NOTE: This document was generated from the 1995-1997 UIUC Programs of Study. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, but be advised that requirements may have changed since this book was published. Errors may have also been introduced in the conversion to a WWW document. Thus for items of importance, it might be wise to seek confirmation from either the paper version or a live human being.
A returning student has the same status as when the student left the campus and is authorized to return to the same college and curriculum in which the student was last enrolled. If a returning undergraduate wishes to change his/her college or curriculum, the student must contact the college of desired enrollment. A returning graduate student wishing to enroll in a different department must contact the new department for approval and then petition the Graduate College to authorize the change.
An encumbered student may enroll for courses but cannot complete registration until the encumbrance is cleared by the office that placed the encumbrance. Notification of student status appears on the U of I Direct system. The U of I Direct system displays the earliest registration time and date when the authorized enrollment period expires. Returning students who have forgotten their network password must contact the Office of Admissions and Records to obtain a new password.
A former student returning after the authorized enrollment period has expired must contact the dean of the college in which the student was last enrolled. The dean of the student's college can extend the authorized enrollment period to allow the student additional time to complete a degree. Each college has its own rules governing the return of students whose authorized enrollment period has expired.
Returning international students have an advising hold set by the Office of International Student Affairs. Returning international students must contact the International Student Affairs Office before starting the re-entry process.
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