Research and Instructional Resources: CENTER FOR WRITING STUDIES

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The Center for Writing Studies (CWS) facilitates research and promotes graduate study in the areas of rhetoric, written composition, language, and literacy. For graduate students pursuing M.A. or Ph.D. degrees in participating departments, the center offers a program leading to a specialization in writing and literacy research. Participating departments and programs include the Department of English, the Department of Speech Communication, the Division of English as an International Language, and the College of Education. Other campus units and programs with which faculty members are affiliated are the Beckman Institute, the Center for Advanced Study, the Center for the Study of Reading, the Institute for Communications Research, the Program for the Study of Cultural Values and Ethics, and the Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory.

The work of the center is focused around three principal areas: the historical, the theoretical, and the empirical study of writing. Specific interests include research in computers and composition studies, methods of rhetorical and functional language analysis, cognitive processes in message production, the development of language and literacy theory and policy, and problems in technical and scientific writing. Graduate training in scholarship and research is accompanied by an equally thorough preparation for teaching. CWS is also home to Computers and Composition , a journal for teachers of writing, and the CCCC Bibliography of Composition and Rhetoric.

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