NOTE: This document was generated from the 1995-1997
UIUC Programs of Study.
Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, but be advised
that requirements may have changed since this book was published.
Errors may have also been introduced in the conversion to a WWW
document. Thus for items of importance, it might be wise to seek
confirmation from either the paper version or a live human being.
Career Services
The Career Services Center in 310
Turner Student Services Building (333-0820) offers students a wide range of
career-related services, including individual and group counseling,
assistance on job search efforts, choice of major, career planning,
graduate and professional school admissions strategies, and help in
identifying postgraduate employment opportunities. The Career Exploration
Center has occupational literature and directory information, job search
aids, government career information, graduate and professional school
directories and resources, and special interest resources to assist women
and minorities with career and life planning. Each year, the center
sponsors many on-campus career seminars and workshops of interest to the
student community. The staff here also maintains permanent
credentials/recommendations files for students to use for graduate school
Health Professions
The Health Careers House at 901
Illinois Street, Urbana, (333-7079) provides advising and career counseling
for students interested in dentistry, medicine, osteopathic medicine,
optometry, pharmacy, and podiatry. This office maintains a complete
collection of catalogs from U.S. health professional schools as well as
information about foreign schools. A faculty evaluation service is provided
for the pre-health-professional major. Counselors are available on an
appointment basis to advise students on the preprofessional curriculum and
help them apply to professional schools.
The center, with one location on
the second floor of the Turner Student Services Building (333-3704) and one
location on the third floor of the McKinley Health Center (333-8360),
offers workshops and individual counseling to help students with career or
career-related problems. SIGI Plus career development computer program is
available at the Self-Help Infrormation Center in the Undergraduate
College Placement
Individual colleges and departments
on campus sponsor their own job placement programs for majors. These
offices provide advising and job search assistance. Each office makes
arrangements for employer representatives to conduct interviews on
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