Twenty-one hours of course work, distributed as follows:
ENGL 101 (Introduction to Poetry), and no more than one other 100-level
literature course. It is strongly recommended that 101 be taken prior
to any advanced courses in the minor.
2. One 200-level course in British literature before 1800 (
ENGL 202,
ENGL 204,
ENGL 206,
ENGL 209), or
ENGL 118 (Introduction to Shakespeare). see footnote 1
3. One 200-level course in British or American literature after 1800
ENGL 210,
ENGL 240,
ENGL 241,
ENGL 242,
ENGL 243,
ENGL 244,
ENGL 247,
ENGL 249,
ENGL 256,
ENGL 259, or
ENGL 260).
see footnote 1
4. At least 6 hours (two courses) of 300-level work.
Six hours of advanced rhetoric courses (numbered 140 or
above) may be included in the above minor.
Footnotes: 1. With the written permission of the English honors adviser, English honors seminars may be substituted for these listed courses, when such seminars are available, open to nonmajors, and appropriate.
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