NOTE: This document was generated from the 1995-1997 UIUC Programs of Study. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, but be advised that requirements may have changed since this book was published. Errors may have also been introduced in the conversion to a WWW document. Thus for items of importance, it might be wise to seek confirmation from either the paper version or a live human being.

Educational Opportunities Program

Students who enter the University of Illinois under the auspices of either the Educational Opportunities Program (EOP) or the President's Award Program (PAP) are eligible for extensive academic services through the Office of Minority Student Affairs (MSA), located at 110 and 130 Turner Student Services Building (333-0054). Participants may receive individual or small-group tutorial assistance in most disciplines. MSA's services are not remedial, but are designed to help students maintain academic success. The MSA staff provides academic, financial, and career counseling as well as study skills assistance for all students admitted to the University under the auspices of either program.

Graduate Student Advisory Council

The Graduate Student Advisory Council (GSAC) communicates the concerns of graduate students to the dean and staff of the Graduate College. Responding to the changing needs of graduate students, GSAC identifies and clarifies the issues and makes recommendations to the Graduate College. GSAC is composed of fifteen appointed graduate students, representing the range of graduate programs at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In addition to the council members, each department has a graduate student who serves as a contact person for GSAC. Apart from GSAC, graduate student associations are active in many departments.

International Student Affairs

The Office of International Student Affairs (OISA) at 510 East Daniel Street, Champaign, provides a variety of services to international students at the University of Illinois including advice and counsel on matters affecting their adjustments to a new academic system and culture. The office assists students with employment clearances and financial matters. It provides advice and information on visas and other federal regulations applying to international students, alien income tax returns, insurance, housing problems, English language problems, or personal problems. In addition, it ensures that a broad range of programs is offered across campus to highlight its international flavor. American students may get involved with the office through the volunteer student group called Student Diplomats. For further information, contact OISA at 333-1303.

Rehabilitation Education Services

Since 1947 the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has pioneered in facilitating the education of students with disabilities. Campus facilities are among the best in the nation, and applications from persons with disabilities are welcomed. The Division of Rehabilitation Education Services in the College of Applied Life Studies is responsible for planning campus facilities to ensure that all are accessible to and usable by students with disabilities. The division also provides a variety of services and opportunities such as early registration, housing arrangements, transportation, prosthetic/wheelchair repair, physical therapy and functional training, medical services, counseling services, recreation and athletics, and services to the visually and hearing impaired. For information about graduate education and degree programs in rehabilitation education, with areas of concentration in counseling and administration, supported employment and rehabilitation engineering, applicants are encouraged to contact the director of the division at the Rehabilitation Education Center, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1207 South Oak Street, Champaign, IL 61820; (217) 333-4600.

Prospective students with permanent disabilities are strongly encouraged to communicate with the division prior to enrollment to ascertain how their particular program can be implemented. The division works closely with academic units to establish the manner in which degree requirements can be met.

Veterans Affairs

The Office of Veterans Affairs on the fourth floor of the Turner Student Services Building (333-0100) administers the GI Bill and other veterans educational benefits programs.

Office of Women's Programs

Services for students are administered at 2 Turner Student Services Building (333-3137). Special programs include Campus Acquaintance Rape Education (CARE), a Women's Programs Paraprofessionals peer advising group, a Women's Resources Directory, workshops, speakers, the Verdell Frazier Young awards for women who are continuing interrupted educations, and support groups that focus on a number of issues pertinent to women. The staff has general information especially for traditional-age and reentry-age women students.


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