Spanish, Italian, or Portuguese Courses. At least 26 to 28 hours,
depending on major.
Supporting Course Work. 15 to 18 hours (chosen in consultation with
an adviser), or a minor (generally 18-21 hours).
The major in Spanish consists of a minimum of 28 hours in Spanish
SPAN 104
and supporting course work (15 hours) or a minor (generally
18-21 hours) in a related area.
1. At least 28 hours in Spanish courses above the 100 level, to
include 20 hours of core courses and 8 hours of electives.
SPAN 200
or equivalent advanced placement credit is a prerequisite for
most 200-level courses. The core courses must include: two language
courses (SPAN
210 and SPAN
214); one culture course (SPAN
240 or the indicated substitutions for the Culture of Spanish
America); one Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics (SPAN
260); two Introduction to Literature courses (SPAN
225 and SPAN
227); one Spanish Peninsular literature course (SPAN
250 or SPAN
252); one Spanish American literature course (SPAN
254 or SPAN
256). Students who wish Honors in Spanish must enroll in SPAN
The 8 additional hours, chosen by the student in consultation
with the adviser, may include course work from the following groups:
language (including linguistics), culture, literature, Spanish for
industry and commerce, translation/interpretation. Literature courses
in English will not count towards the major, except for SPAN
242 or SPAN
244, taken as a substitute for a departmental Spanish American
culture course.
2. At least 15 hours of supporting course work or a minor (generally
18-21 hours) in a related area of study, which will be chosen by the
student and approved by the adviser. Such areas may include, for
example, any other language and literature (including Portuguese,
Catalan, and Italian courses), Latin American studies (exclusive of
Spanish American literature courses), history, political science,
biology (pre-med), international law (prelaw), economics and finance,
business administration, education, architecture, fine arts, and
Year Abroad Program. See the Study
Abroad Programs.
The major in Italian consists of a minimum of 27 hours in Italian
ITAL 104
and supporting course work (15 hours) or a minor (generally
18-21 hours) in a related area. Specifically, the following are
1. At least 27 hours in Italian courses above the 100 level,
distributed as follows: one introductory course in the study of
Italian literature (ITAL
200); four courses in Italian literature (chosen from among ITAL
313, ITAL
314, ITAL
320, ITAL
330, ITAL
340, ITAL
342); two courses in Italian language (ITAL
208 and one of the following 210, 220, 222, 280, 302); one in
linguistics (ITAL
350 or ITAL
362), and one in Italian culture (ITAL
240, ITAL
306, ITAL
2. At least 15 hours of supporting course work or a minor
(approximately 18 hours) chosen in consultation with an adviser, in
one related area (or a combination, with no fewer than 8 hours in
each). Areas may include, for example, any other language and
literature, history, political science, biology (premed),
international law (prelaw), economics, finance, business
administration, education, architecture, fine arts, journalism.
The major in Portuguese consists of a minimum of 27 hours in
Portuguese beyond
PORT 104
and supporting course work (15 hours) or a minor
(generally 18-21 hours) in a related area. Specifically, the following
are required:
1. At least 27 hours in Portuguese courses above the 100 level. The
core courses for the major include PORT
200, PORT
210, PORT
212, PORT
220, PORT
304, PORT
306, 310, 320 and 362.
2. At least 15 hours of supporting course work or a minor
(approximately 18 hours) in a related area of study chosen by the
student and approved by the adviser. There is a wide choice of
supporting courses, because the student's interests may vary from
Iberian literature to animal husbandry in Angola and urbanology in
Brazil. Supporting areas may include humanities (comparative
literature, comparative religion, linguistics, philosophy), social
sciences (anthropology, geography, history, Latin American studies,
political science, sociology), education, fine and applied arts,
journalism. Other fields, or groups of fields, may be approved by the
undergraduate adviser.
Departmental Distinction. To be considered for departmental distinction, a student must maintain a 4.5 grade-point average and fulfill special additional requirements. See the department's honors adviser.
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