Liberal Arts and Sciences: Geology

NOTE: This document was generated from the 1995-1997 UIUC Programs of Study. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, but be advised that requirements may have changed since this book was published. Errors may have also been introduced in the conversion to a WWW document. Thus for items of importance, it might be wise to seek confirmation from either the paper version or a live human being.

Geology Courses. 35-36 hours.

Supporting Course Work. 21 hours.

The major in geology is designed for students who want a more flexible course of study than is provided by the curriculum in geology and geophysics (see the Curriulum in Geology and Geophysics). It may be used by those wishing to obtain a more liberal education and/or background in geology for use in fields such as anthropology, business, mineral economics, regional planning, journalism, law, sales, or library and information science. It is not intended to prepare a student for graduate work in the geological sciences unless the student selects additional courses in mathematics, chemistry, and physics comparable to those required in the geology and geophysics curriculum.


Departmental Distinction. Students who maintain grade-point averages of at least 4.5 in all geology courses and 4.0 in all other science and mathematics courses and who complete an acceptable senior thesis, including at least four hours of credit in GEOL 292 or GEOL 293, are recommended for graduation with distinction.

Footnotes: 1. Students who decide to follow the geology major after first taking GEOL 101 or GEOL 111 or GEOL 100 and should enroll in GEOL 108; students who decide to follow the major after first taking GEOL 100 (without GEOL 110), GEOL 104, GEOL 105, GEOL 143 should enroll in GEOL 107. The combination of GEOL 101 (or GEOL 111 or GEOL 100 / GEOL 110) and GEOL 102 will be accepted as a substitute for GEOL 107 and GEOL 108, but students should be aware these courses are not intended for science majors.

Footnote 2. GEOL 317 is a summer field course taught off campus.

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