For the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
The following suggested curriculum is one way in which the student
may satisfy, in eight semesters, all of the conditions below. Besides
the 68 hours of specific, required courses, it lists certain electives
as suggested courses for students who desire a moderate level of
specialization. These electives may be replaced with other courses
that satisfy the conditions below.
When registering in or graduating from this curriculum, a student
must have a grade-point average of at least 3.0 (A = 5.0) in all
electrical and computer engineering courses taken before such
registration or graduation. To qualify for registration in the
electrical and computer engineering courses shown in the third
(junior) year of the curriculum in electrical engineering, a student
must have completed, with a combined grade-point average of 3.25, the
mathematics, physics, computer science, and electrical and computer
engineering courses that are shown in the first (freshman) and second
(sophomore) years of the curriculum.
The curriculum requires 128 hours for graduation. The electrical
engineering curriculum includes the following requirements:
A. 68 hours of specific required courses.
B. 2 hours from two elective electrical and computer engineering
laboratory courses (to be selected by the student in consultation with
his or her adviser from the departmentally approved list).
C. 13 hours of electrical and computer engineering electives (to
be selected by the student in consultation with his or her adviser
from the departmentally approved list).
D. 21 hours of technical electives (to be selected by the student
in consultation with his or her adviser from the departmentally
approved list).
(1) At least 12 hours from areas outside electrical and computer
(2) At least 10 hours from 300-level courses.
(3) At least 9 hours from courses offered by the College of Engineering.
(4) At least one course from the departmentally approved list of
engineering science electives outside of electrical and computer
(5) At least one course from the departmentally approved list of
advanced mathematics courses.
E. Each student must satisfy the social sciences and humanities
requirements of the College of Engineering. Students entering in fall
1994 and later must also satisfy the campus general education
requirements for social sciences and humanities.
F. 6 hours of free electives (to be selected by the student in
consultation with his or her adviser in accordance with the
regulations of the college).
(1) One elective course must satisfy the general education
Composition II requirement. See the
Composition I and II requirement.
A curriculum revision was pending at the time of publication. See
a departmental adviser for more information.
footnote 1. All courses shown without superscript letters are required
First year see footnote 1
4 CHEM 101--General Chemistry
0 ENG 100--Engineering Lecture
5 MATH 120--Calculus and Analytic Geometry, I
4 RHET 105--Principles of Composition
3 Elective in social sciences or humanities see footnote 2
16 Total
4 CHEM 102--General Chemistry (Biological or Physical Version)
3 MATH 130--Calculus and Analytic Geometry, II
4 PHYCS 106--General Physics (Mechanics)
2 C S 101--Introduction to Computing for Application to Engineering and Physical Science
3 RHET 133 see footnote 3 --Principles of Composition
16 Total
Second year
1 C S 110--Programming Laboratory
3 MATH 242--Calculus of Several Variables
4 PHYCS 107--General Physics (Heat, Electricity, and Magnetism)
3 SPCOM 101 see footnote 3 --Principles of Effective Speaking
6 Electives in social sciences or humanities see footnote 2
17 Total
2 ECE 244--Electrical Engineering Laboratory, I
4 ECE 270--Introduction to Circuit Analysis
3 ECE 290--Introduction to Computer Engineering
3 MATH 285--Differential Equations and Orthogonal Functions
4 PHYCS 108--General Physics (Light, Sound, and the Structure of Matter)
16 Total
Third year
3 ECE 229--Introduction to Electromagnetic Fields
3 ECE 309--Signal and System Analysis
3 ECE 340--Solid State Electronic Devices
3 MATH 280 see footnote 4 --Advanced Calculus
3 M E 209 see footnote 4 --Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
15 Total
3 ECE 342--Electronic Circuits
1 ECE 343--Electronic Circuits Laboratory
3 ECE 350--Lines, Fields, and Waves
3 ECE 313 see footnote 4 --Probabilistic Methods of Signal and System Analysis
3 ECE 330 see footnote 4 --Electromechanics
3 MATH 315 see footnote 4 --Linear Transformations and Matrices
16 Total
Fourth year
1 Electrical and computer engineering laboratory see footnote 5
6 Electrical and computer engineering electives see footnote 6
3 C S 257 see footnote 4 --Numerical Methods
3 PHYCS 383 see footnote 4 --Atomic Physics and Quantum Theory
3 Elective in social sciences or humanities see footnote 2
16 Total
2 ECE 345--Senior Design Project Laboratory
1 Electrical and computer engineering laboratory see footnote 5
7 Electrical and computer engineering electives see footnote 6
6 Electives in social sciences or humanities see footnote 2
16 Total
footnote 2. Elective to be selected--see section E above
footnote 3. Suggested free elective--see section F above
footnote 4. Suggested technical elective--see section D above
footnote 5. Elective to be selected--see section B above
footnote 6. Elective to be selected--see section C above
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