Programs of Study, 1997-1999
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Head of the Department: Edward J. Shoben
Correspondence and Information: Graduate Admissions and Records Office, Department of Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 337 Psychology Building, 603 East Daniel Street, Champaign, IL 61820; (217) 333-2169.
Prospective students may contact: Lori Hendricks, (217) 333-3439.
Professors: R. Baillergeon, D. A. Bernstein, K. Bock, W. Brewer, D. Budescu, G. L. Clore, M. Coles, J. H. Davis, G. Dell, J. DeLoache, E. Diener, E. Donchin, F. Drasgow, D. E. Dulany, C. W. Eriksen, F. Fincham, M. Fishbein, L. Fitzgerald, M. Gabriel, W. T. Greenough, L. Hubert, C. L. Hulin, D. Irwin, L. Jones, J. Juraska, A. Kramer, P. R. Laughlin, G. Logan, J. Malpeli, R. McDonald, J. E. McGrath, G. Miller, P. Miller, N. Moray, G. Murphy, J. Rappaport, E. Roy, E. Shoben, T. Srull, H. C. Triandis, S. Wasserman, C. Wickens
Associate Professors: M. Aber, M. Banich, H. Berenbaum, U. Bockenholt, G. Bradshaw, P. Carnevale, N. Cohen, E. Dzhafarou, C. Fisher, W. Heller, S. Mangelsdorf, K. Miller, J. Rhodes, B. Ross, P. Sanderson, J. Sniezek
Assistant Professors: C. Anderson, D. Cohen, J. V. Cordova, K. Craig, S. Doane, S. Garnsey, T. Harpur, G. Lintern, J. Mogil, E. Pomerantz, K. Rosengren, K. Rudolph, L. Trejo, R. Wickesberg, J. Zbrodoff
Emeritus Professors: F. Costin, E. Erikson, J. Hirsch, C. O. Hopkins, L. Humphreys, F. Kanfer, S. Komorita, L. Tucker, R. Wyer
The Department of Psychology offers graduate work leading to the degrees of master of arts, master of science, and doctor of philosophy. Doctor of philosophy programs are offered in the following areas of psychology: biological, clinical and community psychology, cognitive, developmental, perception and performance, personality and social ecology, quantitative,and social/organizational/individual differences. The master of arts degree is awarded to students in the above programs as an intermediate degree. Master of science programs are offered as terminal degrees in applied personnel psychology, applied engineering psychology, and applied measurement psychology.
The Graduate College admission requirements apply for all programs. The candidate for admission to a master of arts or doctor of philosophy program should ordinarily have the following preparation: a minimum of 15 hours in psychology, a laboratory course in experimental psychology, a course in statistics, a one-year course in another laboratory science. Departmental committees also consider Graduate Record Examination scores and letters of recommendation. Preference is given to students who have taken mathematics beyond college algebra and to those who have some research experience. Applications for admission to part-time study are usually not approved. Students are normally accepted only for fall admission. The application deadline is January 15.
All applicants whose native language is not English are required to submit both the results of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and the Test of Spoken English (TSE). Applicants who score above 550 but below 607 on the TOEFL and those who perform poorly on the TSE may be admitted on "limited status."
The master of arts degree is awarded to candidates who successfully complete eight units of graduate work and submit an acceptable thesis. The thesis is expected to be a report of original empirical or library research. The master of arts is not designed to prepare a student for a professional position. It is, rather, a step towards the Ph.D. Note that the department does not require that students obtain a master's degree, but the equivalent of a master's thesis must be submitted to the department as part of the Ph.D. program.
The master of science degree in applied personnel, applied measurement, and applied engineering is awarded as a terminal degree to candidates who satisfactorily complete eight units (as prescribed in the three respective programs) after completing an appropriate applied psychology undergraduate program. Student in the applied engineering program are required to complete a thesis for the master of science degree.
The doctor of philosophy degree is awarded to candidates who complete an approved program in their area of specialization and meet departmental and Graduate College requirements for the degree. These must include at least 24 units of graduate work ; satisfactory performance in courses or examinations dealing with quantitative methods, conceptual foundations of psychology, and chosen areas of specialization; a master's thesis or equivalent; appropriate advanced courses and seminars in the area of specialization and in related and supporting areas; satisfactory performance on a doctoral qualifying examination; satisfactory performance on an oral preliminary examination; completion of an acceptable Ph.D. thesis; and satisfactory performance on an oral examination in defense of the thesis.
The department requires Ph.D. candidates to gain teaching experience as part of their academic work. Such experience is considered a vital part of the graduate program and usually takes the form of a teaching assistantship for at least two semesters.
This program allows the student interested in medicine and psychology to earn both the M.D. and Ph.D. (in psychology) degrees while gaining unique multidisciplinary research experience and expertise.
Individually tailored programs of study can be developed within the general requirements of medical training and graduate study in psychology. Degree work will be arranged to accommodate the scheduling requirements of both programs, but the course of study in psychology will be equivalent to that of all other doctoral candidates. More details about the Medical Scholars Program are available through the Medical Scholars Program coordinator, College of Medicine at Urbana-Champaign, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 190 Medical Sciences Building, 506 South Mathews Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801.