The Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies offers an
interdisciplinary minor as a complement to the regular major for any
student enrolled in a major other than Latin American studies in the
sciences and letters curriculum in the College of Liberal Arts and
The dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences will
verify that the student has completed the program on the
recommendation of the director of the Center for Latin American and
Caribbean Studies and on completion of the following requirements:
1. Two courses (5 or 6 semester hours) in a Latin American language
(Spanish, Portuguese, or Quechua) beyond the level specified by the
LAS language requirement, or the equivalent as demonstrated by special
examination. At the end of their language study, all students are
urged to take an oral proficiency test based on ACTFL guidelines.
2. Fifteen semester hours of courses drawn from the Latin American
studies curriculum. The curriculum normally consists of courses with
50 percent or more Latin American content and is defined according to
a list maintained and regularly updated by the Center for Latin
American and Caribbean Studies.
a. One of these courses must be
LA ST 170--Introduction to Latin America.
b. No more than 6 hours may be chosen from a single
c. Six of the hours must be chosen from the 300-level course
d. Up to 6 hours of literature, but not language, courses may
be applied toward the total of 15 hours.
3. The 21 hours selected by students for the interdisciplinary minor
in Latin American studies should form a coherent program of
study. This program must be approved by the adviser of the Center for
Latin American and Caribbean Studies.
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