Economics and Statistics Courses. 27 to 30 hours.
Supporting Course Work. 5 to 8 hours of mathematics, and 18 hours in
courses related to major interest in economics.
Economics is a social science that studies the problems caused by
scarcity and how individuals, institutions, and societies may deal
with these problems. Economics shares common interests with
business-oriented disciplines, such as finance and business
administration. Economists frequently require quantitative skills,
such as calculus and statistics, to derive economic principles that
are useful in forming policies designed to solve economic
The major in economics requires course work in three areas. For
further information, see the Economics Bulletin available in
the office of undergraduate studies of the department. The
requirements are:
1. Economics and Statistics. Introductory economics (ECON
102 and ECON
103) and at least 18 hours of additional economics, including ECON
300 and ECON
301 (but excluding ECON
199, ECON
295, and ECON
299); and 6 hours of statistics (ECON
172 and ECON
173 or equivalent).
2. Mathematics. The minimum requirement is MATH
125 and MATH
134; or MATH
120 and MATH
130; or MATH
121 and MATH
131; or equivalent (see Economics Bulletin ). Additional
mathematics courses are recommended.
3. Supporting Course Work. At least 18 hours in courses outside
economics but related to the student's major interest in economics
(see Economics Bulletin for details and examples).
Departmental Distinction. A student must have a grade-point average of at least 4.25 overall and at least 4.50 in
economics; complete a research project (e.g., complete ECON
294-295 or 299); and be recommended by the faculty research
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