS Psychiatric Nursing
NUSC Nursing Sciences
NUTRS Nutritional Sciences
PERS Persian
PHIL Philosophy
PHYCS Physics
PHYSL Physiology
PLBIO Plant Biology
PL PA Plant Pathology
POL Polish
POL S Political Science
PORT Portuguese
PSYCH Psychology
RAEEC Russian and East European Center
REES Russian and East European Studies
REHAB Rehabilitation Education
RELST Religious Studies
RENST Renaissance Studies
RHET Rhetoric and Composition
RMLNG Romance Linguistics
R SOC Rural Sociology
R TV Radio and Television
RUMAN Rumanian
RUSS Russian
SANSK Sanskrit
SCAN Scandinavian
S CR Serbo-Croatian
S ED Safety Education
SLAV Slavic
SOC Sociology
SOC S Social Science
SOC W Social Work
SPAN Spanish
SPCOM Speech Communication
SP ED Special Education
SPSHS Speech and Hearing Science
STAT Statistics
STS Science, Technology, and Society
T A M Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
THEAT Theatre
TSM Technical Systems Management
UKR Ukrainian
U P Urban and Regional Planning
V B Veterinary Biosciences
V C M Veterinary Clinical Medicine
V M Veterinary Medicine Courses
VOTEC Vocational and Technical Education
VP Veterinary Pathobiology
VPD Veterinary Pathobiology Discovery
W S Women's Studies
WRITE Writing Studies
Programs of Study, 1997-1999
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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