Programs of Study, 1997-1999
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Head of the Department: May R. Berenbaum
Correspondence and Information: Admissions Committee, Department of Entomology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 320 Morrill Hall, 505 South Goodwin Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801; (217) 333-2910. E-mail:
Professors: M. R. Berenbaum, F. Delcomyn
Associate Professors: S. H. Berlocher, S. E. Fahrbach, E. G. MacLeod, H. M. Robertson, G . E. Robinson
Assistant Professor: L. M. Hanks
Emeritus Professors: S. Friedman, R. L. Metcalf, J. G. Sternburg, G. P. Waldbauer
Departmental Affiliates: E. J. Armbrust, C. E. Eastman, A. W. Ghent, M. E. Gray, M. E. Irwin, M. R. Jeffords, W. E. LaBerge, E. Levine, J. V. Maddox, J. Nardi, R. J. Novak, D. Onstad, W. G. Ruesink, D. Seigler, K. L. Steffey, D. J. Voegtlin, D. W. Webb, R. A. Weinzierl, R. Wiedenmann, A. Zangerl
The Department of Entomology offers graduate work leading to the master of science and doctor of philosophy degrees. The program is designed to accommodate incoming students with a wide range of entomological expertise. The goal of the program is to provide students with a strong background in basic biology as it relates to insects and to equip them with the specialized intellectual and technical skills to pursue a career in research, teaching, and service in entomology and related biological disciplines.
Major areas of specialization within the department include systematics, evolutionary biology, molecular genetics, phytochemical ecology, population biology, toxicology, neurophysiology and neurobiology, neuroanatomy, developmental biology, behavior, sociobiology, paleoentomology, sensory and nutritional physiology, endocrinology, and integrated pest management.
GRE general and biology subject tests are required. A TOEFL score of 600 or better is preferred. Previous training in entomology is unnecessary. It is recommended that students who intend to study for advanced degrees in entomology gain a thorough grounding in the physical and biological sciences, mathematics, and the liberal arts. Spring admission is possible.
A candidate for the M.S. degree is expected to become knowledgeable in entomology through courses and fieldwork and to complete a research thesis in an area of interest chosen in consultation with an adviser. The grade-point average required for degree certification is 3.0 (A = 4.0).
A candidate for the Ph.D. degree should be conversant with entomological aspects of integrated pest management, ecology, genetics, systematics, and physiology. The candidate must demonstrate professional competence in a specialized area by presenting an acceptable thesis based on original research designed in consultation with a faculty adviser and approved by a graduate faculty thesis committee. Proficiency in statistics and reading a foreign language of importance to the area of research are also required. The grade-point average necessary for degree certification is 3.0.
The Department of Entomology offers an area of specialization in genetics. The program is flexible and provides the student with proficiency in several areas of genetics, including molecular genetics, developmental genetics, and evolutionary and population genetics. Students electing this area should have completed course work in calculus, computer sciences, basic genetics, and biochemistry. The program of study for each student in the specialization is decided individually. Interested students should direct inquiries and applications to the department.
Graduate student awards are available, including teaching and research assistantships. In addition, various types of fellowships, traineeships, and tuition and service fee waivers are offered by the Graduate College and the School of Life Sciences. A single application to the department is sufficient for consideration for all awards currently available.