Physics Courses. 20 hours (200- or 300-level courses).
Supporting Course Work/Prerequisites. 10 or 11 hours of calculus, 12
hours of general physics, and 20 hours chosen in consultation with an
This major allows students maximum flexibility to develop
scientifically oriented careers in fields requiring a physics
background. Entering freshmen are expected to enroll for the fall term
PHYCS 100 (under development as
PHYCS 199B) when they will meet with other physics majors, learn about
the University, and explore physics as a profession. See also the
sections on the curriculum in engineering physics,
LAS physics,
LAS teaching of physics.
1. General physics and calculus satisfied by the sequence
PHYCS 106,
PHYCS 107, and
PHYCS 108, or equivalent, together with the sequence
MATH 120,
MATH 130, and
MATH 242,
MATH 285 and
MATH 280,
or equivalent.
2. Twenty hours of 200- or 300-level physics courses including
PHYCS 225,
PHYCS 326,
PHYCS 301,
PHYCS 335, and
PHYCS 336 see footnote 1 , and excluding
PHYCS 319.
3. Fourteen additional hours of course work oriented toward physical
science selected with departmental approval from the following areas,
with at least two courses in each area chosen: astronomy, atmospheric
sciences, chemistry, computer science, various branches of
engineering, environmental sciences, geology, life sciences,
mathematics, philosophy, social sciences, and education oriented
toward the teaching of science.
Departmental Distinction. Same as those listed under the
Curriculum in Physics.
Footnotes: 1. This represents revisions in the major pending final approval at time of publication.
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