Programs of Study, 1997-1999
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
(Including Environmental Engineering in Civil Engineering and Environmental Science in Civil Engineering)
Head of the Department: David E. Daniel
Correspondence and Information: Department of Civil Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1105 Newmark Civil Engineering Laboratory, 205 North Mathews Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801; (217) 333-8038. Email:
Professors: D. P. Abrams, E. J. Barenberg, R. L. Berger, L. T. Boyer, S. H. Carpenter, E. J. Cording, D. E. Daniel, B. J. Dempsey, R. H. Dodds, Jr., J. W. Eheart, D. A. Foutch, W. L. Gamble, J. Ghaboussi, G. R. Gurfinkel, W. J. Hall, N. M. Hawkins, E. E. Herricks, K. D. Hjelmstad, F. V. Lawrence, Jr., J. C. Liebman, L. A. Lopez, W. H. Maxwell, J. W. Melin, G. Mesri, J. P. Murtha, D. A. Pecknold, J. T. Pfeffer, A. R. Robinson, W. C. Schnobrich, V. L. Snoeyink, W. H. Tang, M. R. Thompson, A. J. Valocchi, W. H. Walker, Y. K. Wen, H. G. Wenzel, Jr., K. W. Wong, B. C. Yen, J. F. Young
Associate Professors: R. F. Benekohal, M. M. Clark, M. H. Garcia, S. M. Larson, J. H. Long, B. J. Mariñas, I. D. Parsons, S. L. Paul, M. J. Rood, T. D. Stark, L. J. Struble
Assistant Professors: M. A. Aschheim, W. G. Buttlar, F. Coleman III, J. E. Hicks, P. Kumar, D. A. Lange, L. Y. Liu, B. S. Minsker, L. Raskin, S. P. Schneider, E. Tutumluer, C. J. Werth
The Department of Civil Engineering offers graduate work leading to the degrees of master of science and doctor of philosophy in civil engineering and in environmental engineering or environmental science in civil engineering. The department also offers two joint degree progams: (1) the master of architecture and master of science in civil engineering (construction management); and (2) the master of science in civil engineering (construction management) and master of business administration.
Areas of study and research include air quality; aquatic biology and ecology; computer-aided engineering systems-artificial intelligence, expert systems, and neural networks; construction engineering and management; earthquake engineering; engineering systems analysis; geotechnical engineering-rock mechanics, soil mechanics, and foundation engineering; hazardous-waste management; hydrosystems engineering-hydrology, water resources, and hydraulic engineering; materials engineering; nondestructive diagnostics; ocean engineering; photogrammetry and computer vision metrology; railway engineering; solid-waste management; stochastic structural dynamics and random vibrations; structures-analysis, design, and behavior; structural and computational mechanics; traffic engineering; transportation-planning, systems design, and operations; and water quality and treatment.
Students are admitted with full standing if they hold undergraduate degrees substantially equivalent to those of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, provided the applicant's preparation is appropriate to advanced study in his or her chosen major field. For additional information, see the departmental pamphlet, Graduate Study and Research in Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering and Environmental Science in Civil Engineering. In general, a 3.0 grade point average (A = 4.0) for the last 60 hours of the undergraduate program and for any previous graduate work is a minimum requirement for admission to the M.S. program. Requirements for admission to the Ph.D. program are variable, but are usually substantially higher. The Graduate Record Examination is not required but is highly recommended.
A master's program may be completed in one full-time academic year of study. Candidates for the master's degree must complete at least nine units without a thesis or eight units with a thesis. In the latter case, credit is given for thesis work. Three of the units must be in courses numbered in the 400 series, and two of these three must be taken for grades in the major field. A total of at least four units must be in the major field. There are no specific course requirements; individual programs are developed by the students in consultation with their academic adviser. At least half of the minimum units required for the degree must be in courses meeting on the Urbana-Champaign campus or in courses meeting in other locations approved by the Graduate College for residence credit for the degree sought. Although under certain conditions students holding a half-time assistantship for an academic year and a summer can obtain a master's degree in this period of time, usually they require an additional semester. There are no foreign language requirements in the M.S. program. The joint degree program with architecture requires a total of 19.5 units (Architecture Track II), 17.5 units (Architecture Track III), or 16 units (Architecture Track I). The joint degree program with business administration requires a total of 18 units of coursework.
The degree of doctor of philosophy, primarily a research degree, requires from three to five years of graduate study beyond the bachelor's degree. A minimum of 24 units beyond the bachelor's degree or 16 units beyond the master's degree is required. In accordance with Graduate College regulations, 16 units must be completed in residence. The major area of specialization encompasses courses and research that are closely related, but the courses need not be offered by a single major department. There is no departmentwide foreign language requirement. However, the faculties of some areas of specialization may require foreign language proficiency if essential to the conduct of research in that area. Candidates must demonstrate a capacity for independent research by preparing an original thesis on a topic within the major field of study, must meet the qualifying requirements or examination in the area of specialization, and must pass both preliminary and final examinations.
The Advanced Transportation Research and Engineering Laboratory (ATREL), funded largely by the Illinois Department of Transportation, is located 15 miles north of the main campus. It contains 56,000 sq. ft. of modern classroom, office, and laboratory space on 56 acres, and is home to the Center of Excellence for Airport Pavement Research (FAA). Faculty and graduate students conduct basic research in the mechanics of airport pavement design for the next generation of large commercial aircraft. The Center for Cement Composite Materials (U.S. Air Force) is devoted to developing new cement-based high-strength materials.
Financial aid is available in the form of fellowships, research and teaching assistantships, and tuition and partial fee waivers.