Liberal Arts and Sciences: Philosophy

NOTE: This document was generated from the 1995-1997 UIUC Programs of Study. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, but be advised that requirements may have changed since this book was published. Errors may have also been introduced in the conversion to a WWW document. Thus for items of importance, it might be wise to seek confirmation from either the paper version or a live human being.

Requirements. At least 44 hours.

Philosophy Courses. At least 26 hours

Supporting Course Work. At least 12 hours, plus 6 to 8 hours in a Western civilization sequence.

Philosophy is the oldest, broadest, and most fundamental form of inquiry. Some philosophical questions have to do with the understanding of ourselves and whatever else there may be. Others focus upon the nature of different forms of knowledge and experience, and upon ethical issues and problems of value. The study of philosophy is one of the most important elements in a good liberal education. It also improves one's ability to think clearly, and to construct, analyze, and criticize arguments of any kind.


The major in philosophy involves taking a minimum of 44 hours of philosophy and supporting course work, and consists of four parts: (1) the core philosophy courses (14 hours); (2) a program of supporting course work, involving at least 12 hours of course work in some other department(s); (3) a Western civilization sequence (6 to 8 hours); and (4) at least 12 hours of further course work in philosophy beyond the 100 level, including at least three additional 300-level courses.

Departmental Distinction. Eligibility for distinction may be pursued by either: (1) the thesis option, which requires at least 29 hours of philosophy courses (including 5 advanced courses), a grade-point average of 4.0 in all philosophy courses, and writing a thesis; or (2) the course work option, which requires 35 hours of philosophy (including 8 advanced courses) and a 4.5 grade-point average in all philosophy courses. For further information, inquire in the department office.

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