Requirements. At least 40 hours.
Geography Courses. 27 to 33 hours.
Supporting Course Work. 12 to 28 hours.
Students in geography must complete both the core courses in
geography and one of the seven options, for a total of at least 40
hours in the major.
A student who elects one of the options in general human and
physical geography, urban and social geography, historical and
regional studies, or economic geography is encouraged to include MATH
124 (Finite Mathmatics) and MATH
134 (Calculus for Social Scientists) as part of the undergraduate
program. The options in physical environment, natural resource
evaluation, and spatial graphics and analysis have specific
mathematics requirements as listed below.
Core in Geography (15 to 16 hours)
1 . Students must elect three introductory geography courses chosen
from physical geography (GEOG
102, GEOG
103) and human geography (GEOG
101, GEOG
104, GEOG
271--Spatial Analysis is required.
3. Students are strongly encouraged to elect GEOG
373--Map Compilation and Construction.
4. All students are encouraged to elect techniques courses as part of their programs. The techniques courses include GEOG 185, GEOG 273, GEOG 277, GEOG 290 (spatial programming), GEOG 370, GEOG 373, GEOG 375, GEOG 377, and GEOG 378.
1. Geography Courses. At least 6 hours of physical geography and 6
hours of human geography to be selected from 200- and 300-level
courses, excluding GEOG
2. Supporting Courses. 12 hours, chosen in consultation with the
adviser, from the following: agronomy, agricultural economics,
anthropology, atmospheric sciences, civil engineering, forestry,
geology, history, landscape architecture, life sciences, political
science, psychology, sociology, urban and regional planning.
3. At least 40 hours total in the major, including the core
1. Geography Courses. 12 hours chosen from GEOG 110, GEOG 204, GEOG 205, GEOG 284, GEOG 290, GEOG 294, GEOG 310, GEOG 325, GEOG 326, GEOG 365, GEOG 366, GEOG 383, GEOG 384.
2. Supporting Courses. 12 hours, chosen in consultation with the
adviser, from the following: agricultural economics, anthropology,
communications, economics, history, landscape architecture, political
science, psychology, sociology, urban and regional -- planning.
3. At least 40 hours in the major, including the core courses.
1. Geography Courses. 12 hours chosen from 200- and 300-level
physical geography courses (GEOG
203, GEOG
303, GEOG
304, GEOG
305, GEOG
GEOG 307,
GEOG 308,
GEOG 315,
GEOG 342).
Students may choose geomorphologic,
biogeographic, and climatic processes.
2. Supporting Courses.
120. Students in geomorphology must elect PHYCS
101; students in soils geomorphology must elect CHEM
101 and CHEM
b. Nine to 12 hours, chosen in consultation with the adviser,
of courses in agronomy, anthropology, atmospheric sciences, civil
engineering, forestry, geology, landscape architecture, and life
3. At least 46 hours total in the major, including the core
1. Geography Courses. 12 hours chosen from GEOG
110, GEOG
204, GEOG
224, GEOG
284, GEOG
290, GEOG
310, 325, 326, 327, 353, 355, 382, 383. Students may choose
historical geography, historic preservation, or the geography of a
continental region.
2. Students specializing in the study of a foreign area should
select an appropriate language in fulfilling the foreign language
3. Supporting Courses. 12 to 15 hours, chosen in consultation with
the adviser, of courses in African, Latin American, Russian and East
European, or West European area studies; American civilization; or
from architecture, history, landscape architecture, and urban and
regional planning.
4. At least 40 hours in the major, including the core courses.
1. Geography Courses. 9 hours chosen from GEOG 203, GEOG 214, GEOG 303, GEOG 304, GEOG 305, GEOG 306, GEOG 308, GEOG 341, GEOG 367; and 6 to 8 hours from the geographic technique courses (GEOG 277, GEOG 290 [spatial programming], GEOG 370, GEOG 373, GEOG 375, GEOG 377, GEOG 378.)
2. Supporting Courses.
101 and CHEM
102; MATH
124, MATH
134. Also ECON
101 should be included.
b. Six to 9 hours, chosen in consultation with the adviser,
of courses in agronomy, civil engineering, forestry, geology, life
3. At least 44 hours in the major, including the core courses.
1. Geography Courses. 15 to 17 hours, including GEOG 205, of which 9 hours normally will be chosen from GEOG 204, GEOG 290, GEOG 341, GEOG 365, GEOG 366, GEOG 367, 383, and 384; and 6 to 8 hours from the geographic technique courses (GEOG 185, GEOG 277, GEOG 290 [spatial programming], GEOG 370, GEOG 371, GEOG 373, GEOG 375, GEOG 377, GEOG 378.)
2. Supporting Courses.
b. Twelve to 15 hours, chosen in consultation with the
adviser, of courses in agricultural economics, civil engineering,
economics finance, political science sociology, and urban and regional
planning. ECON
360 is highly recommended.
3. At least 42 hours in the major, including the core courses.
1. Geography Courses. 15 hours, of which 9 to 12 will normally be
chosen from geographic techniques (GEOG
185, GEOG
277, GEOG
290 [spatial programming],
GEOG 370,
GEOG 373,
GEOG 375,
GEOG 377,
GEOG 378),
and the remaining from 200- and 300-level courses.
2. Supporting Courses.
112 and MATH
114 (if the student does not have mastery of that material from
high school); also MATH
124 and MATH
134 are strongly recommended.
b. Twelve to 15 hours, chosen in consultation with the
adviser, of courses in art and design; civil engineering;
communications; computer science; general engineering; landscape
architecture; mathematics; and urban and regional planning.
3. At least 47 hours total in the major, including the core
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