English Courses. 30 hours.
Supporting Course Work. 6 to 8 hours of Western/British
civilization, plus an official minor or 20 additional hours chosen in
consultation with an adviser, for a total of 24-29 hours.
The Department of English is organized to provide instruction in
literatures in English, literary theory and criticism, the English
language, expository and creative writing, writing studies, English
education, film, cultural studies, and closely related
fields. Students who major in English have many options in planning a
field of study, but the basic program is designed to accommodate
students who seek to broaden their familiarity with our literature, to
intensify their language skills for personal and professional reasons,
and to learn more about literature's relationship to the other arts,
history, philosophy, psychology, and the modern languages.
Students must complete the following:
1. English Courses. 30 hours, distributed as follows: ENGL
101--Introduction to Poetry (It is strongly recommended that this
course and the following three surveys be taken prior to advanced
courses in the major.) Three survey courses (ENGL
209--English Literature from the Beginning to 1798; ENGL
210--English Literature from 1798 to Present; and ENGL
255--Survey of American Literature, I); a 300-level Shakespeare
course; ENGL
300--Writing about Literature (which satisfies the University
Composition II requirement for English majors); and at least one
course from each of the following five groups:
Group I (British literature to 1800): ENGL
202, ENGL
204, ENGL
206, ENGL
315, ENGL
ENGL 321,
ENGL 326,
ENGL 327,
ENGL 328,
ENGL 329
Group II (British literature after 1800): ENGL
207, ENGL
208, ENGL
240, ENGL
247, ENGL
ENGL 334,
ENGL 335,
ENGL 341,
ENGL 342
Group III (American literature): ENGL 249, ENGL 256, ENGL 259, ENGL 260, ENGL 347, ENGL 350, ENGL 351
Group IV (major author other than Shakespeare): ENGL
311, ENGL
323, ENGL
343, ENGL
Group V (theme, mode, genre, and interdisciplinary
approaches): ENGL
213, ENGL
215, ENGL
241, ENGL
242, ENGL
ENGL 244,
ENGL 248,
ENGL 249,
ENGL 273,
ENGL 274,
ENGL 275,
ENGL 280,
ENGL 281,
ENGL 284,
ENGL 303,
ENGL 361,
ENGL 362,
ENGL 365,
ENGL 366,
ENGL 367,
ENGL 368,
ENGL 373,
ENGL 375,
ENGL 383,
ENGL 387
Each section of ENGL
300 will be designated to fulfill either the Shakespeare or one
group requirement; no single course can be used to fulfill the
requirement of more than one group, and at least 12 hours must be at
the 300 level.
2. Supporting Course Work. 24-29 hours. These hours will consist of
110 or HIST
111 and HIST
112 or HIST
113 (6-8 hours), HIST
231-232 (replacing 131, 132; 8 hours),or C LIT
141-142 (6 hours) plus one of the following options, with
the approval of the English adviser:
a. An official minor in another department or unit (typically
18-21 hours) or 20 additional hours in another department chosen in
consultation with an adviser.
b. Twenty hours comprising courses from two or more fields
and combined into an intellectually or professionally coherent
study. At least 6 hours of advanced (300-level or designated
200-level) courses are required. Up to 6 hours in English or cross
listed in English and not counted toward major requirements may be
approved for a topically organized study. Possibilities for topical
studies include prelaw, premedicine, precommerce, business
communications, marketing, publishing, medieval studies, and other
cross-disciplinary topics.
3. Special Recommendations.
-- Students interested in the departmental honors program should
consult the English Advising Office.
-- Students interested in the English teacher-training program must
consult with the teacher-training adviser, preferably by the middle of
the sophomore year. Requirements for the English teacher-training
program differ from requirements for the regular major and from the
general education requirements.
-- Students planning to enter graduate school should elect as many
300-level courses as possible, including a course in either Chaucer or
Milton; a course in the history or structure of the English language;
and a course in critical theory. Further, these students should
consult the specific requirements of the graduate schools they plan to
Departmental Distinction. A student interested in graduating with distinction or high distinction must enter the honors
program with at least a 4.25 grade-point average, complete three
honors seminars, and write a senior honors essay. To be considered for
highest distinction, a student must take an additional 3 hours and
complete a senior honors thesis. The level of distinction is assigned
by the honors committee on the basis of grade-point average, work in
English courses and in honors seminars, and the readers' evaluations
of the honors essay or honors thesis. Interested students should
consult the departmental honors adviser for details.
Rhetoric Courses. 15 hours.
English Courses. 15 hours of English and American literature.
Supporting Course Work. 6 to 8 hours of Western/British
civilization, plus an official minor or 20 additional hours chosen in
consultation with an adviser, for a total of 24-29 hours.
The advanced rhetoric program permits a student to work in one or
more of three disciplines: poetry, fiction, and/or exposition. Except
for the tutorial RHET
355, all courses are taught as workshops by a veteran faculty
consisting largely of producing writers. The program provides
excellent preparation for graduate work in writing.
Students must complete the following:
1. At least one course in expository writing, either RHET
143 or RHET
2. Twelve additional hours of rhetoric selected from RHET
144, RHET
146, RHET
204, RHET
227, RHET
304, RHET
306, and RHET
355. With the written permission of a rhetoric adviser, 3 of these
12 hours may be selected from the following courses: ENGL
301, ENGL
302, ENGL
303, ENGL
B&T W 250,
B&T W 253,
B&T W 261,
B&T W 263,
B&T W 271;
210, SPCOM
315, SPCOM
317, SPCOM
322, SPCOM
323, SPCOM
332; JOURN
326; and PHIL
3. One course in Shakespeare (ENGL
318 or ENGL
4. Twelve additional hours of English and American literature
courses selected from 200- and 300-level courses.
5. Supporting Course Work . 24-29 hours. These hours will consist of
110 or HIST
111 and HIST
112 or
HIST 113
(6-8 hours),
HIST 231-HIST 232
HIST 131,
HIST 132;
8 hours), or
C LIT 141-C LIT 142
(6 hours), plus one of the following options, with
the approval of a rhetoric adviser.
a. An official minor in another department or unit (typically
18-21 hours) or 20 additional hours in another department chosen in
consultation with an adviser.
b. Twenty hours comprising courses from two or more fields
and combined into an intellectually or professionally coherent
At least 6 hours of advanced (300-level or designated
200-level courses) are required. Up to 6 hours in English or cross
listed in English and not counted toward major requirements may be
approved for a topically organized study. Possibilities for topical
studies include prelaw, premedicine, precommerce, business
communications, marketing, publishing, medieval studies, and other
cross-disciplinary topics.
Departmental Distinction. A student must enter the honors
program with a 4.25 grade-point average and complete two English
honors seminars and a significant writing project in RHET
355. The level of distinction is assigned by the honors committee
based on work in rhetoric courses and honors seminars and on the
readers' evaluations of the writing project. Interested students
should consult the departmental adviser for details.
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